What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done On A Motorcycle?

Okay, a serious post with some of the things I can remember.
  • Playing kill switch tag on the highway with numerous bikes at well over 160 for years.
  • Fell asleep on the highway and woke up skimming the center barrier, did it again 60 seconds later. Stood on the pegs the rest of the way home.
  • Rode slowly through a herd of wild Buffalo on Camp Pendleton as I rounded a corner, close enough to touch them.
  • Hit top speed on all my bikes at least twice per week for about 20 consecutive years.
  • Lane splitting traffic that was stopped, barely moving or doing 100 at well over 160 on Hwy 5 in California. Two rigs coming together and skimming both thighs with the front end as I shot past them gave me something to think about.
  • Riding a fast California road and being fairing on fairing with a friends bike through some corners.
  • Grinding off the exhaust bolts under the engine while dragging pegs riding Palomar Mt on the VFR.
  • Getting a tank slapper bad enough that I was hanging over the fairing staring into the headlight when it straightened out, pushing myself back into the seat and riding off on the Gixxer 11.
  • Evading a pursuit in California by riding into a guys garage in a residential neighborhood and asking if he could close the garage door because a cop was after me.
  • Sliding the back AND front tire at the same time cornering the GSXR11 on cold pavement.
  • Riding a Kawasaki Police 1000 at 60 with the front brake locked on just to hear the squealing rubber.
  • Riding with a sidecar and slamming it up to ride with the car balanced in the air.
  • Doing a wheelie up the center yellow line with heavy traffic and an oncoming cop as I passed by (it was an emotional state that prompted it)
  • Playing tag on the highway with a Testarossa (traffic was the equalizer) at extreme speed.
  • The first time I hit a 70 foot triple jump.
  • Doing a stoppie too fast and rolling into the intersection on the front wheel (last time I ever did one at an intersection).
  • Doing a sweeper on the FZR1000 with a passenger at 240 and sliding the rear tire.
  • Pushing a friends broken GSXR home from Cayuga while leaning off my bike and pushing on his tail section with my left hand. To Hamilton.
  • Getting bumped on purpose by a car from behind, dismounted, and placed my fist through his window and then through his face (race gloves are awesome).
  • Walked into a 1% biker bar wearing a t-shirt that read (I would rather eat dung than ride a Harley). Okay I never did that but it would be funny!
  • Rode my friends ape hanger equipped rigid Harley down the road in blue and white full leather race gear (funny looking as anything).
  • Doing a massive wheelie on the 800 lb Vulcan 2000 with the wife on the back (did not think it would hook up).
My apologies if I missed anything. The memory is starting to go.

++^^ I am gonna print this out and hang it on the wall in the garage! Just might be part of my new 'To Do' Bucket list. Only accompished 2 so far. I got some ridng to do.
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My stories need to be told over beers and not over the internet.


I went crazy when I was young and stupid...

One story I can tell online...

Turned on the throttle lock, stood on the seat - surfer style, zipped down I-90 at 70mph...

I shake my head now -foolish!
lmao you bike was talking to you right??? I can picture your smile as you did this. lol

I went crazy when I was young and stupid...

One story I can tell online...

Turned on the throttle lock, stood on the seat - surfer style, zipped down I-90 at 70mph...

I shake my head now -foolish!
RedDogDarren Okay, a serious post with some of the things I can remember.

you won't mind if I take a life insurance policy out on you with me as beneficiary? :D

you crazy mon.....tho having driven enough in California all rings true.
Stupid is as stupid does.....
I like to tell my stories over a beer with a guitar for effect a la Arlo Guthrie.
I do seem to have a connection to critters though while ridin, smacking deers on their behinds, playing chicken with skunks and sawing opossums in half with my front tire.....
Cheers 8)
Back when i was 20-21 i had sex on a Honda 550 Supersport.
It had a double stand and about half way through the bike fell over.
We just ignored the bike and kept going at it.
We were married the next year and ya i had to get rid of the bike.

More recently i would say riding the BRP for 2 hours in the pitch black dark of night.
Playing dodge ball with the deer....not a lot of fun.
you won't mind if I take a life insurance policy out on you with me as beneficiary? :D

you crazy mon.....tho having driven enough in California all rings true.

