Okay, a serious post with some of the things I can remember.
My apologies if I missed anything. The memory is starting to go.
- Playing kill switch tag on the highway with numerous bikes at well over 160 for years.
- Fell asleep on the highway and woke up skimming the center barrier, did it again 60 seconds later. Stood on the pegs the rest of the way home.
- Rode slowly through a herd of wild Buffalo on Camp Pendleton as I rounded a corner, close enough to touch them.
- Hit top speed on all my bikes at least twice per week for about 20 consecutive years.
- Lane splitting traffic that was stopped, barely moving or doing 100 at well over 160 on Hwy 5 in California. Two rigs coming together and skimming both thighs with the front end as I shot past them gave me something to think about.
- Riding a fast California road and being fairing on fairing with a friends bike through some corners.
- Grinding off the exhaust bolts under the engine while dragging pegs riding Palomar Mt on the VFR.
- Getting a tank slapper bad enough that I was hanging over the fairing staring into the headlight when it straightened out, pushing myself back into the seat and riding off on the Gixxer 11.
- Evading a pursuit in California by riding into a guys garage in a residential neighborhood and asking if he could close the garage door because a cop was after me.
- Sliding the back AND front tire at the same time cornering the GSXR11 on cold pavement.
- Riding a Kawasaki Police 1000 at 60 with the front brake locked on just to hear the squealing rubber.
- Riding with a sidecar and slamming it up to ride with the car balanced in the air.
- Doing a wheelie up the center yellow line with heavy traffic and an oncoming cop as I passed by (it was an emotional state that prompted it)
- Playing tag on the highway with a Testarossa (traffic was the equalizer) at extreme speed.
- The first time I hit a 70 foot triple jump.
- Doing a stoppie too fast and rolling into the intersection on the front wheel (last time I ever did one at an intersection).
- Doing a sweeper on the FZR1000 with a passenger at 240 and sliding the rear tire.
- Pushing a friends broken GSXR home from Cayuga while leaning off my bike and pushing on his tail section with my left hand. To Hamilton.
- Getting bumped on purpose by a car from behind, dismounted, and placed my fist through his window and then through his face (race gloves are awesome).
- Walked into a 1% biker bar wearing a t-shirt that read (I would rather eat dung than ride a Harley). Okay I never did that but it would be funny!
- Rode my friends ape hanger equipped rigid Harley down the road in blue and white full leather race gear (funny looking as anything).
- Doing a massive wheelie on the 800 lb Vulcan 2000 with the wife on the back (did not think it would hook up).
++^^ I am gonna print this out and hang it on the wall in the garage! Just might be part of my new 'To Do' Bucket list. Only accompished 2 so far. I got some ridng to do.
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