What's Your Temperature Cut-Off For Riding?

What a fantastic weekend for November!!! 2 days of riding. Saturday was a about 3 and warmed up to 6. Today was 1 in AM and ended up at about 7 when I finished off. Heated socks, JR pants, JR jacket with Gerbing liner, heated gloves and a Warm & Safe dual remote controller. Didn't bother with heated pants, not cold enough. New Troller and rest off of e-Bay. 2nd full season and best $400 I ever spent. Should have purchased this equipment years ago. Extends my riding season 3 - 4 weeks on each end and as I get to ride only every 2nd w/e this is important to me.
What a fantastic weekend for November!!! 2 days of riding. Saturday was a about 3 and warmed up to 6. Today was 1 in AM and ended up at about 7 when I finished off. Heated socks, JR pants, JR jacket with Gerbing liner, heated gloves and a Warm & Safe dual remote controller. Didn't bother with heated pants, not cold enough. New Troller and rest off of e-Bay. Best $400 I ever spent. Extends my riding season 3 - 4 weeks on each end and as I get to ride only every 2nd w/e this is important to me.

High of only 7? where are you located? i didn't go out today but the weather channel website showed a high of 12 today in the GTA. Looks like this whole week is gonna be nice for riding with no rain in the forecast and with low/highs of 8/14 monday, 7/13 tuesday, and 5/13 on Wednesday listed on the page so far :) mind you they are often wrong..
Was out last night.... 2 hour ride home from toronto, checked the temp when i got home -5... plus there was the windchill of 401 highway speed... my heated grips aren't working right now... was a little chilly but not too cold. good gloves that block the wind + an outer layer that blocks the wind makes for acceptable riding... gonna fix my my grip heaters soon i think

as for hippo hands, they are also known as handlebar muffs and CT sells them for about 20-25$ for skidoos. I had a set for my last bike and at some one's suggestion I burned a hole in them to allow the mirror to pass through them. the bike didn't have any fairing and a minimal windshield so the muffs made a huge difference. On my current bike I have fairings and it's not as bad (though i'm thinking of making some hand shields out of pop bottles (not as cool looking as the shields posted earlier up but way less work).
Forget about wind chill on your bike.
When you ride over 200kph you begin to feel the effects of wind friction.
Then your hands start to get warmer.
Did a 1k km today, beautiful during the daytime. Chilly coming back on the 401, probably dipped down to 3-4C in some areas. Would have been a lot better if my grip heaters worked
You could not ask for better November riding. I feel sorry for anyone who winterized there bikes for the year already. I had to take my warm liner out of my jacket and go back to my summer gloves. Mind you I more wind protection then many bikes out there, but normally I am layering up, have a neck warmer on, and my warm gloves on this time of year.

bought a pair of these..



or is away :(

.if good enough for Everest might keep my hands warm and if they don't I can return
The liners are amazing and can go in my other gloves as well.
These are the liners and insulaion on the back of hand and around fingers is terrific
Body of glove is long enough to work with mcycle jacket.


http://www.eddiebauer.com/catalog/product.jsp?ensembleId=37623&oessoa=6046151&cm_mmc=CSE-_-Google Product Search-_-Men's|Accessories-_-1020101&CAWELAID=953033269

some good reviews at lot colder than I've been riding.....might extend into December with these

http://www.eddiebauer.com/catalog/product.jsp?ensembleId=37623&oessoa=6046151&cm_mmc=CSE-_-Google Product Search-_-Men's|Accessories-_-1020101&CAWELAID=953033269&OESSOA=6056709#BVRRWidgetID
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This year I am not going to push it. Last year, some days I left the house - 9 celsius. I am taking it day by day. I may stick to above zero mornings this time around. By the looks of it, I am good for the rest of this week. After this week I will pick my days. My bike stays rideable until I see snow on the ground. As for gloves, try insulated leather gloves (10 bucks) inside of ski gloves (6 bucks) at some liquidation stores. It does the job!
We are not talking about snow storms. We are talking about non snow days with clear roads. Don't sweat it, adventure isn't for everyone.

I did say ice and not snow. Snow isn't so bad, you can get some traction.

Remember if the temp or windchill or shade had moisture below zero and it's stayed below four degrees you will still have ice there. Four wheels and ice don't mix too well. Two wheels on ice without studs isn't adventure, it's a prelude to pain.
Fixed it for you

I don't see not riding on ice as being a pansy. I see riding on ice on two wheels, as being unwise.

Most likely, I'll be out tomorrow for a while if the temp stays above 4, but once the salt comes out the bike goes in.

If you don't want to ride in salt you better put your bike away. North of Toronto most of the major roads have been "brined" for the last few weeks. (Personally I don't see any ill effects on my bike after 5 years of riding quite late in the season starting quite early.)

Was riding outside this weekend getting some parts for the car. It was fun :D
Used to ride up until the Ice froze the roads now I ride 12+C and chuckle at 'in town' posers - 5C is nice when you are only going 50KPH and why is it they are always Harley riders?.
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in the fall I will not ride much below 8 degrees. This time of year it just seems that the urge to ride is there when it is 2 or 3 degrees. Magically 2 in February does not feel so cold as 8 does in November.
in the fall I will not ride much below 8 degrees. This time of year it just seems that the urge to ride is there when it is 2 or 3 degrees. Magically 2 in February does not feel so cold as 8 does in November.
I agree with you. I do not know how that works though. 2-3 degrees now feels much warmer than 8-10 degrees in the fall.
I just started riding last year but rode up until boxing day before I cancelled the liability coverage and covered her up. I've been out in lows of 0 to -1 but generally looking for 3 - 4 degrees minimum.
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