Went Down Today


Well-known member
Well, just got home from the hospital after going down for the first time today. Just leaving work headin down front street and some jackass cabbie decides to pull a u turn from oncoming traffic in front of me. Tried to avoid him and apply brakes but I caught his passenger front side and went down hard. Everything just happened so fast but saw it all in slow motion.... Just thank you to all the people that came to my aid in an instant is what it felt like! and especially to the homeless guy claiming he could heal me right there and then! A little shaken up mentally still and painful on my left chest and ribs so Im goin to get some rest.
The U-Turn of Death strikes again!
Sorry to hear. Hacks are the most unpredictable and dangerous drivers out there. Be very careful around them and don't take anything for granted. They'll pull any kind of move at any time..extremely careless.
Glad you're ok op
Glad to hear you survived it.

You may feel relatively ok but you are running on adrenaline and in a day or so the hurts may settle in. You may have some damage even later so it would be in your best interest to get checked out medically and get things on the record.

I hope the bike is not too banged up as well.

Be careful around cabs as the others have said, they are unpredictable and often "bend " the rules of the road.

Glad you're in one piece. Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day, especially in the morning trying to get out of bed hahah
lol cabbies downtown are like terrorists of the road. Glad your alright though.
glad ur alright, i hope that cabbies get the runs for a week... lol U be back in no time...Everyone stay sharp
that sucks man - hope you're alright - get well soon - we'll see you out there.

had i been on the street and seen that, i would have throttled the cab driver! i work downtown and the things i see cab drivers do gets my blood boiling.
Heal well my friend.

****in cabbies...bikers (motorized or not) worst enemy.
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At least you hit the cab... If not there's a good chance he would have just left and you would have got charged instead.
Anyone else find it slightly enraging that a negligent driver can pull a move like this, cause a potentially fatal incident, and only receive a 6 point 3 hundred and something dollar ticket.. and be driving again that very same day? Yet too many lane changes, excessive speed, spinning your tire, etc etc etc has you vehicle-less and license suspended as well as much heftier fines? This is justice? What a farce.
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