I always get a smaller turkey. 4.8 kilo or so for the last several ones. This one was a utility turkey, went with it for the value price this time. Found a 2 inch tear in the skin in an obvious spot, explaining how it made its way to utility grade. Otherwise was perfect. Added butter pads under the breast skin and that was all for the prep.
I rank this one #3 out of the last several. My #1 favourite is fresh PC turkey with norweigan butter. Just amazing and decadent in the butter. #2 is fresh butterball. Great, and another butter injected turkey, which has turned out to be my favourite prep. All of these are fresh turkeys as well, and yes, they are superior to frozen turkeys from my experience because of the texture improvements. Mouth feel is important, and far more important than most people initially/actually think.
I have that frozen butterball turkey as well for sometime this summer. 4.8 kilo. I look forward to comparing the frozen butterball to the fresh utility cook, and see which I end up enjoying more.
I've never taken the opportunity to get boutique farm turkey. I have found a source and considered it, but they are expensive and much a bigger size than what I prefer (would typically want to accommodate for amount of leftovers). Frankly, if I could get a large crowd, I'd forgo the boutique turkey and go straight to boutique turducken :agave:. The same place does it the true way and all local farm raise meat. You need 20-30 hungry guests though

Nice pork loin rib roast :blob:. Got any pics of a serving? I've never tried a cook, though I've considered it from time to time.