Whitby Accident Victim Identified

It would be nice if they would release some details on the bike and rider (whatever descriptions they have) because many here myself included would be glad to help identify the culprit (if we can).

I had hoped they already knew who he was but I am starting to doubt that now...

SIU isn't so much worried about who was driving the motorcycle or what kind it is etc. They are investigating if there was any criminal offence committed by the police officer.

The police are investigating the actual incident.
Every time I see a comment like this, referring to this incident: "they consider this is a big scar to the motorcycling community" it causes me the biggest roll eyes of all time. I just don't get how anyone can actually correlate that the one incident has anything at all to do with the other subject. If you gave it two seconds thought, you would recall that people in cars have hit and run and killed pedestrians many times in the past. You have heard of this happening have you not?

I think what is more at the crux here, is that people aren't able to properly communicate their disgust and dismay when crap like this happens in the real world. And as riders, we tend to feel/assume a greater camaraderie amongst ourselves, so when something with a level of injustice that causes such a tragic outcome, we are outraged. And spontaneous outrage often creates a bit of a brain fart. Fortunately, we don't encounter the triggers often enough to find just the perfect way to express our contempt.

But for once and for all, please do not keep associating this incident with riders and motorcycles. Non riders or anyone else reading this who also are dealing with the same outrage may be on the fence with their thoughts on where to attempt to lay blame. By members here suggesting that it has anything to do with motorcycles instead of it being a isolated incident of its own, might actually influence the general public into going "hey ya....those bastard bikers".

I respectfully ask that you think about it and stop considering this having anything at all to do with motorcycling and riders.

It's the exact same between lawful gun owners and a jackass shootin up jane and finch with a stolen handgun.
It's the exact same between lawful gun owners and a jackass shootin up jane and finch with a stolen handgun.

Many are sensitive when someone in their "community" does wrong as they feel it reflects badly on all members of the community. The truth is that we are more critical of "our own" than the rest of the world is.

I think the reason there isn't much news on this is that (sadly) no one seems to really care about it. It's old news.. Someone died. Wow! Next.

I have friends that are serious riders and they are barely aware that this happened. One lives in Whitby so this is almost his backyard. Another riding friend was aware the highway was closed that night and it took him longer to get home.. but he didn't know what had happened except for it being another bike fatality.

The vast majority of peole don't think beyond what they are told to think about. No news on this, no thought about it.

^ "The truth is that we are more critical of "our own" than the rest of the world is."

I can see that, Tom. Good point.

Same with Smoke's simile.

And Shadow if you happen to see this, I can appreciate what you said to a degree. I still think though, that it is better to not perpetuate a negative theory or trend against us.
I sorta disagree as well.

When you read about motorcycle related stuff, it's sensationalized. always. And as riders represent a VERY small percentage of all vehicles on the road, we are totally open to the capricious opinion of the general public. They are NOT on the fence thanks to all the stupid things that riders do, and the maroons who report it to sell hair conditioner or Amish wood heaters.

More to the point, if people who ride took more pride in their skills, respect for the road, and keep training to be the best rider they can be, we might be treated with more respect by others on the road.

Think about that when some idiot posts on here about running, or stunting on the open street, or how to wheelie and such.

The young guys with no self control are going to ruin it for the next gen of riders coming up and they don't give a damn.

Or know how to spell....

real mouthful there, Dan..
When will the police adhere to the protocols set up after tragedies like this happen.A few years ago in Rockwood we lost a young rider to a police chase that wasn't called off.I'm not advocating fleeing as an alternative to stunting tickets but if a rider decides to exercise this option ,they are supposed to back off and use the radio.
These protocols were set up to avoid tragedies but the macho officers involved obviously wanted to get their man and polish the tin star.
We all make mistakes in life but not considering anothers life when deciding to flee is far to reckless.
I hope they catch this rider and give them some time to think about his actions.I also hope the cop gets what's coming to him but that's probaly wishing upon a star considering my experience with the SIU.And Yes they showed up at my door investigating the above mentioned chase.
All that came from it was a memorial to some young man who lost control in a moment of panic.No word on how the cop was handled but he probaly got a promotion.
RIP Lady -I hope that cop gets a beat busting outhouse peepers.
When will the police adhere to the protocols set up after tragedies like this happen.A few years ago in Rockwood we lost a young rider to a police chase that wasn't called off.I'm not advocating fleeing as an alternative to stunting tickets but if a rider decides to exercise this option ,they are supposed to back off and use the radio.
These protocols were set up to avoid tragedies but the macho officers involved obviously wanted to get their man and polish the tin star.
We all make mistakes in life but not considering anothers life when deciding to flee is far to reckless.
I hope they catch this rider and give them some time to think about his actions.I also hope the cop gets what's coming to him but that's probaly wishing upon a star considering my experience with the SIU.And Yes they showed up at my door investigating the above mentioned chase.
All that came from it was a memorial to some young man who lost control in a moment of panic.No word on how the cop was handled but he probaly got a promotion.
RIP Lady -I hope that cop gets a beat busting outhouse peepers.

