I should make kebabs more often.
I agree.
These were store bought kebabs even, but nicely 30% off on sale and a reasonably good buy.
Part 2, the latest pork back ribs cook. I went with all new recipes and flavours. Low and slow at over 4 hrs for much of it.
Char Siu pork back ribs on the weber summit. Just amazing.
Hot and spicy rub chipotle pork back ribs from scratch (with some brown sugar too). I used canned chipotles in adobo sauce. :agave::agave:. That stuff is awesome, I can't believe I'm just finding out about this true version of chipotles.
The chipotle ribs look burnt, but aren't. I seared them a little too much looks-wise but in reality most people would prefer them this way; it denatured the chipotle rub enough to make the ribs only mildy spicy. But the earthiness flavour was there huuuuge time. Being my first canned chipotle cook with adobo sauce I used 4-5 chipotle peppers on one rack with adobo sauce, muddled into paste (I have a muddler :happy5

; that would have ended up in a quite spicy meal if it hadn't been directly seared for a bit longer than normal.
Just amazing ribs. These weren't subtle flavour recipes. Big taste in both (the char siu is a sweet style, with hoisin sauce and honey... amongst other awesomeness) and yet very very different tastes between them. In-your-face different. And in an eye-openingly good and interesting way. Best cook of ribs this year too (perfectly cooked). Both of these new recipes immediately slot in as some of my best cooks; I will be cooking them again soon, :toothy8:. I need to continue to broaden my horizons with all these great new cooks. :blob6:
The simple side was baby bok choy from the wok, done in peanut oil, oyster sauce, and finished with chinese five spice, diced garlic, sesame oil and sesame seeds. Cooked a little longer. This first cook was great.
I used some extra ingredients that I now have to take this next-level. Always learning.