What do you do, when you see a driver texting?


Well-known member
so, I'm riding in traffic,
"40km/hr - 20km/hr - STOP" pattern
a see a lady texting (and drinking coffee, but drinking coffee is not illegal :) )

What do YOU do in these cases?

I don't want to be too aggressive, break mirrors, etc.
She won't be able to hear what I'm yelling, or see my angry face because of the full face helmet.

What is the best approach :confused::confused::confused:
I stop looking at myself in the storefront window and get back to my text message.
Anyone heard of defensive riding?
Brake check em. Spillt coffee is a pisser lol.

If you brake check them, there is a chance that she will rear end you (it's a girl driving, duh) and destroy your bike. Yes, insurance will cover it and maybe even compensate you for 'bodily injures exempting you from work'..if you get what I mean. But then, you miss out on the riding season. But then again, you get a new bike. Oh man..so many pros and cons to this. Hahaha
I tap their window and shake my finger... then i do a little "eyes forward" motion. This always seems too come up between finch and the 401 exits on the 404.
I gently tap on their window and when they roll it down, I inform them that they have mispelled "jackass on a motorcyle", give them a small salute and continue on my way.

It pays to be helpful.
seems that everyone is ignoring the new law... every day I see too many people to count on their cells or texting while driving.
seems that everyone is ignoring the new law... every day I see too many people to count on their cells or texting while driving.

it's actually worse now, because people are trying to conceal it, which only makes them more distracted.
Get some distance. If you tap the window they might swerve or do something stupid.
stare at them.

If they look at me with a WTF look, I still stare.

I stay away from them.
I usually beep the horn then shake my head. Sadly they are so distracted they sometimes don't notice. I think stopping the bike, climbing onto the hood of their car and taking a dump on their windshield might work though.
I usually beep the horn then shake my head. Sadly they are so distracted they sometimes don't notice. I think stopping the bike, climbing onto the hood of their car and taking a dump on their windshield might work though.

I ride up beside them, hammer on the window and ask for the time. And if there's kids, I'll blow-fish the window.
I do nothing. I'm not a cop.

Exactly. If the government wants to make a law that they have no hope of totally enforcing then what can you do? I say stay the heck out of their blind spot since you know weaving and/or a random lane change is imminent.
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