Ah, another "everything is the cops fault, not mine" poster. Great. :rolleyes:

I believe in personal responsibility, if you run from the cops, regardless of the reason, you risk not only the long arm of the law but the clothesline of karma. Not liking the law your breaking doesn't give one the right to run from the consequences and, if you choose to run, you are responsible for everything that happens after it.
Ah, another "everything is the cops fault, not mine" poster. Great. :rolleyes:

I believe in personal responsibility, if you run from the cops, regardless of the reason, you risk not only the long arm of the law but the clothesline of karma. Not liking the law your breaking doesn't give one the right to run from the consequences and, if you choose to run, you are responsible for everything that happens after it.

I could care less if the person that runs get injured my personal issue with police chases is that 2 vehicles travelling at dangerous speeds is much more dangerous than 1. If the cop slams into a car carrying your family while in pursuit rather than radioing ahead what would be your stance then?
Ah, another "everything is the cops fault, not mine" poster. Great. :rolleyes:

I believe in personal responsibility, if you run from the cops, regardless of the reason, you risk not only the long arm of the law but the clothesline of karma. Not liking the law your breaking doesn't give one the right to run from the consequences and, if you choose to run, you are responsible for everything that happens after it.
Actually I put the onus on the rider to ensure the safety of his passenger and others on the road.The cops chasing them only aggravates the situation and helps create a worse scenario for all.Ride safe and man up when you break the laws is the best choice.But inversely the police should have to live by the rules society has created for all.
Let me get this straight. Too many posts to drag through. Has anyone distinguished, without a doubt, that there was a police 'chase'? Or was it the officer had to catch up and pull in behind, then flip on the cherries? IMO, it would have been actually counter-productive to not be behind the bike in order to allow the rider to see the lights. If the bike didn't stop (not run though) then perhaps a pull up alongside in case the rider did not see the lights?
When I have been pulled over in my cage, the officer was BEHIND me....Is this supposed to be any different for a bike or other vehicle???
Therefore, how can the officer be slammed for attempting to have the rider stop? The rider ran whilst leaving a pilon in the road...
If the officer pursued, then that is a whole new ballgame.
I could care less if the person that runs get injured my personal issue with police chases is that 2 vehicles travelling at dangerous speeds is much more dangerous than 1. If the cop slams into a car carrying your family while in pursuit rather than radioing ahead what would be your stance then?

Good point. Again, the cops are chasing for a reason. Therefore, if the cops flip on the cherries to pull someone over EVERYTHING that happens after is the responsibility of the person they are chasing. If the cop car should run into someone during the chase, the person running should face additional charges as a result as all of it could have been avoided if they would have stopped in the first.

What you guys are advocating is that the police should stop all chases the moment someone tries to flee. That's total BS.

In this particular case of the rider falling off, it sounds like a cop attempted pursuit but obviously never got close otherwise they'd have a plate. That would indicate the rider took off hard which resulted in a life lost. I don't see how it matters how hard the police pursued, the rider had no intention of stopping and had no qualms whatsoever of putting the public at risk in order to get away. This is exactly the type of rider/person we need to rid the roads of.
When will the police adhere to the protocols set up after tragedies like this happen.A few years ago in Rockwood we lost a young rider to a police chase that wasn't called off.I'm not advocating fleeing as an alternative to stunting tickets but if a rider decides to exercise this option ,they are supposed to back off and use the radio.
These protocols were set up to avoid tragedies but the macho officers involved obviously wanted to get their man and polish the tin star.
We all make mistakes in life but not considering anothers life when deciding to flee is far to reckless.
I hope they catch this rider and give them some time to think about his actions.I also hope the cop gets what's coming to him but that's probaly wishing upon a star considering my experience with the SIU.And Yes they showed up at my door investigating the above mentioned chase.
All that came from it was a memorial to some young man who lost control in a moment of panic.No word on how the cop was handled but he probaly got a promotion.
RIP Lady -I hope that cop gets a beat busting outhouse peepers.

I don't think there was any mention of pursuit in any reports........comments that suggest police misconduct without merit are just as ludicrous as the suggestion itself.

I'm sure there are specific protocols regarding when to engage and when to call off any pursuit.

Just what is the incentive to pull over if it's generally accepted police won't pursue? The good will of person violating the law?
When will the police adhere to the protocols set up after tragedies like this happen.A few years ago in Rockwood we lost a young rider to a police chase that wasn't called off.I'm not advocating fleeing as an alternative to stunting tickets but if a rider decides to exercise this option ,they are supposed to back off and use the radio.
These protocols were set up to avoid tragedies but the macho officers involved obviously wanted to get their man and polish the tin star.

