We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Well I have to thank Firestarter for bringing me back into the fold. I'm currently admiring my Sig Sauer P320 and S&W M&P 22 while I navigate the craziness of joining a range.

I shot a striker fire SIG the other day at my basic handgun class, it was a very accurate and smooth shooter! Im not 100% but I believe it was the P320?
Don't shoot yet - but come the 10th of December I'll be licensed! Doing both the restricted and non-restricted course at Ready, Aim in Oakville.
Don't shoot yet - but come the 10th of December I'll be licensed! Doing both the restricted and non-restricted course at Ready, Aim in Oakville.

Your course is on the 10th? Or you expect your lic in the mail on the 10th? If your course is on the 10th don't expect to actually be licensed for about 4 months after that date. For your restricted make sure your references are reliable and easily reached, that can delay things even more
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I shot a striker fire SIG the other day at my basic handgun class, it was a very accurate and smooth shooter! Im not 100% but I believe it was the P320?

It was either a 320 or 250
Course is the 9th and 10th, didn't know it usually takes a couple of months! Good advice on the references, I'll make sure to have them ready.
I got my RPAL in a month after submitting my paperwork, so it can happen. Johnny so jealous you got to shoot the P320! Mine has been sitting in the safe only been out for late night strokings and dry firing while I wait to join a range. Bought the thing after looking at YouTube videos and reviews and honestly can't wait to take it for shoot at the range.
I got my RPAL in a month after submitting my paperwork, so it can happen. Johnny so jealous you got to shoot the P320! Mine has been sitting in the safe only been out for late night strokings and dry firing while I wait to join a range. Bought the thing after looking at YouTube videos and reviews and honestly can't wait to take it for shoot at the range.

Its a really nice gun, my instructor shoot it too and right after 3 shots he turned around and said damn that's accurate. I had the same experience shooting it for the first time, right after a few shots I was like wow that's smooth and accurate. They told a story about one blowing up at the range a few days earlier but there was speculation of the owner loading the wrong ammo into it causing it to fail. The SIG also has a really nice ergonomic grip feel to them, they fit the hand very nice and comfortably. I think you will love it once you get to shoot it. I just might have to add one to the collection sooner or later
Great advice thanks! I'll definitely follow that along, make sure I get that application in and being processed before christmas

I followed the advice in that thread and had it in the mail in about 5 weeks ;)
Thinking of getting into reloading........ opinions?

Spending more and more time at the range, looking to get into some ORA competitions in the near future and I think it's time to take the plunge
Thinking of getting into reloading........ opinions?

Spending more and more time at the range, looking to get into some ORA competitions in the near future and I think it's time to take the plunge

It's a good option if you shoot a lot....

but there is an ammo shortage, as well as items needed to make your own.....so right now your waiting........either way...

your initial investment to reload will be high, but it can pay off if you shoot a lot and need to reload a lot, look for sales on powder, casings, bullets and so on, stock up when you can, all the items needed rarely go down in price, typically only up.....

Tricky, PM me as I have a reloading setup that would be great for precision ammo.. Basically everything you'd need except for the calipers. Only got the dies for .223 but dies are cheap.

GK: Sometimes it's for the quality of the ammo. No commercial ammo can beat proper hand loads
Tricky, PM me as I have a reloading setup that would be great for precision ammo.. Basically everything you'd need except for the calipers. Only got the dies for .223 but dies are cheap.

GK: Sometimes it's for the quality of the ammo. No commercial ammo can beat proper hand loads

agree, depending on what your doing, plinking, or target shooting, for pistol the WOLF stuff is not bad, for rifle I like my reloads but the match grade stuff is pretty good stuff as well.....

I reloaded when the wife and kids were shooting, now not so much as they don't soot much anymore so I can get away with the commercial bought stuff.....and I also lost all my reloading equipment....LOL
Reloading is really all about the quality.. I can always get decent commercial ammo in 9mm for what the components would cost me. However, if I want correct loads for the games I play, I can always cook up my own better.
Whatever you do take your time to learn and buy good equipment and never shoot anyones reloaded ammo in your gun that you don't know or trust, in my case no one from now on. I made a big mistake the first day I took my new slide and barrel out for a test run. The guy beside me was chirping in my ear "try my ammo, its very accurate and powerful" I gave in, and loaded up a mag. 1st felt and sounded weak, 2nd same, 3rd same, then a failure to chamber. I tried to reload a next round wouldn't go. So I switched back to my ammo, and still nothing wont chamber, so Im like ok its not the ammo something wrong with the gun, do a chamber check and all I see is brass right after the chamber. His load was so weak the 3rd one just barely made it out of the casing into the barrel. Lucky for me because had it gone any further it would have accepted another round and I would have at the least bulged my brand new barrel or even worse split it open in my hand. I strip the gun down, bring the barrel to the front to clear it out, luckily a few taps and it popped right out. As were working on it the same guy comes in with one stuck in his barrel, it happened to him twice while I was there!

Stupid me I start asking the questions after as hes still trying to make me try another box that he loaded at a different time. I was like no thanks man I'll stick to my factory ammo. So I ask him how much did you spend on your loading equipment and where did you learn to load, he answers "$500 and Youtube".

Yeah so lesson learned, when I decide to re load I will be spending money on good equipment and taking the time to learn to do it properly. And I will never take anyone else ammo again....Not that you cant properly load ammo with $500 equipment but Ive been looking and Im seeing prices between $2000-5000 for good loading setup, so I don't see how he could have anything good for $500 total
Reloading is really all about the quality.. I can always get decent commercial ammo in 9mm for what the components would cost me. However, if I want correct loads for the games I play, I can always cook up my own better.

Could you give a rough estimate on total time required to reload say 300 rounds of 9x19 ammo? Just trying to get an idea of the time involved with reloading roughly the amount I like to shoot each trip to the range
Yeah so lesson learned, when I decide to re load I will be spending money on good equipment and taking the time to learn to do it properly. And I will never take anyone else ammo again....Not that you cant properly load ammo with $500 equipment but Ive been looking and Im seeing prices between $2000-5000 for good loading setup, so I don't see how he could have anything good for $500 total

You can get a good single stage setup for rifle ammo for well below $500 for everything if you shop around. Progressive will run more $$$ though. Depends on whether you are looking for accuracy or speed.. It's not the price of the equipment that matters.. It's the workmanship with it.
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