Went Down Today

Guess you never been in accident where the other person is 100% at fault....your turn will come dude.
If you're sure your injuries aren't permanent, you can get a really good one time lump settlement from the cabbie's insurer. I've been through this.

Would you mind sharing RetroGrouch? Im curious. You can PM me
Jeez the guy got in a little accident. Sure the other guy was at fault but there is no need to go ruining his life and subsequently increasing insurance premiums for us all.

The cabbie is already in trouble so he's going to have to deal with the consequence of being an idiot driver.

But the settlement will not come from him, it would come from his likely very profitable insurance company. And we are talking thousands of dollars not millions or anything like that as its not like the OP was in anyway disabled for life.

I knew somebody who pursued a settlement and basically she started by going to all these different "rehab"/therapy sessions and shortly after the insurance company looks to settle with you by cutting you a cheque so that you can just go away and everybody can move on.
My whole point is that it was a minor accident, sure the guy is inconvenienced a little and bruised up but his bike will be fixed and his wounds will be healed and there is really no detriment to his life or his life style as a result of the accident - could there have been? surely, but that is not the case.

There is no need to go pursuing settlements which only serve to increase the limits and bounds of your life style and nothing more. Apart from having his bike fixed and perhaps the cost of prescription pain killers, I dont believe he deserves a dime. Even at thousands, say he gets a settlement for $3k, that $3k is because what? He bruised himself? You could get into an accident all on your own and end up far worse, without anyone to extort money from.. you people need to stop seeing things like this as cash grabs and lotteries.

Everyone is always looking to make a quick buck at someone else' expense. You may look at the insurance company like a big evil man saying "Ah theyve got tons! who cares!", but they are an entity all the same. Your children may look at you and be like "but dad the chocolate bar is only a dollar, it wont make any difference to you at all!" but you still wont give it to them because they dont need it, dont deserve it, and you like to keep control of your money and assets, even at measly denominations of a dollar, because it all adds up.
I agree, I'm still going through my battle. ..six years later and still hurting. You don't know how a collision is going to effect your life. Its better to do everything proper and not have any issues then to say what ever and be in pain for the rest of your life and not get anything for someone changing it.
I disagree. This careless cabbie could easily have ruined the OP's life permanently. Hopefully he will gws, after that I am with RetroGrouch and depending on physical/medical damage I would pursue this, including getting some legal advice.
I agree, I'm still going through my battle. ..six years later and still hurting. You don't know how a collision is going to effect your life. Its better to do everything proper and not have any issues then to say what ever and be in pain for the rest of your life and not get anything for someone changing it.


I have severe arthritis in my left shoulder joint as a result of a 100% not at fault accident 6 years ago. I got a trivial settlement based on the value of my motorcycle and gear at the time because it wasn't until rather recently did they actual discover the arthritis, which of course is a degenerative disease that has progressed since then through normal wear and tear and strenuous physical activity that is a huge part of my lifestyle.

What am I left with? Never ending dependence on painkillers and multiple medical 'professionals' as well as a surgeon telling me "to never do anything physical that puts stress through your shoulder joint again."

I'm 30.
Anyone else find it slightly enraging that a negligent driver can pull a move like this, cause a potentially fatal incident, and only receive a 6 point 3 hundred and something dollar ticket.. and be driving again that very same day? Yet too many lane changes, excessive speed, spinning your tire, etc etc etc has you vehicle-less and license suspended as well as much heftier fines? This is justice? What a farce.

Y'know, you can always just drive a car instead of riding.

As riders, the onus is on us to watch out for ourselves. When accidents happen, we accept the fact that we'll take much longer to heal than someone protected by a cage. You can't increase the punishment for the other driver, just because YOU happen to be on a motorcycle.

Good to hear you're alright, OP... and that the guy got charged. Careless is a serious charge, especially for someone who relies on the cab to feed his family.
He bruised himself?

I don't believe he bruised himself.. I believe someone else's negligence caused him to be bruised.

So here's the rub for people who hate on the insurance industry: if you want lower premiums, do you want the OP to not have access to physio, settlements, time off work compensation? Because that would certainly lower your premiums.
Y'know, you can always just drive a car instead of riding.

As riders, the onus is on us to watch out for ourselves. When accidents happen, we accept the fact that we'll take much longer to heal than someone protected by a cage. You can't increase the punishment for the other driver, just because YOU happen to be on a motorcycle.

Good to hear you're alright, OP... and that the guy got charged. Careless is a serious charge, especially for someone who relies on the cab to feed his family.

Where in my post did I mention anything about wanting special treatment or charges against the offending driver based on the fact that it was a motorcyclist that was injured? Point it out to me.

I'll spell it out for you -

make 3 or 5 quick lane changes, do 50 over, squawk your tires, etc etc etc (CAR OR BIKE), hit no one, get pulled over. Charged with stunting. 1000+ in fines and financial reprecussions + 7 days no vehicle no license, THEN add ridiculous insurance premium increases, if you're even able to get insured again.

Pull a u-turn in front of someone (CAR OR BIKE) cause a serious collision. 6 Points, 350 dollars. Take to court, plead down to "improper left turn" or "failure to yield". No points, minimal fine. Insurance hikes? for sure.

See the injustice now? Or do I need sock puppets?
Good to hear you're alright, OP... and that the guy got charged. Careless is a serious charge, especially for someone who relies on the cab to feed his family.

If it were so important to feed his family, you'd think he'd pay more attention...
If it were so important to feed his family, you'd think he'd pay more attention...

