What did you do to your track/race bike today

Bridgestone R10 scrubs :)
Put a 09 R1 master on the 636, changed the fuild, tried to clean the front calipers, new front pads, changed the fuild in the rear.

Think I'm going to put the second bike together this week.
I put an Accossato clutch lever and perch on my gsxr 600. Biggest waste of blingy money I've ever spent, I think. I wanted to "balance out" the Accossato brake master. The clutch lever says "Accossato Racing", the brake lever simply says "Accossato". So even that part was a fail. And I now have to duct tape my clutch switch closed until I can effect a proper fix.

On the plus side I achieved my 2013 seasons aim of getting into the 2.15s at Calabogie. Just what do I do for the rest of the season now though?
Last week I did the valve cover gasket (factory authorised repair, but American bike, and only a few hours of my time...), flushed the coolant again (still getting rusty looking crap out...), front brake pads, bled front brakes, and safety wired up the front end. Good to go for Thursday!
Took off the tail, hooked up the Battery Tender.
Flipped the shift to GP instead of regular. Will see how many times I blow a shift in the wrong direction - at least I'll find out of the slipper is working properly.
Took off the tail, hooked up the Battery Tender.
Flipped the shift to GP instead of regular. Will see how many times I blow a shift in the wrong direction - at least I'll find out of the slipper is working properly.

Uh oh... You should decrease the rev limiter to 8000 to be safe. LOL
Flipped the shift to GP instead of regular. Will see how many times I blow a shift in the wrong direction - at least I'll find out of the slipper is working properly.
Nice!! I didn't mess up one shift at Shannonville my first time with GP shift, but there wasn't much shifting there. I'm doing TMP on Wednesday but next to no shifting there either! Maybe I'll see if I can find a -2 front sprocket to make it more interesting :)
Took off the tail, hooked up the Battery Tender.
Flipped the shift to GP instead of regular. Will see how many times I blow a shift in the wrong direction - at least I'll find out of the slipper is working properly.
I had a few Oh **** moments, not so bad when you downshift, it is worse when you are counting on engine braking and realize you went up a gear instead of down

Anyways - I fixed some lighting issues with my trailer
Put an extra washer on the shifter for more clearance and adjusted accordingly, has some issues with it during the race on Sunday
Got myself organized and the bike loaded

Ready for the Race weekend.
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Uh oh... You should decrease the rev limiter to 8000 to be safe. LOL

Thinking 4000 might be a better bet for my slow-@ss....
Rode Randy's CBR1K on the weekend with GP shift.. only messed up once when coming up to a stop sign. Got it right the next one though...
Nice!! I didn't mess up one shift at Shannonville my first time with GP shift, but there wasn't much shifting there. I'm doing TMP on Wednesday but next to no shifting there either! Maybe I'll see if I can find a -2 front sprocket to make it more interesting :)

Wait what??? There is lapping at TMP tomorrow? I can't find that on the website. DETAILS PLEASE!

I was going to do GB thursday but had to cancel for work. I would totally do TMP tomorrow if that is for real.
Wait what??? There is lapping at TMP tomorrow? I can't find that on the website. DETAILS PLEASE!

I was going to do GB thursday but had to cancel for work. I would totally do TMP tomorrow if that is for real.

Crack is blue. LOL...
Wait what??? There is lapping at TMP tomorrow? I can't find that on the website. DETAILS PLEASE!

I was going to do GB thursday but had to cancel for work. I would totally do TMP tomorrow if that is for real.

You have to know people..lol

its open lapping for cars and bike on the road course AND drag strip.
Cars and bikes on the track simultaneously? Yikes, no thanks....
watch those corners... wouldn't be my scene
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