Seriously guys... My second comment was a joke... I thought most people would catch on.
Anyways, I can tell you by experience that you all have it easy, and that you are just finding excuses to own a gun. I grew up in Brazil, were you can get killed for a pair of shoes... Canada is not a dangerous place for you to need a gun.
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I have enough reasons to own guns, and none of my reasons why are self defence... However, it's nice to have the right tool for the job. In fact, it's much more likely to get the job done (which is to protect yourself) without anyone getting hurt. Once you are no longer easy prey you're typically left alone, but a knife or a bat really won't deter too many people if they are intent on hurting you.
Nobody has the right to take away the freedom from legal gun owners. Legal gun owners are not the issue with guns being used in crimes, and as already stated, the fact that the next house someone busts in to may belong to someone that is ready to use their shot gun in defence can be a deterent. Once you take away someone's ability to fend for themselves, you create a dependant. I don't want to mess with calling 911 (seriously, it takes 2 minutes just to get put through to the right department) and then wait for the police to show up when someone is a threat then and there.
It's a full on lifestyle for some people... You're right, Canada isn't Brazil. But in my family we have this tradition (it's actually a very Canadian tradition once you're away from all the yuppies in the GTA), and that is an outdoors lifestyle. We grow up hunting, that's how we interact as a family, it's how we get out and experience life together. Part of my fear of guns being STOLEN by the government is the loss from a very important lifestyle. Seriously, guys like my dad would be lost and wouldn't know what to do. He's in the bush nearly every weekend.
I assume you think you're a hard core live or die never give it up rider (lots of people think they are), well take that passion and it's only a fraction of what people that come from families like mine feel about our right to own and use guns as they are a tool essential to the thing we love most.
Of all the people I personally know, that own multiple guns, the tally of guns would be pretty close to, if not more than 1000 and not one of those guns has ever been fired at someone.
Besides, most people talk the talk but they wouldn't have the stones to actually shoot somebody... That's a pretty big order to have on your mind. Considering I've been there, done that, I can tell you even when you are 100% justified and fully legal to do so, to pull that trigger with an aimed shot at another human being is not as easy as TV makes it look.
Before Vietnam, something like only 15% of shots taken by soldiers were purposely aimed shots, the rest was all to make it look like they were fighting. During Vietnam, that was raised to 95% of the shots were being purposely aimed. The difference was the military figured out how to train the mind to do it. Most people just aren't wired to kill.
I'm putting this out there for you to see that just because someone has a gun, it doesn't mean they are going to kill someone. Even when normal every day people (such as soldiers in WW1 and WW2 who were by todays standars just normal citizens thrown to war) are given the legal backing to kill someone else while being shot at would still prefer to not to shoot someone. Therefore, it's these legal, sane gun owners that are not the worry. The issue are the idiots who presumably have some form of mental issue and thus believe a life of violent crime is the way to go are the ones that guns are banned from and yet they still manage to attain them... Making it more illegal won't stop it, and all you're doing is taking them away from the people who you should actually want to have guns, as even them just owning guns and making people second guess breaking in to homes makes you a little bit safer, even if you don't own one yourself.