LOL, was just about to point that out. Who gives a **** why he's driving that cab? Irrelevant. People who drive for a living should KNOW HOW TO DRIVE FOR A LIVING.
Anyone else find it slightly enraging that a negligent driver can pull a move like this, cause a potentially fatal incident, and only receive a 6 point 3 hundred and something dollar ticket.. and be driving again that very same day? Yet too many lane changes, excessive speed, spinning your tire, etc etc etc has you vehicle-less and license suspended as well as much heftier fines? This is justice? What a farce.

Ohhhh you're griping about the "stunt driving" law, here? I misunderstood your "potentially fatal" line as relevant to motorcyclists... carry on, then (although its a pretty beaten horse as it is here, I imagine).

Where in my post did I mention anything about wanting special treatment or charges against the offending driver based on the fact that it was a motorcyclist that was injured? Point it out to me.
LOL, was just about to point that out. Who gives a **** why he's driving that cab? Irrelevant. People who drive for a living should KNOW HOW TO DRIVE FOR A LIVING.

It is relevant, if the charge sticks (which it deserves to). If the charge doesn't stick, then perhaps your comments should be directed at our courts system?
LOL, was just about to point that out. Who gives a **** why he's driving that cab? Irrelevant. People who drive for a living should KNOW HOW TO DRIVE FOR A LIVING.

Agreed. Someone who owned a computer business was convicted of selling stolen computers, then tried to pull the "... hardship to my family" card on the judge. Judge told him that he should have thought of that, before he committed his crime. That's the way that I see it too.

I would have more sympathy for cab drivers if I didn't see them pulling this crap on a daily basis, or if I had ever seen a cab, that was older than maybe 1 year, that didn't have dents and paint patches on it.
I don't believe he bruised himself.. I believe someone else's negligence caused him to be bruised.

So here's the rub for people who hate on the insurance industry: if you want lower premiums, do you want the OP to not have access to physio, settlements, time off work compensation? Because that would certainly lower your premiums.

OP likely doesn't need any of the above mentioned.

People need to stop being such ****ing pussies in this day and age. I wiped out at mosport the other weekend, swelling and bruising my ENTIRE lower leg and part of my thigh. I cant bent my knee correctly at the moment (its only been a week) and I hear some clicking from time to time. I took a frame slider directly to the side of the knee/top of shin area. Being on my feet all day at work causes my ankle to swell up huge by the end of the day. I suck it up and do what I have to. It hurts. Regardless of any fault or not.

Even if I had been in the similar position as the OP and hurt my leg in the exact same manner, I would go about it in the exact same manner I have - walk it off, suck it up, live and learn.

Perhaps the OPs own negligence in the fact that he likely froze up and drove straight into the cabbie is to blame? If he had been a few seconds later perhaps he would have rear ended the cabbie and been the one at fault?

I'm so sick and tired of everyone in every aspect of life not wanting to work for anything or go through a struggle now and then, find the easy way out and attempt to milk off of anyone or anything they can. ****ing parasites.

Of course I wish the OP a speedy recovery and I am sad such a thing had to happen to anyone, but you settlement bandits really get my blood boiling
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My whole point is that it was a minor accident, sure the guy is inconvenienced a little and bruised up but his bike will be fixed and his wounds will be healed and there is really no detriment to his life or his life style as a result of the accident - could there have been? surely, but that is not the case.

There is no need to go pursuing settlements which only serve to increase the limits and bounds of your life style and nothing more. Apart from having his bike fixed and perhaps the cost of prescription pain killers, I dont believe he deserves a dime. Even at thousands, say he gets a settlement for $3k, that $3k is because what? He bruised himself? You could get into an accident all on your own and end up far worse, without anyone to extort money from.. you people need to stop seeing things like this as cash grabs and lotteries.

Time is the most precious commodity we all have. And the bottom line is that this accident has and will take time away from OP that could be used to do things he likes or spend time with people he loves. Nobody is saying to put a price tag on a bruise.

Instead, he will use this time to rehab, sort out this mess and deal with his bike. His bike is not going to magically repair itself is it? It'll require effort and time. I don't know what OP does for a living but he might have a job that will not pay him if he takes time off to recover. You never know. If he is unable to work because of the accident, is it not fair that he be compensated accordingly?

I think you are looking at this sort of situation a little too simplistically. Don't get me wrong though, Im not saying that everybody should go out and sue each other over every petty matter. If somebody drives slow in front of me, Im not going to feel entitled to sue them for wasting my time... I just think that you have to look at it in a case by case basis and there are some times where financial compensation is justified.
This isn't the states. you aren't gonna get a ridiculous settlement. Its a common misconception in Canada.
What I don't understand is when someone is injured in an accident with a long term affect, how would a settlement make them feel better?...
People take advantage of these laws to try and pocket some cash, but what if these laws did not exist in the first place?...

My father (78 years old) stepped out of a pharmacy on a snowy day, slipped, fell and broke his leg. In this case he could of hired a personal injury lawyer and made some money out of it, but how is this going to help his broken leg?... needless to say, he didn't hire a lawyer or ask for a settlement or anything of that nature.

Somebody please explain, how would getting a settlement help your well being? (physically)
What I don't understand is when someone is injured in an accident with a long term affect, how would a settlement make them feel better?...
People take advantage of these laws to try and pocket some cash, but what if these laws did not exist in the first place?...

My father (78 years old) stepped out of a pharmacy on a snowy day, slipped, fell and broke his leg. In this case he could of hired a personal injury lawyer and made some money out of it, but how is this going to help his broken leg?... needless to say, he didn't hire a lawyer or ask for a settlement or anything of that nature.

Somebody please explain, how would getting a settlement help your well being? (physically)

In a case like that it's not about your well being, but about your ability to support yourself.
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