That soup looks delicious. time for a late night snack
For anyone interested, the Instant Pot pressure cooker is on sale right now at amazon and best buy, $35 off the normal recent advertised price.
For high end temperature probes, how about this? Relavitely well rated, looks to be quality, lots of reviews, and cheaper.
This one is a step up, recommended by pros a great price.
Here's a basic but very fast and highly rated digital thermometer, again recommended by the pros. Not cheap, but not a bad price compared to buying from the US.
(fixed the last link).
Reason I want the iGrill is it will talk to my phone. I have a decent wireless one somewhere but can't find one of the units (receiver). I'm less likely to lose my phone as it is grafted to my hand.![]()
... waiting for the guests to arrive....
Trying to figure out how PP has leftover pulled pork for pizza?
We'd have to make three of them, maybe more.
You are either buying small butts, or feeding an army?
Most butts that I do are between 12-15 pounds, and at 15 pound butt yields about 14 pounds of pulled pork.
When we do pulled pork we usually have a few friends over, but even with the 5 of us eating multiple sandwiches each (my daughter is a vegetarian, so she's not indulging) we still usually have a decent pile of pull left over.
3 Teenage boys. We've been getting 5 pounders from Brandt's. I guess that makes your butt look big. We've tried some bigger from other places, but they tend to get fatty.
Heavy marbling is better for pulled pork. The marbling/fat renders down into tasty moisture that makes the pull super tender, and super tasty. You WANT the fatty butts - lean cuts will never be as tender and flavorful. If you have a lot of leftover fat or it doesn't fall apart easily when you're pulling it you probably didn't get the butt to a high enough temperature, or you rushed it through the stall.
Looks great! What cut of pork is that?
For those that thought the beans looked great, here's an easily recognizable trait for being able to tell it was home-made. The beans look white. I used standard navy beans which are the same as well loved canned beans out there. Well, navy bean are white, and when you make them fresh they stay white, even for a few days past the cook. Canned beans just cannot replicate that with its production process.