Whitby Accident Victim Identified

u guys worry too much about this rider on what is he going to get i bet u most of you including me ride drive like maniacs and we should thank God sh.. like that hasnt happen to us yet...so realy who cares what he gets,he is goin to get what the judge will give him the judge at the same time is human being he could be wrong on his decisions so bottom line we dont realy know what happen that night .....so its not fair to say he should get this or that , just let it go shes dead hes in jail its over now i promise you he wont do the same ever again :P

I am nothing like you.

When i bought my last 10R and had it on the street. I took the passenger pegs off, and sold them along with the passenger seat. I've ever been totally comfortable riding with a passenger. As the rider their safety is my responsibility, and on the street there are just too many things outside of my control. There's certain precautions I can take, but if that guy in that minivan is going to turn left in front of me... there's not much I can do to about it. I asked myself what would happen if someone I cared about was on the back and something bad happened to them? Would I be able to cope with that? The next day I took the passenger pegs and seat off the bike.

I rode a ridiculously overpowered ZX-10R on the street for 3 years and never got a speeding ticket. I only ever got pulled over for a few of those random spot checks.

I have no sympathy for this rider. There certainly are aspects of that night that we are uncertain of, but this we know... He failed in his responsibility to take care of his passenger. Given your attitude, if something bad happens to you don't expect any sympathy from me.
Operating a motorcycle or riding a motorcycle. Driving a car or driving in a car. It's a crap-load of semantics.

The vast majority of people who run on a motorcycle get away, with no repercussions. That is not an endorsement of the act; it's a statement of fact, based on conversations with officers. As far as I'm concerned when you run, you're giving evidence that you're guilty of something far worse than a simple traffic infraction. It wouldn't phase me in the least if police pursue, PIT, use stop-sticks, or even resort to those rocket propelled nets that were developed for Japanese police to use in catching Bosozuku, in order to stop you. You run. They chase. You get caught or become a grease stain. Tough to be you.

So they've charged someone in this woman's death. We won't hear about the results for 2 years, if ever.

So what about that Mahoney-Bruer guy anyway?
The vast majority of people who run on a motorcycle get away, with no repercussions. That is not an endorsement of the act; it's a statement of fact, based on conversations with officers.

Sorta what i mean when i suggest mentorship. But when you making a point, or sounding enlightened, is more important than showing concern for spreading "info squids dont need to hear from a position of authority (?)" i suppose it's ok.

People are supposed to look up to mods, and here you are substantiating the fact that most runners get away. Just so you can post with the cool kids.

The "i dont endorse it" *** covering is the icing on the cake.

Now time for backpeddling and calling of troll.

Or banning.
+1. I sold the rear seat, and reversed the direction of my passenger pegs to use to jack the bike up when i need to get at the shock.

Bike suspension does not have the dynamic range to do a good job in both situations, and i'm not taking someone elses life into my own hands on a bike. Ever.

Dude was a chump. And not a young chump either. Even if 1/2 of "what we know" is total BS he's hopefully going to get all he can be charged with, and have his life ruined.

I am nothing like you.

When i bought my last 10R and had it on the street. I took the passenger pegs off, and sold them along with the passenger seat. I've ever been totally comfortable riding with a passenger. As the rider their safety is my responsibility, and on the street there are just too many things outside of my control. There's certain precautions I can take, but if that guy in that minivan is going to turn left in front of me... there's not much I can do to about it. I asked myself what would happen if someone I cared about was on the back and something bad happened to them? Would I be able to cope with that? The next day I took the passenger pegs and seat off the bike.

I rode a ridiculously overpowered ZX-10R on the street for 3 years and never got a speeding ticket. I only ever got pulled over for a few of those random spot checks.

I have no sympathy for this rider. There certainly are aspects of that night that we are uncertain of, but this we know... He failed in his responsibility to take care of his passenger. Given your attitude, if something bad happens to you don't expect any sympathy from me.
Sorta what i mean when i suggest mentorship. But when you making a point, or sounding enlightened, is more important than showing concern for spreading "info squids dont need to hear from a position of authority (?)" i suppose it's ok.

People are supposed to look up to mods, and here you are substantiating the fact that most runners get away. Just so you can post with the cool kids.

The "i dont endorse it" *** covering is the icing on the cake.

Now time for backpeddling and calling of troll.

Or banning.

I'm here to enforce the rules, not to be a mentor. If you think that people need mentorship then I suggest that you provide it yourself, rather than telling others to do it.
Sorta what i mean when i suggest mentorship. But when you making a point, or sounding enlightened, is more important than showing concern for spreading "info squids dont need to hear from a position of authority (?)" i suppose it's ok.

People are supposed to look up to mods, and here you are substantiating the fact that most runners get away. Just so you can post with the cool kids.

The "i dont endorse it" *** covering is the icing on the cake.

Now time for backpeddling and calling of troll.

Or banning.


You really need to stop grindng that axe of your's, lest you slip, fall and cut your own neck with it.

Rob is saying nothing more than what are the facts and realities. He's a realist, expressing the realities of road crime in Ontario. He's been around to see it all, and write a pretty darn good book while he's at it, if he was so oriented. I've ridden with him, and i know he doesn't need me around to defend him, but i still feel the need to speak out for him, as this isn't the first thread i've seen with you baselessly calling him out.

You on the other hand, seem to be Rob's personal stalker - I really don't know what your major malfunction is with Rob, but it's getting old, fast.

What do you want him to do .. say "Run == BAD! NO ONE GETS AWAY! It's all perfect Policing with a bullet in the back of the head at the side of the road, if you even think about it!"

Get real.

/end thread-jack.
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If you think that people need mentorship then I suggest that you provide it yourself, rather than telling others to do it.

That would require him getting off his soapbox, the preaching of the Gospel According to Danky to cease, and the sarcasm to be cut by 97 percent. Somehow I don't see that happening.
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Isn't about here when Paul shows up and says "the conversation has ran it Corse" and closes the thread..or something like that
After the passenger fell off would stopping have made any difference to the outcome of the passenger? not condoning the riders actions, everything we know about him says he was a tool, just asking for the purpose of discussion.

Gotta agree here. You going at almost 200km on 401 traffic around wind flying by, adrenaline pumping. How long does it take for you to realize the passenger is gone, how far are you away, how much time does it take you to stop, how many vehicles behind.

At this point its just stopping to face the harsh facts. Absolutly nothing can be done.
At this point its just stopping to face the harsh facts. Absolutly nothing can be done.

Oh, other than the fact that unless you are either a. a psychopath, or b. a sociopath in which case it won't bother you at all, other than the fact that you quite possibly just either seriously injured or outright killed that 'dead weight' behind you... no stopping to face the music now! After all, she's just ... dead, right?

I know, details, details.. and not directed specifically at you. Just general outrage that someone, indeed, did treat the passenger 'get off' so callously.
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After a quick check, there's nothing that I could find. In serious criminal charges you could be looking at 2-3 years, before it comes to trial.
After a quick check, there's nothing that I could find. In serious criminal charges you could be looking at 2-3 years, before it comes to trial.

Does that mean he's still in custody awaiting trial or did he make bail?
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No news that I can find. Then again the usual "media outlet" sensationalists find far less fun in announcing an outcome, than they do in stirring the pot.
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