When are you taking your bikes out? | Page 9 | GTAMotorcycle.com

When are you taking your bikes out?

That's what I use. Ski gloves over my mc gloves they extended my riding season by at least a month

But again, your clutch and brakework are less fluent.

Thanks man, i am gonna try it this week lol... it's gonna be in the 1-5c range. I've got a thick leather jacket with inner liner, but I'm gonna layer up anyhow. I rode in 6c before and the coldest part were my fingers and knees.
How is the salt level today? Still much?
Freezing rain here. :(
Listen man I'm just saying what I've realized. You wouldn't catch me riding in December riding with textile and a teeshirt underneath, you would catch me however, with leather and a teeshirt because it's fine for me.

I have a quality leather jacket from danier which keeps me warmer or else I wouldn't wear it nor would I say it on a forum. If you've got textile jackets with inner liners that are quality, go for it. If you have a scorpion jacket like I do then I wouldn't do it.

Again, I'm saying what I've noticed. It's not like I'm pulling this information out of the air to mislead people or something...

There are so many variables including types of jackets etc. I'm not making universal claims here I'm telling him what has worked for me in the past considering almost all of my riding is done in cold weather.

Not all textile jackets are created equal. My JR Alter Ego is good to about -5C and riding 100kmph. With all the layers attached it probably weighs more than a leather jacket. And it is waterproof, armoured, and warm. Take all the layers off and you are good for 35C riding as well.
Not all textile jackets are created equal. My JR Alter Ego is good to about -5C and riding 100kmph. With all the layers attached it probably weighs more than a leather jacket. And it is waterproof, armoured, and warm. Take all the layers off and you are good for 35C riding as well.

+1. My Alter Ego 2.0 is definitely my go to in winter weather and I have a thick/poorly vented Nexo leather as well. The thing about the Alter Ego is the windproof/rainproof liner actually does cut all of the wind, this is a fabulous jacket for all seasons as you say - I'm selling my blue version (ad up here) because I have a red as well if anyone is interested in one of the few true 3 season/all weather jackets.
I saw a street/sidewalk sweeper out this morning on my way to work guys... it was supposed to snow yesterday and this morning but nothing. Hopefully it stays that way.
Snowed here last night over the freezing rain.
Snowed here last night over the freezing rain.
Well I'm glad it missed us. Sucks that you got it though. I just got in from work, great ride back into the core of the city. It was very windy this morning. It's great out now, I'm debating going for a rarely enjoyed leisure trip. Then its hitting me all the things I should/ could be doing that need to get done.

We know, it's all over gtam.

LOL it's only two posts so far, they're even in separate sections of the site.
Your just annoyed because you haven't even started your bike up or have the battery in it. I was on top of the escarpment last Wednesday checking on a few of my other bikes and seeing what needs to get done- the weather up there was great too. We've all got things to do, but it seems to me like some of us are dragging our butts more than others. Not that I'm one to say anything about that.
LOL it's only two posts so far, they're even in separate sections of the site.
Your just annoyed because you haven't even started your bike up or have the battery in it. I was on top of the escarpment last Wednesday checking on a few of my other bikes and seeing what needs to get done- the weather up there was great too. We've all got things to do, but it seems to me like some of us are dragging our butts more than others. Not that I'm one to say anything about that.

Ha, just having FWB (fun with Brian).....just put the battery in, aired tires and fired it up. Will be making first Timmies run shortly.....Dundas....oops, lets not forget to put the sticker on, sitting on the kitchen counter for a month...
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Ha, just having FWB (fun with Brian).....just put the battery in, aired tires and fired it up. Will be making first Timmies run shortly.....Dundas....oops, lets not forget to put the sticker on, sitting on the kitchen counter for a month...

Hmmm, always pictured you as a Starbucks type of guy.
I am debating on putting my bike back on the road tomorrow and going for late evening cruise before my nuts freeze to the seat. Anyone want to join?

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