What do you do, when you see a driver texting?

I don't wait around these morons who take the house on wheels with them. I ride like im being chased and looked for by people trying to kill me, so i've trained myself pretty well to be aware of my surrounds and evade dangerous situations. I don't wait around long enough to see whos on the phone and if i should murder them and what else. I just have printed jackets and shirts, which say things like the following on the back.

"If you can read this, im ready to sue you dry like the last guy"
"You're an accomplice, your cell phone kills people"
"Cops don't see everything, but God does! hang up that phone!"
"Your dead mother called, "stop using cell phones while driving, you'll end up in hell"
"if you just noticed this, PAY ATTENTION!"

people reading stuff like this behind me at traffic lights will get ashamed themselves, and be more careful around me or simply move away, and if they do manage to hit me or do something like that, just be assured when it comes to paper and court work, just by wearing a jacket or shirt that says something like that and is warning people, will make you look good in court and prove your case that if the driver was paying attention they could have heeded to what was on my back right infront of them as a reminder, and if the claim they did see me they can be charged with attempted man slaughter or something like that. And no one can say that it was distracting because well, if you read what it said you'd be more cautious.
"If you can read this, im ready to sue you dry like the last guy"
"You're an accomplice, your cell phone kills people"
"Cops don't see everything, but God does! hang up that phone!"
"Your dead mother called, "stop using cell phones while driving, you'll end up in hell"
"if you just noticed this, PAY ATTENTION!"


This made me LOLz
This made me LOLz

LOL i know, i like to keep things light, and hate getting angry or upset, so i figured whats the best way to get a little awareness out and keep it real at the same time, and comedy or humour always seems to get a strong message across in a way where it makes the reader think after guys got a point.

after my accident two years ago, i don't take anthing on the road lightly, you'd be surprised the same stories i've herd over and over again with people i've met through my rehabilitation from motorvechile accidents, and its always these few kinds of drivers causing mayham.
LOL i know, i like to keep things light, and hate getting angry or upset, so i figured whats the best way to get a little awareness out and keep it real at the same time, and comedy or humour always seems to get a strong message across in a way where it makes the reader think after guys got a point.

after my accident two years ago, i don't take anthing on the road lightly, you'd be surprised the same stories i've herd over and over again with people i've met through my rehabilitation from motorvechile accidents, and its always these few kinds of drivers causing mayham.

Props to you for making a change
...to get a little awareness out and keep it real at the same time, and comedy or humour always seems to get a strong message across

I plan to put this sticker on my bike:
What you should do is bust out your 9, and shoot out their tires, if they still keep texting after that then they must be texting about something very important, and you probably should leave them alone.

Why do people feel they need to do something? you don't like him/her texting, hit the throttle and get out of there.
I usually make the "call me" gesture with my hand to my helmet and then tilt my head when I look over at them. Most of the time though, I just try to get ahead of them and as far away as possible.
Take there mirror as a form of texting tax
From another thread:

Update: The police sent a warning letter to the registered owner. He'll get it sometime next year when canada post gets back to work.

Today I saw some loser talking on his phone while driving. I honked my horn which is loud to begin with and (scared him a bit) and wagged my finger in a shame on you sort of way. He smiled and laughed but hung up the phone immediately.

Then I get on the 401 and I see some old broad doing 105 km/h in the left (fast lane) and holding up traffic behind her. Did the same thing with her. She hung up right away too. It would seem that people can be guilted into cutting that **** out.

I hope other people start giving a wag of their finger (not the middle one) and shaming those who endanger other motorists.

I really hope that you don't wag that little finger of yours at the wrong person; its not gonna be really fun when they stick your own finger up your a** for not minding your own business.
I really hope that you don't wag that little finger of yours at the wrong person; its not gonna be really fun when they stick your own finger up your a** for not minding your own business.

Yah, not worried. Glad someone else interrupts them. I knock on car windows of drivers who are dumb and I'm just not the sort of guy people f* with. Like this guy, but on a bike:


Would you mess with that? No, I didn't think so. That's what I got.
ye, if you came dancing at my car/bike like that I wouldn't want to ****** with you.......
Gave a woman the horn (LOL) at the light yesterday who was on the phone and WOW the look she gave me was to die for.
Like I was in the wrong, really what should one expect from these stupid people.
Went away shaking my head and laughing at the total ignorance.
This is when I have fun with my 2 bros exhaust. Works awesome, especially with their window up, they usually hang up when they can't hear the conversation and you know the person on the other end only hears your bike at 12000

Flame away, but I hate people being distracted while driving.
I always get a kick out the fact that if they use speakerphone its ok. Like if they don't hold it to their ear people won't know and it makes it ok. Lol
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