What are you reading?

Not really into fiction, so reading this atm, pretty interesting book:

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just finished this, overall a good book.

The last 2 chapters are a bit weird though, it goes from giving a birds eye view of the history of finance, economics and trade, to a super detailed, america-centric focus on the 2008 financial collapse, with lots of minutia and jargon.

Starting this, first chapter in, and can already tell its gonna be a banger:
new hard sci-fi author for me ...quite prolific

Neal Asher takes on first contact, Polity style. This original novel recounts the first contact between the aggressive Prador aliens, and the Polity Collective as it is forced to retool its society to a war footing. The overwhelming brute force of the Prador dreadnaughts causes several worlds and space stations to be overrun. Prador Moon follows the initial Polity defeats, to the first draws, and culminates in what might be the first Polity victory, told from the point of view of two unlikely heroes.
Obsessions Die Hard. Again. Being on the west coast right now, it's kinda relevant.
Currently listening to this…only 25% of the way in but interesting life.


However I’m always a tad skeptical of autobiographies or biographies.

Same as I’m skeptical of ‘this movie was made according to actual events’ where it’s 10% reality and 90% movie magic.
Looking forward to reading this..... When available in paperback.

Just released this week.

However I’m always a tad skeptical of autobiographies or biographies.

Same as I’m skeptical of ‘this movie was made according to actual events’ where it’s 10% reality and 90% movie magic.
You are mixing issues here. :unsure:
A/Bio will most always be self serving and can be light on verifiable facts or have a tendency to focus on the positive aspects and ignore the negatives. That would tend to be an expected norm. Churchill an example.

Bio tend to be strongly scrutinized by scholars....almost a peer review process.
Case in point....Oppenheimer was was dual authored, 15 years in the completion and deserved its Pulitzer.

Bringing Oppy to life was astonishing and I don't understand how you can correlate "movie magic" with skepticism of factual history.
One is valued on its ability to engage the viewer, the other judged on factual accuracy.

It WAS very useful to have read ( that's a huge "ask")..the Oppy bio before watching the movie.
Same goes for Flower Moon tho the book not so daunting.
This one might be timely:
A 20 year old flying nights over Germany in charge of a crew of 6. These stories about true PATRIOTS never cease to amaze me. The only guys that had mortality rates higher than these flyboys were Germans in Uboats.
I gauge books based on re-reads, good ones I read multiple times...atomic habits I read like 3 times...
On chapter 17 of this one now, will def be re-reading it.
BP's mention of "atomic" reminded me of this book - The Radioactive Boy Scout . I read it some time ago but would still highly recommend it. He build some kind of reactor, guys in hazmat eventually cut up his workshop and seal it in 45 gallon drums....

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Deep into this author..
Neal Asher - very prolific and innovative. Best use of Ai in sci-fi I've come across....galactic scope in world building...very very hard sci-fi. Vivid characters many not human - brilliant projection/imagination of where tech will go.

  1. Weaponized (2300 CE)
  2. Prador Moon (2310 CE)
  3. Shadow of the Scorpion (2339 CE)
  4. Gridlinked (2434 CE)
  5. The Line of Polity (2437 CE)
  6. Brass Man (2441 CE)
  7. Polity Agent (2443 CE)
  8. Line War (2444 CE)
  9. The Technician (2457 CE)
  10. Dark Intelligence (Circa. 2500 CE)[9]
  11. War Factory (Circa. 2500 CE)
  12. Infinity Engine (Circa. 2500 CE)
  13. The Soldier (Circa. 2750 CE)[10]
  14. The Warship (Circa. 2750 CE)
  15. The Human (Circa. 2750 CE)
  16. The Skinner (3056 CE)
  17. The Voyage of the Sable Keech (3078 CE)
  18. Orbus (3079 CE)
  19. Jack Four
  20. Hilldiggers (3230 CE)
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the most successful Republican political operative of his generation, a searing, unflinching, and deeply personal ...
Just finished reading "The making of a Canadian Sniper", applaud the persistence and courage of Jody Mitic!
Edit: he ended up being a double amputee (both legs) and to enable him to ride, Harley made him a bike with a push button handlebar shifter. Possibly a Barrie Harley dealer was involved in the effort.
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