To read these threads is funny and scary at the same time. They haven't released much info because it is STILL being investigated. All you guys with your messed up theories and understanding of how it "really went", are very confused, and perhaps should start writing drama books.
The girls fell off bike for UNKNOWN reasons, the rider CARELESSLY rode away after reasonable knowledge that he had lost his passenger (criminal offense in itself),the riders name has not been released EVEN if they have a suspect or "persons of interest" because that in itself could hinder the investigation, and the fact that numerous drivers struck this victim and then proceeded to not stop, is not only almost TYPICAL behavior of persons in this situation, it is almost understood. I have worked in this exact field for over 8 years and although this sounds very horrible, the only person who behaved innappropriately and WILL be punished, will be the rider of the bike. The persons who struck this girl I'm certain will NOT be charged and are only being sought (if not found already), to assist in the investigation.
All these theories of him "purposely making her fall off to avoid capture", or the cops "hiding the story to cover their own buts", or anything else I keep reading here are not only VERY incorrect and almost comical, but in my opinion very dis-respecting to the girls family. These "stories" are yet another reason Police are so vague with what details they release. Now when they have CREDIBLE information provided to them, it carries much more weight because it is not just a "twisted up story that was made up by groups of people that have their own story making ways to change things".
May this passenger rest in peace, and may this rider get his day to explain his actions so that we THEN can understand his mindset at the time, and THEN he can pay for his actions. NOTHING anyone will ever do will make him pay enough, or bring back this PRESUMED INNOCENT lady passenger, who I'm VERY certain did not simply "jump" off this bike for all the crazy reasons some of you feel she may have.