Whitby Accident Victim Identified

Sat Sep 18 13:44:05 EDT 2010
Police make arrest after woman falls from motorcycle, dies

Police have made an arrest three weeks after a woman fell off the back of a motorcycle and was run over on Highway 401 in Whitby. The motorcycle's driver did not stop.

North York's Rashid Soujah, 37, has been charged with manslaughter.

For more information, read the story on CP24.com or tune in to CP24.

At least they caught him...
Yeah because starting a homicide investigation from scratch should be wrapped up in 12 hours.
Sarcasm? Yeah...it is about time he was caught. It would have been better had they caught him that night or if he turned himself in. It wasn't meant as a dig against the investigating police or the SIU. You're probably just too used to everyone around here being a cop hater.
Sarcasm? Yeah...it is about time he was caught. It would have been better had they caught him that night or if he turned himself in. It wasn't meant as a dig against the investigating police or the SIU. You're probably just too used to everyone around here being a cop hater.

What makes you think he didn't turn himself in?
What makes you think he didn't turn himself in?
After three weeks? Not likely but really it doesn't matter to me. So long as justice is served as best as possible. I would think it more likely that if he was going to turn himself if in, he would have done so within 24hrs once the shock of what happened eases up a bit.
u guys worry too much about this rider on what is he going to get i bet u most of you including me ride drive like maniacs and we should thank God sh.. like that hasnt happen to us yet...so realy who cares what he gets,he is goin to get what the judge will give him the judge at the same time is human being he could be wrong on his decisions so bottom line we dont realy know what happen that night .....so its not fair to say he should get this or that , just let it go shes dead hes in jail its over now i promise you he wont do the same ever again :P
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^ Sorry...I don't share your empathy for the rider.

Even if we all agree that we *don't* know what happened that day...I sure as hell know that I'd stop if I knew my passenger fell off. The safety and life of another human being trumps any and all HTA violation or criminal charge I could possibly get from a traffic stop.

You admit that you drive like a maniac - that's your choice. But as soon as that choice affects people other than yourself, I hope that you're held accountable to the fullest degree of the law.
^You admit that you drive like a maniac - that's your choice. But as soon as that choice affects people other than yourself, I hope that you're held accountable to the fullest degree of the law.

I'd prefer that he gets held accountable for driving "like a maniac" before it affects other people.
dont worry man i get speedin tickets n i pay them but i never hit anyone i am a good maniac driver.....so just let it go now..
I'm pretty sure Darwin is on your side.

What kind of bike you ride? Can i have dibs on the forks....?
Forks won't be any good.
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