What's Your Temperature Cut-Off For Riding?

A pair of these under your current glove set up will buy you more time before your hands get too cold


Also when you're fiddling around getting ready to ride they will keep your hands warm before putting on your riding gloves.

Ya, I already layer with a thin Wind Stopper Liner gloves by MEC under my snowmobile gloves, but still the tips freeze, I think the snowmobile gloves are crap, well since I bought them from Crappy Tire...but hell they were something like $40.00 so not really cheap either they're made by Kombie and called windstoppers also (same name as the liner made by MEC, go figure)...not good at stopping any wind at all....the liners I can understand, I use them as layering but the gloves really suck ....
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Ya I already layer a thin wind stopper liner gloves by MEC under my snowmobile gloves...

Link? I can't find any liner-type gloves called wind stopper on the MEC.ca website.
Link? I can't find any liner-type gloves called wind stopper on the MEC.ca website.

I bought them 2 years ago, mostly cyclist wear them especially the courier guys I paid around $20 if not mistaken...
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Your right...beautiful clear sunny morning.
I finally got a couple "WTF?" looks on the freeway today.

Funny thing last night: I headed home from Port Perry to my home in Mount Albert at around 11:30. Temps were 0 to +2. While ripping down a back road a Moth came out and splatted on my faceshield.

What kind of moths are out at near 0 temperatures?

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I'm gonna look into Canada Goose gloves...I gotta go down to one of the shops today to pick something up anyways...
I'm gonna look into Canada Goose gloves...I gotta go down to one of the shops today to pick something up anyways...

Just came back from Due West..(place that sells Canada Goose) they said the Goose gloves won't work any better either...it's the full force of the wind, they did how ever suggest I use mittens, he said if my fingers are together they'll stay much warmer....kinda thinking on that one....does anyone here use mittens?
just got a heated vest and did the cable installation and also installed heated grips, this is going to be a long riding season :)

I am so toasty and warm riding to work every morning
Look into liners made out of some wind proof GORE fabric like these: http://www.mec.ca/AST/ShopMEC/MensClothing/GlovesMitts/Gloves/PRD~5008-239/mec-windstopper-n2s-gloves-mens.jsp

I have a pair of snow gloves I tried out today, not made of anything fancy but they did the trick at highway speeds, but they lack the kind of dexterity I get from proper motorcycle gloves. Still, made this morning's ride much more enjoyable :)

Funny those are the exact liners I have "unL33" was asking me about this 3 post above... Hey "unL33" here they are.

Yep so I have the above liners under my gloves still my tips freeze....
used some sheets of vinyl strips...the stuff they use in the doorway of refrigeration rooms.

cut a small one first

and then decided to go bigger...

punched some holes where the faring cover screws go and sandwiched it.

Great mod i will try that one, thanks for the idea.
I have handguards on my bandit and coldest i did was -24 local ride w full heated gears, +2 from NYC to toronto (no heatjacket/pants, only grips).
-5 on my way in to work this morning! Beautiful clear morning.. no bugs!


Lowest I had was -.5

Today it was 1c and chilly at highway speeds.

Makes a huge difference when it's sunny out or not to the slickness of the road (frost)
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Today was great.

Agreed today was a great day, Since it was my day off I went on a solo ride on my GS500F of over 650 km from Oakville to Trenton down 33 (Prince Edward County, Ontario) to Kingston and back home. long distance Hiway touring is great. ( very addictive)
To modify my 'Temperature cut-off' from very recent rides on different kinds of bikes: the type of bike makes a big difference due to the kind of wind protection I receive.
Coldest i've taken the Busa out was -13 or -15 degrees C. It was pretty frosty. I was only out for about 20-30 minutes
I think the absolute coldest I have ever ridden was minus 12. But I never ever wish to repeat that stunt.
Lowest I had was -.5

Today it was 1c and chilly at highway speeds.

Makes a huge difference when it's sunny out or not to the slickness of the road (frost)

Earlier this year (in Feb maybe) I left home at -16 for my commute to work. It's not my favourite temperature to ride at.

My coldest was -10 with windchill around -15, but I wore snow gloves which I used to shovel snow with a pair of fleece liner, lol. Works most of the time, then the finger tips freeze up, the trick is to constantly move your fingers to allow for blood circulation. I'm happy to see more riders in the cold riding and enjoying every bit.
My coldest was about -12C riding across town to a friend's place to load up my bike to trailer it to Daytona Beach for Bike Week (stayed 2.5 weeks :) ) 2 years ago. Last year was warmer, a bit. I'd do it in a minute again for the purpose and for the looks I got all bundled up. Scanning for frost on the road, visor fogging in slow traffic, mitts so thick..... FUN!
"But there's too much power to ride any bike in the cold. Both my wheels are all over the place - I have no control"

- Wise rider

Fixed it for you

I don't see not riding on ice as being a pansy. I see riding on ice on two wheels, as being unwise.

Most likely, I'll be out tomorrow for a while if the temp stays above 4, but once the salt comes out the bike goes in.
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