What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done On A Motorcycle?

29yrs of riding, lots of stories...

- Riding WFO on my Honda CX500C through the LafontaineTunnel in Montreal at 2am, chasing my buddy on his Honda CB650
- Got laid on my Honda CX500C on the banks of the Rhine River in southern Germany, with a crowd of Frenchies cheering me on from the opposite side
- Took my '71 BSA A65T on a top speed run on the A5 Autobahn near Lahr, Germany
- Rode my Sporster XLH1100 from Calgary to CFB Borden through a major snowstorm in the prairies and NW Ontario
- Scraping pegs on my Triumph Thunderbird 900, with a passenger, on Burnt Hills Rd (north of Kingston Ontario)
- Chasing a buddy on his GSXR and another on his BMW R100S through some major twisties in rural SE Ontario, on my Electra-Glide
- Almost plunging down a 300' embankment on my Ural while tearing through the forest near Midland Ontario
- Riding my Ural to work from Gananoque to Brockville at-30C in January, just for bragging rights
- Scraping floorboards along the Cabot Trail in heavy fog, on my Road Glide, while hauling a cargo trailer

… and so on.
29yrs of riding, lots of stories...

- Riding WFO on my Honda CX500C through the LafontaineTunnel in Montreal at 2am, chasing my buddy on his Honda CB650
- Got laid on my Honda CX500C on the banks of the Rhine River in southern Germany, with a crowd of Frenchies cheering me on from the opposite side
- Took my '71 BSA A65T on a top speed run on the A5 Autobahn near Lahr, Germany
- Rode my Sporster XLH1100 from Calgary to CFB Borden through a major snowstorm in the prairies and NW Ontario
- Scraping pegs on my Triumph Thunderbird 900, with a passenger, on Burnt Hills Rd (north of Kingston Ontario)
- Chasing a buddy on his GSXR and another on his BMW R100S through some major twisties in rural SE Ontario, on my Electra-Glide
- Almost plunging down a 300' embankment on my Ural while tearing through the forest near Midland Ontario
- Riding my Ural to work from Gananoque to Brockville at-30C in January, just for bragging rights
- Scraping floorboards along the Cabot Trail in heavy fog, on my Road Glide, while hauling a cargo trailer

… and so on.

you win...all i got is racing a minivan and losing...
you win...all i got is racing a minivan and losing...

Well, it depends on the details... were you up on one wheel, naked and sporting a purple Mohawk haircut, with a Latvian midget dressed up as The Hulk hanging on to the seat strap at the time?
I put premium fuel in my tank even though the manufacturer clearly states to use regular.
I like to live dangerously!
I once attempted to use more than 1/2 throttle. True story.
I put premium fuel in my tank even though the manufacturer clearly states to use regular.

Whoa, dude - you're living on borrowed time, man!!! :eek:
29yrs of riding, lots of stories...

- Riding WFO on my Honda CX500C through the LafontaineTunnel in Montreal at 2am, chasing my buddy on his Honda CB650
- Got laid on my Honda CX500C on the banks of the Rhine River in southern Germany, with a crowd of Frenchies cheering me on from the opposite side
- Took my '71 BSA A65T on a top speed run on the A5 Autobahn near Lahr, Germany
- Rode my Sporster XLH1100 from Calgary to CFB Borden through a major snowstorm in the prairies and NW Ontario
- Scraping pegs on my Triumph Thunderbird 900, with a passenger, on Burnt Hills Rd (north of Kingston Ontario)
- Chasing a buddy on his GSXR and another on his BMW R100S through some major twisties in rural SE Ontario, on my Electra-Glide
- Almost plunging down a 300' embankment on my Ural while tearing through the forest near Midland Ontario
- Riding my Ural to work from Gananoque to Brockville at-30C in January, just for bragging rights
- Scraping floorboards along the Cabot Trail in heavy fog, on my Road Glide, while hauling a cargo trailer

… and so on.

We use to wonder why the insurance rates are so high and why the police harass us...guess we know now.
I had sex on top of a sportbike on the sidestand without falling off or cramping up. :)

Maybe not crazy but you have to be in fair shape to do that and not hurt yourself.
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I started some **** with an old guy in a minivan. He tuned my young ass up by whooping my ass till I had to call the cops, cause after he beat me up he tried to drag me with his van. Lesson learned don't **** with old guys they have some serious grown man strength.
Lmfao......some funny stories. The craziest thing I did was try to teach my wife to ride my bike. She pulled the front break to hard while learning the clutch and almost dumped the bike but I was there to save the bike. She still fell over though causing a huge bruise on her leg lmao
I started some **** with an old guy in a minivan. He tuned my young *** up by whooping my *** till I had to call the cops, cause after he beat me up he tried to drag me with his van. Lesson learned don't **** with old guys they have some serious grown man strength.

Wow, totally man handled. Lesson, arm self with bear spray.
This is true...the part about being in shape. The aesthetics look like Itiswhatitis's avatar :-)

@Gummiente Impressive!

I had sex on top of a sportbike on the sidestand without falling off or cramping up. :)

Maybe not crazy but you have to be in fair shape to do that and not hurt yourself.
Climbing a hill in the middle of a hwy (on my xlr200) with my ex and doing the deed on the bike on top of the hill, we can see everybody passing by but nobody can see us although they might have heard her.:)

- Cruising on the prairie at average of 100mph and putting the feet down only for gas.We had gas 2gas stop only.
The most stupid+++ thing and irresponsible thing I ever did on a bike........ more than just crazy.

