What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done On A Motorcycle?

Last year, on my BRP ride, I stopped into Roanoke to stay with a fellow adv rider inmate. He had a nice Aprilia in addition to his V-Strom. When he looked at my Duc, he commented on the chicken strips. I said "Yeah, I just got the tire before leaving so it's a little embarrassing", to which he replied "Well, we'll take care of that tomorrow". Little did I know that that would lead to a back road thrashing at rediculous speeds. At the end of that ride, my back tire not only didn't have chicken strips but was bubbled and scratched up as well. Best hour I ever spent on a bike.
went for a long dirt ride, and relatively unknown parts, without telling anyone where i was going, without a cell phone.

thats was dumb enough for me.
The craziest thing I ever did was on Guelph Line, there is a really awesome corner. I was going around the corner (right hand turn) and there was a car going about 30, so I decided to pass them on the left around a blind corner. A car came and I squeezed between them, on my 125.

Live a life of danger! (Not really)
Rode through a full blown snowstorm this spring at 6000ft.

Going down the highway in whiteout conditions, snow on both sides of the highway enough that you couldnt even see the oncoming lanes across the grass median, black ice on the roads with the only safety being in the tire track where the truck tires prevent it from forming. Every now and then I'd see red and blue's on the side of the highway preventing cars from slamming into the cars spun out into the ditch/guardrails. Felt like iceman when I got off the bike and ice exploded off my jacket from the 4 hours I was battling the storm. Pretty crazy, pretty stupid. Don't get me started about the tornado story.


Don't be ridiculous. I ride with cops...they could care less what's written on forums. If you think they have the resources to track your IP, submit a case to the crown based on zero evidence and here-say then you're paranoid. Even with YouTube videos they won't/can't touch you. The only way the popo can prosecute you on a motorcycle is to catch you breaking the law on your motorcycle and even then they have to place you on the bike.

It has been done before - I remember reading how they caught some guy with an M5 racing through a school zone based on his bragging on a forum. It helped them gather evidence they would otherwise be unable to uncover.
It has been done before - I remember reading how they caught some guy with an M5 racing through a school zone based on his bragging on a forum. It helped them gather evidence they would otherwise be unable to uncover.

It helped them find the M5 guy but that evidence itself probably wouldnt hold up in court.

I believe he admitted to it when questioned in person which is what got him charged. Never followed up to see if he was convicted or not though...
Ask Rotten Ronnie some of the stupid stuff I've done as a novice biker. I almost killed him one day.
Brought it to the dealer for its 10k service
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...lol (literally)! Some of these stories are great!

+1 to MacDoc
+1 to Wheelieboy
+1 to Omnivore

As for popo,..there has to be about a hundred criterion they have to meet in order to get a prosecution. Is that you on YouTube speeding on your bike, or was your bike jacked? Their latest "trick" is for those that run...they'll wait for you at your front door, or phone you to come in, and if you don't admit to running, they'll threaten you with an "obstruction of justice" charge and tell you you'll do time. Don't ever fall for this. And don't ever say "I lent my bike to a friend - it must've been him." They have "nothing" in Ontario if they can't place you on the bike at the time of the occurrence. Best thing to say to cops is absolutely nothing or you will help them prosecute you. It's a hard concept to grab as you feel the intimidation and that's their main weapon (intimidation). You do not have to speak to cops at all, and if you do, you're aiding in your own prosecution as everything they will ask you is a trick. The cops I ride with blow past me...on a Gixxer 1000 as I try not to push it when I'm with them out of respect for them allowing me to speed with them. Realize they are corrupt as they come. They'll arrest you on an HTA172 and go home and get their own SS out and twist the throttle way past 200 KPH!

Another story...a sixteen year old Prince on his Suzuki RM 250 saw a bunch of Enduros racing up north. Turns out it was an Ontario-wide organized race. I just couldn't resist these enduros on my stomping ground, so I kicked my Suzuki RM 250 in to gear, and started wheeling passed them one-by-one. As I was being a smart *****, I looked ahead and there was a bog about four feet deep ahead. Plowed right into it, and was up to my waist in sinking mud. Needless to say, I had mud on my face (pardon the pun). As I walked back out to the main road, head hanging in shame, a black bear strolls passed me and stops on the trail. Great! I know bears can smell cortisol (fear) so I bit the inside of my cheek (to prevent a cortisol release) and held my ground and the bear went on his way. Another crazy moment in the life of me.
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Rode up beside someone on the 401 who flicked a cigarette butt at me and shook my fist at him.
Rode back from Kincardine after July long weekend this summer on a borrowed F650GS (by far the most powerful bike I've ridden). It was hard to resist passing the long lines of cages because it was so easy, but at 140km/h, you come up on those tiny towns really fast and they have a speed limit of 50. After realizing how screwed I'd be if there happened to be a cop waiting around, I tried to keep it in check for the rest of the ride.
Rode through a full blown snowstorm this spring at 6000ft.

Going down the highway in whiteout conditions, snow on both sides of the highway enough that you couldnt even see the oncoming lanes across the grass median, black ice on the roads with the only safety being in the tire track where the truck tires prevent it from forming. Every now and then I'd see red and blue's on the side of the highway preventing cars from slamming into the cars spun out into the ditch/guardrails. Felt like iceman when I got off the bike and ice exploded off my jacket from the 4 hours I was battling the storm. Pretty crazy, pretty stupid. Don't get me started about the tornado story.

Been there with the blizzard long ago - bad enough to close the QEW - good enough to ride the 305 Hawk home in it St Kitts to Fort Erie. Fell a few times when the snow drifts got up there. Bundled up like Michellin man and bikes then tended to survive with little or no damage.

Yeah my tornado brush happened going from 80 degrees weather system to below freezing on the way down from Ottawa - I ALSO brushed ice off my jeans on that run.
Coldest I have ever been on a bike....that I still recall it clearly 30+ years on is a tribute to the trauma :D

FUNNIEST in this theme was buddy on the back going home in winter on the hill from the valley in St. Catherines in January - hit ice at the top and we went down......still recall the sparks and lying on my back sliding merrily down the road holding the bars off the road

.........killing myself laughing.

I could see buddy flat on his back sliding along - brand new just given by parents for university briefcase held straight up in the air.
Picked ourselves up , brushed off and continued on a little slower.....still chuckling about 40 years later at the sight of him with that briefcase straight up and sparks flying from the bits of the bike grinding away providing some lighting effects
.....not that we were going too fast for conditions or any such ;)

Too inexperienced to know that wet road in the valley just might be black ice at the top.
Looking up naked pics of Rita McNeil.....
Don't be ridiculous. I ride with cops...they could care less what's written on forums. If you think they have the resources to track your IP, submit a case to the crown based on zero evidence and here-say then you're paranoid. Even with YouTube videos they won't/can't touch you. The only way the popo can prosecute you on a motorcycle is to catch you breaking the law on your motorcycle and even then they have to place you on the bike.

That could be true. I commonly leave a trail of unhappy motorists in my wake. On my bike I am able to stay close to the car in front of me and wait for the opportunity to pass. I know I can't drive my car like this. However, that doesn't stop other cagers from trying to drive like I ride. A week or two ago I saw some lurking cops hiding in spots I often power pass. Sadly for the cops I wasn't doing anything they could catch me in the act with. Not that there is anything anyways. I was thinking somebody whined to the police. The police checked it out, got bored, and I haven't seen them since. Back to regularly scheduled riding. :D
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