Wear your gear. And don't cry to mommy. | GTAMotorcycle.com

Wear your gear. And don't cry to mommy.


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This has got to be the funniest thing I've seen in a long long time.

Jump to 7:45

Props to the mom for being so calm!!
Aside from the obvious;
- gear issues (I know, opinion based... but he's got the money for a GoPro...)
- calling mommy instead of 911
- then saying he doesn't need 911, despite believing that he's broken his leg

... all I can think about at 7:45 is;

... all I can think about at 7:45 is;

lol I was thinking this:

Transcript: "Help! Heeeeelp! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Heeeeeeeeelp! Help! Help Me Pleeeeaaaassseee! Help Me Pleeeaaassee! Pleeeaseee help me!!! Please.. Please help me .. Mom.... I crashed my bike" -- in that order....
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And who posted it to youtube from their Gopro? "Look ma. I'm on TV just like the crack Ho's on "Cops".
Oh hai!
I lol'd out loud.

Not to the fact the rider hurt himself but the fact he calls his mom instead of 911?
Ahhhh, the wisdom of carrying your phone in your pocket, instead of on your bike, tail bag, or tank bag.

Long live the GoPro.
The deer is like "SMIDSY"

Sent from my calculator, using skills.
was thinking about riding up north tonight, now i have second thoughts lol...even though im AGATT lol
what a pussy.

why on earth would that guy release a video like that showing what a crybaby he is ?
Aside from the obvious;
- gear issues (I know, opinion based... but he's got the money for a GoPro...)
- calling mommy instead of 911
- then saying he doesn't need 911, despite believing that he's broken his leg

... all I can think about at 7:45 is;

Lol @ Alan...

I dunno, I still feel a little sorry for the guy. Even if things didn't turn out as bad as they could have, it's still a bit of a shock. Plus in the good ole USA, you really don't want to call 911 if you don't have to ($$$).

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