Hopefully not as crazy as it sounds. That's over 32 years, most happening between 17 and 25 years of age (42 now). I'm actually very selective of when I ride even mildy spirited, everything has to feel right or I just don't or I might even not swing a leg over the bike that day.
Mine were a few decades back as well but not quite the edge you undertook.
Amazing you are still around.

Yeah hear you on the "feels right"......mine tend to come after quite a few hours riding and feeling comfortable with the bike and conditions and then get aggressive -
I've had some amazing late night rides with a full moon, empty roads and in the mood.
Few times this year :( as the new Burgman had poor tires from the get go - next year tho....Pennsylvia et al...this year was longer runs. Next year have some fun on the twisties again - BRP on the schedule tho PA remains my fav area.
Still trying to decide between Metzlers and a new Michellin out for the 650 that is apparently sticky and decent wear.....hard combo to achieve.

Stay safe...have fun....not ALWAYS mutually exclusive ;)
i got 2 lines of hot sauce at burrito boys.

**** that one drop, 2 drop 3 drop ****.
RedDogDarren wins! lol

@Shaman - Impressive!

A friend of mine plowed a figure eight with a surrounding oval on the lake in the middle of winter in Haliburton. We raced skidoo's vs bikes. The Skidoos did the banks, hardening them so the bikes could do the same. Went into the bank too hot, and took about twenty feet of air and nothing under me but four feet of snow. Poof! It was a soft landing. No harm done, just that feeling of flying again :-)

This thread makes you wonder...some of us do the most insane things and never get hurt, and some people buy a bike and get creamed at a stoplight the following day. No answer for this phenomenon.

Okay, a serious post with some of the things I can remember.
  • Playing kill switch tag on the highway with numerous bikes at well over 160 for years.
  • Fell asleep on the highway and woke up skimming the center barrier, did it again 60 seconds later. Stood on the pegs the rest of the way home.
  • Rode slowly through a herd of wild Buffalo on Camp Pendleton as I rounded a corner, close enough to touch them.
  • Hit top speed on all my bikes at least twice per week for about 20 consecutive years.
  • Lane splitting traffic that was stopped, barely moving or doing 100 at well over 160 on Hwy 5 in California. Two rigs coming together and skimming both thighs with the front end as I shot past them gave me something to think about.
  • Riding a fast California road and being fairing on fairing with a friends bike through some corners.
  • Grinding off the exhaust bolts under the engine while dragging pegs riding Palomar Mt on the VFR.
  • Getting a tank slapper bad enough that I was hanging over the fairing staring into the headlight when it straightened out, pushing myself back into the seat and riding off on the Gixxer 11.
  • Evading a pursuit in California by riding into a guys garage in a residential neighborhood and asking if he could close the garage door because a cop was after me.
  • Sliding the back AND front tire at the same time cornering the GSXR11 on cold pavement.
  • Riding a Kawasaki Police 1000 at 60 with the front brake locked on just to hear the squealing rubber.
  • Riding with a sidecar and slamming it up to ride with the car balanced in the air.
  • Doing a wheelie up the center yellow line with heavy traffic and an oncoming cop as I passed by (it was an emotional state that prompted it)
  • Playing tag on the highway with a Testarossa (traffic was the equalizer) at extreme speed.
  • The first time I hit a 70 foot triple jump.
  • Doing a stoppie too fast and rolling into the intersection on the front wheel (last time I ever did one at an intersection).
  • Doing a sweeper on the FZR1000 with a passenger at 240 and sliding the rear tire.
  • Pushing a friends broken GSXR home from Cayuga while leaning off my bike and pushing on his tail section with my left hand. To Hamilton.
  • Getting bumped on purpose by a car from behind, dismounted, and placed my fist through his window and then through his face (race gloves are awesome).
  • Walked into a 1% biker bar wearing a t-shirt that read (I would rather eat dung than ride a Harley). Okay I never did that but it would be funny!
  • Rode my friends ape hanger equipped rigid Harley down the road in blue and white full leather race gear (funny looking as anything).
  • Doing a massive wheelie on the 800 lb Vulcan 2000 with the wife on the back (did not think it would hook up).
My apologies if I missed anything. The memory is starting to go.
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