We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Silverdale range day today to sight in and tinker with custom loads.

Top half of pic is setting up on the line to get on paper at 25ds, bottom of picture is the 1st 2 rounds hitting at 100yds.

I am very impressed with this build!

I thought silverdale had those awfully thought out baffles?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

No issues in my eyes. Range is awesome.
Reached out to the 200yds and was ringing the gong like nobody's business.
All the fuds sighting in their deer guns seemed super impressed by my buddy and I's tacticooled up thingamajigger sniper rifles. : )
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?


Cool video! I have been watching a lot of firearm myth buster type videos lately and Im constantly surprised at how things really work out in the real world compared to what we are lead to believe from growing up watching TV and movies.

I just watched one where regular old FMJ 5.56 burns holes through 1/4" steel plate at 100 yards, .308 burned though both 1/4" and 1/2" at the same distance. And 9mm pistol didnt even scratch the surface at almost point blank...So much for hiding behind car doors in movies..lol

Another they tired different types of firearms at point blank range shooting out pad locks from the hardware store, multiple shots from different firearms did not open the locks

And another with Hichok45 shooting an AK47 at concrete block wall at 230 yaards, and majority of them going right through both sides of the wall.

And then here we have .22 bullet proof spoons LOL amazing!
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Does anyone know where in the GTA you can find gun magazines? I went to Chapters as I though I remembered them having gun related magazines but they had nothing. Some on war but nothing about firearms. Looking for tactical firearm stuff, ya black and plastic lol...

Maybe a certain 711 or some grocery store mag racks in the city?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Does anyone know where in the GTA you can find gun magazines? I went to Chapters as I though I remembered them having gun related magazines but they had nothing. Some on war but nothing about firearms. Looking for tactical firearm stuff, ya black and plastic lol...

Maybe a certain 711 or some grocery store mag racks in the city?

There's a news/magazine store in BCE place, corner of Yonge/Wellington. Has a good selection.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

There's a news/magazine store in BCE place, corner of Yonge/Wellington. Has a good selection.

Thanks I'll have to check that out

I dont mind subscribing but I dont know what mag I like yet, so would be nice to get some examples to check out then I'll subscribe if I find one I really like

I get the Canadian mag Caliber, its subscription must have been included with something from my range membership I believe, possibly the CSSA membership...Its ok, but a little thin and not exactly filled with what I am interested in.....And then I get the same mag over and over for free when I order stuff online from Canadian gun shops...LOL so I end up with like 2-3 copies
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Theres a convenience store upstairs in pickering town centre that sells tons of different mags.
Some Walmarts carry a variety as well.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Im a bit confused as per i dont know what to look for. I'm going to get my CFSC and CRFSC for a future job, is there a way to do this in one course or must they be taken individually?

I also don't know who counts as an accredited course here. All of this is new for me so forgive me if theyre dumb questions
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Quite often, both are done at the same time. Usually they're set up to be done in a week end. Friday evening, all day Saturday and a good chunk of Sunday. Cost you in the neighbourhood of $275 to get your RPAL.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Quite often, both are done at the same time. Usually they're set up to be done in a week end. Friday evening, all day Saturday and a good chunk of Sunday. Cost you in the neighbourhood of $275 to get your RPAL.
So what would that be when I'm looking for a course according to here http://www.fseso.org/public-course-search ?

One stop or WHSC I don't know the difference between the two.

EDIT: Nevermind isee it. Thanks.
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

So what would that be when I'm looking for a course according to here http://www.fseso.org/public-course-search ?

One stop or WHSC I don't know the difference between the two.

EDIT: Nevermind isee it. Thanks.

Get your firearms license as quickly as possible. Go with the full RPAL (both long gun and handgun license). Rumor is that Justin Turdo is going to increase restrictions and make getting the firearms licenses more difficult next year. They are also going to outlaw semi-automatic rifles, so all those inexpensive (but awesome) Russian SKS rifles could either be grandfathered or severely restricted. When it comes to firearms the Liberals are absolute jerks.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Fixed it for ya. ;)

I reported your post.. As an absolute jerk I took that comparison as a major insult!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Get your firearms license as quickly as possible. Go with the full RPAL (both long gun and handgun license). Rumor is that Justin Turdo is going to increase restrictions and make getting the firearms licenses more difficult next year. They are also going to outlaw semi-automatic rifles, so all those inexpensive (but awesome) Russian SKS rifles could either be grandfathered or severely restricted. When it comes to firearms the Liberals are absolute jerks.
I'm confused. Looking at the courses I see the restricted firearms and regular safety course combined. I'm not quite sure, is the RPAL included in that? Or is that a separate course on top of those two
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I'm confused. Looking at the courses I see the restricted firearms and regular safety course combined. I'm not quite sure, is the RPAL included in that? Or is that a separate course on top of those two

Depends on the instructor but in general, those are 2 separate courses, each of them is typically 1 day and they cost about $150 a pop or $300 combined... Regular PAL course just gets you your PAL. If you already got a PAL and want to upgrade, you just take the RPAL course and if you have nothing, you take both.
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