Whitby Accident Victim Identified

Any info on this ********* Rashid Soujah yet?

Sitting in jail awaiting trial?

Found this on another forum. A girl who dated the guy posted this:

"The Girl that was on the back of the bike was Ioana Bocunescu, 40 years old, she was a very nice girl very intelligent, with a bright furture behind her ... the dumbass driving the bike .. his name is Rashid Soujah AKA Rich , Richard- Richie Rich- The Rich One .. whom I dated for 4 years ... he is arab'' an has no repect for anybody' make a long story short : this would be why I left him .. Ioana was wearing my helment at the time of her death, I have been in her place when soujah decided to make a run from the cops, very scarey - never got back on the bike again- he had no reguard for my life what so ever or the fact that I have 4 kids that could of lost thier mommy ! Special Investigations Unit came to my house asking me questions about dumb ***, I was in tears for two reasons .. I saw the news the night before and thought OMG ' that poor girl, and two .. that could of been me ! I can't say I have ever heard any moaning on the hwy when I pass the spot .. but I can tell u this .. dumb *** is serving ONLY 3 years in prision for taking this beautiful girls life away from her .. she was a sister a daughter a friend and a grand daughter ! This scum bag took a life with no thought of anything but saving his own *** & left her there to die- he should of recieved a life time behind bars !
Cheers Mama T33 <3 "

Looks like another prime example of the canadian justice system in action.

This was posted in the same thread...

"I just read something here which triggered me to write this story.
About 1 month or so in the late evening a motorcylist was driving down the hyway at a very high speed, he was weaving in and out of traffic as 1 whitness said and she felt he was irresponsable because he had a passenger on the back , he flew by her in the fast lane and a few miles down the road she hit something on the road and saw flashing lights , she felt glad to know the police had got this guy befor someone got hurt so she carried on not seeing the bike.
The next day she saw to her horror , that the police were in persuit of the bike when he accelorated and dumped his passenger off the back going over 100 km hr. her little body was struck by several cars until she was broken apart ( sorry for the graphics )
He was never found and noone who hit her came to the police , everyone kept driving .
What I want to say is I drive this hyway daily and although they have repaved it due to the stains, I hear a loud moaning everytime i get to this spot, my daughter has also heard it and refuses to drive there now.
This woman who died there was decapitated and they had to close the hyway to find her body parts, I just wonder if they really ever found them all .
Please pray they get this monster and pray for her soul. "
Seriously? You're gonna go there...? I hate to break it to you but the first car to hit her was a MALE and a COP. Apparently he didn't realise either because he never stopped.

One of, but I don't think that it was ever determined that it was the first.

It's dark and you're on a highway. The thing that you just hit could have been a person or a bag of garbage, that fell off the back of a truck. When you see it for a split second before it's under your car, you aren't likely to be able to tell.
the dumbass driving the bike .. his name is Rashid Soujah AKA Rich , Richard- Richie Rich- The Rich One .. whom I dated for 4 years ... he is arab'' an has no repect for anybody' make a long story short : this would be why I left him ..

Wow, it only took 4 years for her to see this guy was bad news? Who's really the dumbass?
Wow, it only took 4 years for her to see this guy was bad news? Who's really the dumbass?

I've known some girls who dates some guys & wonder how they got cheated on. Some ppl are such a bad judge of character

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I've known some girls who dates some guys & wonder how they got cheated on. Some ppl are such a bad judge of character

Sent from my phone using my paws

"Bad Boy Syndrome"; they forget that a bad boy is a bad boy, and they aren't going to change him.
What's the jail time for first offense murder?

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That's a rather broad question. For example cutting someone up into little bits after slicing his throat is a far cry from just not caring if what you do results in someone's death.
If she was a loved one would you be satisfied with this punishment? I know I'd be less than satisfied to say the least. Our justice system dropped the ball this time

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If she was a loved one would you be satisfied with this punishment? I know I'd be less than satisfied to say the least. Our justice system dropped the ball this time

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Would anyone be satisfied if their loved one was the one who died? That's why the law must be applied dispassionately.
I have no connection at all with the victim, and I think life behind bars would be insufficient.
I have no connection at all with the victim, and I think life behind bars would be insufficient.

life in canada is around 7-10 years, but i get your drift.

however its pretty sad when people get more jail time for tax evasion than for murdering someone. by giving someone 3 years for taking another human being's life your saying thats all their life was worth
This is why I kind of like the felony murder concept.
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