What do you do, when you see a driver texting?

The Toronto police should have pairs of officers just driving around the city all day in unmarked minivans. That way they could get a good look down into peoples cars in traffic. I swear they've be able to generate 2-3k per day each in fines no problem. That's quite a bit of revenue for the city! ;)
I simply pay attention to what I am doing, and do not care what someone is doing in their car. It is not up to me to enforce laws, I have enough to do already. Perhaps the OP needs to worry less about what others are doing, and worry more about what he is doing.

I pay attention too, If I see someone behind the wheel, I expect them to be DRIVEING, That's it!, If there too busy to drive, they should not be driveing, That's how people like us get killed, so sorry, I do not say let the cops deal with it, Becuse if I do, me or someone I know could be dead by then. Plus I have no problem, with freaking out A-holes.
I pay attention too, If I see someone behind the wheel, I expect them to be DRIVEING, That's it!, If there too busy to drive, they should not be driveing, That's how people like us get killed, so sorry, I do not say let the cops deal with it, Becuse if I do, me or someone I know could be dead by then. Plus I have no problem, with freaking out A-holes.
And you think that you freaking out at everyone makes you a safe rider??? That's amazing because while your freaking out on some cager having a text-a-thon what the hell are you focused on?? Not whats going on around you that's Forsure !! Do you guys act like this for every bad driver?? The make-up applying , paper reading, soup eating , blow job receiving people of this wonderful province??? Or just when your balls feel really big???
I pay attention too, If I see someone behind the wheel, I expect them to be DRIVEING, That's it!, If there too busy to drive, they should not be driveing, That's how people like us get killed, so sorry, I do not say let the cops deal with it, Becuse if I do, me or someone I know could be dead by then. Plus I have no problem, with freaking out A-holes.

Continue do what u are doing cuz, I don't have the patience to do it myself, lol
I have not seen anyone texting yet, but I would get F-ing ****** and let them know, I would make a F-ing seen, nothing like a ****** off biker to scare some sence into them. A buddy and his wife were stoped to make a left, a girl TEXTING ran strait into the rear of the car, never even hit the brakes, if they were on the bike, they would be dead now. Saw some Jackass reading a Paper while driving two weeks ago, and I lost it on the ***, and scared the crap out of him, gave me a nice warm fuzzy feeling when I was done.
I bring some coins on my pocket, (quarters or loonies) and I go in front of them or on the side and..............I spare my change in their windows
From another thread:

sundancekid said:
Just today I was driving in my cage and I saw a guy in a white contractor van slam into the curb and bounce off back into his lane. I thought to myself WTF man? first day with your new eyes and hands?! I rolled up beside him and saw that he was STILL texting and driving. At that point it was ON! I memorized his plate and called (via Bluetooth) York Police, they put out a an APB / BOLO for his vehicle and asked that I file a complaint through Road Watch. I really hope they nailed the guy, he obviously had zero control over his vehicle and it could have been considerably worse than just hitting the curb. When I see morons like that I fear for my own safety and those of pedestrians and other riders.

Update: The police sent a warning letter to the registered owner. He'll get it sometime next year when canada post gets back to work.

Today I saw some loser talking on his phone while driving. I honked my horn which is loud to begin with and (scared him a bit) and wagged my finger in a shame on you sort of way. He smiled and laughed but hung up the phone immediately.

Then I get on the 401 and I see some old broad doing 105 km/h in the left (fast lane) and holding up traffic behind her. Did the same thing with her. She hung up right away too. It would seem that people can be guilted into cutting that **** out.

I hope other people start giving a wag of their finger (not the middle one) and shaming those who endanger other motorists.
Get some distance. If you tap the window they might swerve or do something stupid.

Yes I agree with "thowe", get as far away from them as possible (far ahead or behind), because sooner or later they are going to hit a car in front of them or swerve out of their lane.
you stay away. simple.
it's not your job to tell everyone else how to drive. if it's fair to tell someone not to text, then it's fair for them to ***** you out for riding 10km over. neither is OK. I hate when riders think it's OK to critique everyone else's driving when half of them are busy doing 20 over and quick lane chnages. far more dangerous than a text message. IMHO and equally as dangerous to your safety.

if its THAT dangerous that you REALLY think a texting driver will hit someone, let them. make sure it's not you, and that'll be their wakeup call. a 5km/h bounce off another car that costs them $2000 in damage. if they don't hit someone else, then they probably weren't going to hit you either.
Ok here's the winner for best reply!

I usually beep the horn then shake my head. Sadly they are so distracted they sometimes don't notice. I think stopping the bike, climbing onto the hood of their car and taking a dump on their windshield might work though.
First runner up for funniest response!!!!

driving up beside them and tapping on their window while moving it just dumb.

you gotta get up beside them on the passenger side, and leap from your bike onto their hood. That way you're not obstructing the drivers view and you can hold onto the wiper so you don't fall off.

I mind my own business and move along. No time for the LCD's out there.
... doing 20 over and quick lane chnages. far more dangerous than a text message. IMHO and equally as dangerous to your safety.
Not really, it depends on the skill of the rider. If it is within the skill of a rider, he is fully alert while doing it. For someone texting, they are not fully alert. There was a study floating around that txting is the same as driving drunk! Go figure! In fact someone txting displays the same symptoms of a drunk driver.

Yes. but.... anyone heard of offensive riding?

A good defense is a good offense :D
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