They tried to ban my LOVE GUN .. But a riot ensued!!!
By the way love gun is a great song by kiss. Check it out!
By the way love gun is a great song by kiss. Check it out!

It quite simply goes back to the big picture for me. If I contrast America with any other nation with gun control, I see a strong correlation between gun control and a reduction in homicides.
This document (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/85-002-x2001011-eng.pdf) shows that the 2000 homicide rate in America was 3x higher than here, aggravated assault about 2x, robbery about 2x, while B&E and auto theft rates were 1.2x higher in Canada than America.
So would you rather have much much higher murder, assault and robbery rate, or would you rather have a 20% higher chance of B&E and getting your car jacked?
Answers simple for me.
Lol you know what they say about simple answers...
In recent years, they've been relaxing the gun laws south of the border. A person is able to carry in a lot more states than before.. There are also more guns on their market and more people getting into gun ownership than ever. Here's a CDC chart of their homicide rate trends..
P.S. Serbia has twice as many guns per capita as Canada and a history of civil wars, but still, you'll find a 25% lower homicide rate than here
More guns, fewer homicides. With that being said, the increase in guns is just a small piece of the puzzle. Can't neglect more effective law enforcement and better education, for example. In the end, murder is illegal and carries stiff legal penalties. Those set on murder will find a way to commit it. Registering law abiding citizens' handguns while Mr. Yo Yo Gangbanger Yo can buy one on the black market and they are stupid easy to manufacture won't cause a blip on the homicide rate radar.
I do agree it is a multifaceted problem with lots of variables, and I have been oversimplifying it.
I see this chart, and I recognize the trend, but I just don't feel that more guns will see that homicide rate get on par with other first world nations. Maybe one day I'll eat my words.
I chuckle when people say they "don't worry" about home invasions.
Guess what? The victims of most home invasions also didn't worry before it happened. But it DOES happen. Folks win the lottery every week.
A mod please clean up the thread. It's gone way off topic with all the gun wackos.
Heroin addicts can rationalize all day why heroin should be legal. Some of you are worse.
Ironic they're calling you the wacko
No we're not.. We do our best to follow the forum rules![]()
The homicide rate has been coming down for over a decade in all developed nations. The level of access to firearms may be helping or hindering that trend in the US.Lol you know what they say about simple answers...
In recent years, they've been relaxing the gun laws south of the border. A person is able to carry in a lot more states than before.. There are also more guns on their market and more people getting into gun ownership than ever. Here's a CDC chart of their homicide rate trends..
More guns, fewer homicides. With that being said, the increase in guns is just a small piece of the puzzle. Can't neglect more effective law enforcement and better education, for example. In the end, murder is illegal and carries stiff legal penalties. Those set on murder will find a way to commit it. Registering law abiding citizens' handguns while Mr. Yo Yo Gangbanger Yo can buy one on the black market and they are stupid easy to manufacture won't cause a blip on the homicide rate radar.
P.S. Serbia has twice as many guns per capita as Canada and a history of civil wars, but still, you'll find a 25% lower homicide rate than here![]()
By the way, I told you a year and a half ago that your Serbia numbers were wrong. I know it's some weird source of pride for your to make that claim, but wrong is wrong. Serbia does have about 2x the number of guns per capita, but the homicide rate is pretty much identical.
I chuckle when people say they "don't worry" about home invasions.
Guess what? The victims of most home invasions also didn't worry before it happened. But it DOES happen. Folks win the lottery every week.
Curious to hear the full storyMy cousin did one pot and ended up with AIDS
I feel safe on the streets of Toronto .Where the only people carry guns are the police and criminals .
Only place I've seen a handgun in public other than on a cop was at a street festival in Toronto in some guy's waist band when he fixed his shirt.
Criminals don't use legal guns anyway so banning any guns isn't going to do much of anything in relation to gun violence.
I don't own a gun and never will but what you're proposing is just silly.