On my CB175 about 30 years ago came up to 2 guys cruising side by ride on a country rode at a pretty slow speed. Never slowed down as I passed between them doing abot 80 - 90km. As I recall.... they were not too happy about this and, in retrospect, I completely agree with them. I blame my age (about 16) and a true belief I was immortal for this stupid trick.

30 years?? Meant to write 38........
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I started some **** with an old guy in a minivan. He tuned my young *** up by whooping my *** till I had to call the cops, cause after he beat me up he tried to drag me with his van. Lesson learned don't **** with old guys they have some serious grown man strength.
LoL, heheh...
BEST POST for sure - well, certainly the most profound.
This is very true though.
A lot of old guys have 30-40-50 years of anger in them...
Sometimes real nasty, evil, grim anger fermented in many years frustration, dripping with misdeeds and regrets.
Definitely be polite with old guys, especially if not ancient and still in good shape.

Craziest thing I did was fall off.
12-15 times (lost count)...
Never broke any major bones though.
Okay, a serious post with some of the things I can remember.
  • Playing kill switch tag on the highway with numerous bikes at well over 160 for years.
  • Fell asleep on the highway and woke up skimming the center barrier, did it again 60 seconds later. Stood on the pegs the rest of the way home.
  • Rode slowly through a herd of wild Buffalo on Camp Pendleton as I rounded a corner, close enough to touch them.
  • Hit top speed on all my bikes at least twice per week for about 20 consecutive years.
  • Lane splitting traffic that was stopped, barely moving or doing 100 at well over 160 on Hwy 5 in California. Two rigs coming together and skimming both thighs with the front end as I shot past them gave me something to think about.
  • Riding a fast California road and being fairing on fairing with a friends bike through some corners.
  • Grinding off the exhaust bolts under the engine while dragging pegs riding Palomar Mt on the VFR.
  • Getting a tank slapper bad enough that I was hanging over the fairing staring into the headlight when it straightened out, pushing myself back into the seat and riding off on the Gixxer 11.
  • Evading a pursuit in California by riding into a guys garage in a residential neighborhood and asking if he could close the garage door because a cop was after me.
  • Sliding the back AND front tire at the same time cornering the GSXR11 on cold pavement.
  • Riding a Kawasaki Police 1000 at 60 with the front brake locked on just to hear the squealing rubber.
  • Riding with a sidecar and slamming it up to ride with the car balanced in the air.
  • Doing a wheelie up the center yellow line with heavy traffic and an oncoming cop as I passed by (it was an emotional state that prompted it)
  • Playing tag on the highway with a Testarossa (traffic was the equalizer) at extreme speed.
  • The first time I hit a 70 foot triple jump.
  • Doing a stoppie too fast and rolling into the intersection on the front wheel (last time I ever did one at an intersection).
  • Doing a sweeper on the FZR1000 with a passenger at 240 and sliding the rear tire.
  • Pushing a friends broken GSXR home from Cayuga while leaning off my bike and pushing on his tail section with my left hand. To Hamilton.
  • Getting bumped on purpose by a car from behind, dismounted, and placed my fist through his window and then through his face (race gloves are awesome).
  • Walked into a 1% biker bar wearing a t-shirt that read (I would rather eat dung than ride a Harley). Okay I never did that but it would be funny!
  • Rode my friends ape hanger equipped rigid Harley down the road in blue and white full leather race gear (funny looking as anything).
  • Doing a massive wheelie on the 800 lb Vulcan 2000 with the wife on the back (did not think it would hook up).
My apologies if I missed anything. The memory is starting to go.
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My problem is I don't even know where to start. Not a lot I haven't tried on a bike after 35 years of it (I started young).

I think my best is offroad, riding a KX 420 going through a sand pit with a couple other guys on an 80 and 125 ... we were in the sand pit regularly but it was two weeks since the last time. I took off, the other two riders didn't have a chance to catch me as I was in a hurry to get to my favourite jump, a giant sand hill that was steep-ish on one side but which was long and sloping on the other side... you could get 20+ feet of air and hold it a long time yet come down pretty softly.

Well, I went over it in fourth gear pinned (only 5 gears on a 420 so call it 55mph or so) and did a spectacular takeoff. Then I looked down. Way down. Way way down. The 10 yard loader that had spent all week taking out that side of the sand hill was probably 30 feet below me, it looked like a Tonka toy. Honestly, I thought I had just likely killed or maimed myself. It felt like a week that I was in the air. When I hit the ground, I bottomed both ends into the sand right up to the fender and broke the rear fender off, hammered my crotch into the tank in a most ungraceful way and was chucked off the bike hollering. The hit was hard enough to pop the carbeurator partway out of the intake boot and the motor was running in a typical 2-stroke way like the throttle was pinned. Hitting the ignition cut didn't do a thing to change this. I reached in and pulled the carb right off the boot and that killed the motor. Luckily the motor wasn't seriously hurt by this (but who knows, I had a circlip walk off the wrist pin and murder the whole thing a year later).

That was probably the craziest. But in the amount of time I've spent on a bike there's not much I haven't tried. Flipped bikes over backwards, locked the front brake and lowsided into a corner, highsided off the Shannonville hairpin... yep. :(
The 10 yard loader that had spent all week taking out that side of the sand hill was probably 30 feet below me, it looked like a Tonka toy. Honestly, I thought I had just likely killed or maimed myself. It felt like a week that I was in the air.

Heh, I had one of those moments too but I never achieved orbit like you did! It's amazing how much seat foam your backside can suck in during these moments is it not?
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