Huh? The protocols were adhered to.

The "macho" problem here lay with the kid and his buddy on the other motorcycle who just didn't know when to back off. The pursuit was called off two kilometers away from where the crash occurred. The crash itself occurred at the entry to what best can be described as a very slight kink (can barely even call it a bend) in the road.. I remember this one quite well and remember the helmet stuck on a roadside memorial that was set up for a while on the south side of Harris, which has been gone now for at least a couple of years now..

SIU Concludes Investigation in Rockwood Motorcycle Collision
August 7, 2001
The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (S.I.U.) Peter A. Tinsley, has determined there is no basis to reasonably believe that an Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) officer and a Guelph Police Service officer are criminally liable for a single motorcycle collision on June 8, 2001 in Rockwood.

The driver of the motorcycle, 20-year-old Brent Wilkins, suffered fatal injuries when he failed to negotiate a curve northbound on Harris Street, left the roadway and collided with a telephone poll.

The SIU investigation determined that a Guelph Police Service officer was involved in a pursuit of Mr. Wilkins and a friend riding a second motorcycle. The two motorcycles were first noticed in Guelph as they were traveling east on Highway 7 at a high rate of speed. Shortly before the intersection with Main Street South in Rockwood, the officer activated his emergency lights. Mr. Wilkins fled rapidly down Main Street while the police officer continued to pursue the second motorcyclist for a short distance along Main Street until the pursuit was terminated because of the associated risks. There is no evidence pertaining to the possible involvement of a police pursuit on Harris Street prior to Mr. Wilkins' collision.

We all make mistakes in life but not considering anothers life when deciding to flee is far to reckless.
I hope they catch this rider and give them some time to think about his actions.I also hope the cop gets what's coming to him but that's probaly wishing upon a star considering my experience with the SIU.And Yes they showed up at my door investigating the above mentioned chase.
All that came from it was a memorial to some young man who lost control in a moment of panic.No word on how the cop was handled but he probaly got a promotion.
RIP Lady -I hope that cop gets a beat busting outhouse peepers.

I'm glad you have it all figured out. SIU is out there trying to figure out what happened but you've already out-sussed them.

Right. The only thing the cop is guilty of so far is turning on the roof lights and not saying uncle as soon as the bike started to flee.

That Rockwood kid chose to run. So did his loser buddy. And you want to blame the cops for that? Look to the runners. They set the stage, they reap the reward.
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Just what is the incentive to pull over if it's generally accepted police won't pursue? The good will of person violating the law?

Exactly. Some people here count on that. The reality is that pursuit must always be an option for the cop and a threat for the would-be runner, otherwise there is no reason to stop when the red and blue roof lights go on.
I'm here at the 403 and dundas timmies talking to an opp officer. They have a description of the bike it's a black and silver 03 gixxer 1000. They also apparently no who the guy is.
I'm here at the 403 and dundas timmies talking to an opp officer. They have a description of the bike it's a black and silver 03 gixxer 1000. They also apparently no who the guy is.

Then maybe they should find their way from timmies to the guys house... Sorry for the crazy talk.
When will the police adhere to the protocols set up after tragedies like this happen.A few years ago in Rockwood we lost a young rider to a police chase that wasn't called off.I'm not advocating fleeing as an alternative to stunting tickets but if a rider decides to exercise this option ,they are supposed to back off and use the radio.
These protocols were set up to avoid tragedies but the macho officers involved obviously wanted to get their man and polish the tin star.
We all make mistakes in life but not considering anothers life when deciding to flee is far to reckless.
I hope they catch this rider and give them some time to think about his actions.I also hope the cop gets what's coming to him but that's probaly wishing upon a star considering my experience with the SIU.And Yes they showed up at my door investigating the above mentioned chase.
All that came from it was a memorial to some young man who lost control in a moment of panic.No word on how the cop was handled but he probaly got a promotion.
RIP Lady -I hope that cop gets a beat busting outhouse peepers.

Too bad your young rider decided to run from the police. He'd probably be alive today if he hadn't.
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Then maybe they should find their way from timmies to the guys house... Sorry for the crazy talk.

They can't prove it was him on the bike, they are going around talking to riders to see if anyone knows him. This opp officer told us that the guy on the bike was racing with another car, the cop saw them and lit the cherries. Both the bike and the car took off and "when it got stupid she fell off"
They can't prove it was him on the bike, they are going around talking to riders to see if anyone knows him. This opp officer told us that the guy on the bike was racing with another car, the cop saw them and lit the cherries. Both the bike and the car took off and "when it got stupid she fell off"

i heard the guy lawyered up and turned himself in but the SIU investigation prevents release of this information to the media

just goes to show you how reliable the "grapevine" is
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