When are you taking your bikes out? | Page 13 | GTAMotorcycle.com

When are you taking your bikes out?

I wait until it has rained 2-3 times and the weather is 10+ degrees. Bike is in the garage ready to go already though!
Today. In the afternoon. :D
Did you make it home?

Took a ramp today a bit too fast and the rear wheel (the walls are not scrubbed yet since it is a new bike) decided to slide, found myself sideways at the beginning of a highside but saved it, thankfully it happens many times at the track racing in the rain so the practice helps.
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Did you make it home?

Took a ramp today a bit too fast and the rear wheel (the walls are not scrubbed yet since it is a new bike) decided to slide, found myself sideways at the beginning of a highside but saved it, thankfully it happens many times at the track racing in the rain so the practice helps.

Were you running Dunlop?
I am looking to the first week of April to bring mine out, still waiting for the nice heavy rain that will was off all that crap that's still on the roads!
Did you make it home?

Took a ramp today a bit too fast and the rear wheel (the walls are not scrubbed yet since it is a new bike) decided to slide, found myself sideways at the beginning of a highside but saved it, thankfully it happens many times at the track racing in the rain so the practice helps.

Yeah dude I made it home safe!! Thanks! The dealer JUST before I left regaled me with a story of 2 guys who just 2 days ago dumped their brand new bikes because they tried to accelerate to quickly and the rears slid out from under them. That was not confidence inspiring.. My buddy was laughing at me because he was following me and I was going REALLY slow at first.. I got comfortable pretty quick though.. I'm just glad I got to feel the wind on my face.. and that 750 engine.. wow.. even though I can't take it above 7k rpm, the power is very noticeable.

Is there a way to get rid of that uber slippery sheen on the tires with a good hand scrubbing? Seems very risky to ride with that coating on it! Glad you didn't highside bro.. that would have been horrible! I was nervous as frack to take a turn with any power.. I rolled through as many soft turns as I could.. I took a smaller street home, so there was gravel sprinkled everywhere..
Yeah dude I made it home safe!! Thanks! The dealer JUST before I left regaled me with a story of 2 guys who just 2 days ago dumped their brand new bikes because they tried to accelerate to quickly and the rears slid out from under them. That was not confidence inspiring.. My buddy was laughing at me because he was following me and I was going REALLY slow at first.. I got comfortable pretty quick though.. I'm just glad I got to feel the wind on my face.. and that 750 engine.. wow.. even though I can't take it above 7k rpm, the power is very noticeable.

Is there a way to get rid of that uber slippery sheen on the tires with a good hand scrubbing? Seems very risky to ride with that coating on it! Glad you didn't highside bro.. that would have been horrible! I was nervous as frack to take a turn with any power.. I rolled through as many soft turns as I could.. I took a smaller street home, so there was gravel sprinkled everywhere..

Related: http://motorbikewriter.com/break-new-set-motorcycle-tyres/

Tire warmers eh.. hmm.. that seems like a great idea without having to go on a pointless 200km ride without turning..lol

"The best way for a tyre to lose its gloss and become sticky is to heat it up and the most effective way to heat a tyre is slowly over a long-distance ride. Racers don’t have that luxury, so they use tyre warmers which they apply about an hour before a race to warm the tyre slowly and evenly."



lol.. I thought about doing a burnout in the parking lot before I left.. I didn't think the dealer would be impressed with that.. :D
Were you running Dunlop?
No, I am used to dunlop. Running the stock tires which are bridgestone, but this was an issue of cold tires and roads and the side walls not been scrubbed and me going a little too fast for the conditions, can't blame the tires.
Is there a way to get rid of that uber slippery sheen on the tires with a good hand scrubbing? Seems very risky to ride with that coating on it!.
Don't worry about it, just ride smart while it's cold, I wasn't so that almost happened.

Note of caution about that article Schneller posted:

"Despite the fact that most racers weave around on warmed-up tires" I am yet to do or see a racer doing this, also you do have to think about it as scrubbing the tires, normally during the warm up lap the side walls are scrubbed so even if your tires are nice and hot, you still have to take it easy those first few leans.

And even as the article says the tires feels warm when 'you stop and touch them' doesn't mean the tire is hot.

Anyways, just take it easy its all I am saying.
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Did my third ride of the year today. Bit chilly, but manageable. Saw a couple of other bikes out in the west end.
Looks like the next week or so won't be so nice, so I had to take the opportunity today.
Brought mine to life this afternoon, and brought it home from where it was hibernating for the last 4 months. Up the DVP/404 to Maple,
got a few weird looks and a few thumbs up's
Was out today for a while in the afternoon. Temps started to drop like a rock, but it was good to get out fr the first time in 3 months!
Was out today for a while in the afternoon. Temps started to drop like a rock, but it was good to get out fr the first time in 3 months!

Yeah. I took mine out for a test ride after installing a DQS. When I left it was ~5oC. When I got home 45-min later it must have been close to freezing. Blech.
2nd week of april, dust off the bike, go for a spin

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