Want to start shooting, anyone care to get me started?

Turkey and Deer.

I'd look for a combo 12ga with deer and turkey barrels, ideally with a 3.5" (super mag) chamber...

Maybe this..

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Post an introduction thread and reply to some random topics..no big deal.

Its good to have access.
Did my turkey test and Restricted course on the weekend. Some of the people in these courses shouldn't be there :rolleyes:
Did my turkey test and Restricted course on the weekend. Some of the people in these courses shouldn't be there :rolleyes:

Hahaha true!!

When I did my courses, there was this one guy that was making weird questions and gave an overall bad vibe, whom I was just expecting to go postal the very second he got a gun in his hands for the shooting portion of the day.

For the good fortune of all of us, he didn't, but he shouldn't have got a PAL. At all.
Did my turkey test and Restricted course on the weekend. Some of the people in these courses shouldn't be there :rolleyes:

Had one of those at the range safety course. I think the range refunded his fees and politely asked him to go elsewhere. At the PAL course, the worst was a kid who played a few too many video games, but he'll either be brought in line at the range, end up the same as the guy from the range course or find the sport to be a bit too rich for his blood.
Hahaha true!!

When I did my courses, there was this one guy that was making weird questions and gave an overall bad vibe, whom I was just expecting to go postal the very second he got a gun in his hands for the shooting portion of the day.

For the good fortune of all of us, he didn't, but he shouldn't have got a PAL. At all.

After you finish the course, it'll take a while to get the actual license, during that waiting time i believe they do an interview and do background checks. At least thats what i've read. I'll be doing mine very soon though, probably once winter hits.
I dont remember any interviews.

Mailed out the forms, got the card roughly 6 weeks later.
Hahaha true!!

When I did my courses, there was this one guy that was making weird questions and gave an overall bad vibe, whom I was just expecting to go postal the very second he got a gun in his hands for the shooting portion of the day.

For the good fortune of all of us, he didn't, but he shouldn't have got a PAL. At all.

Why shouldn't he get a PAL? If he's capable of passing the tests and the background checks, he's good to go. Not sure "giving good vibes" to fellow applicants is a requirement.
I dont remember any interviews.

Mailed out the forms, got the card roughly 6 weeks later.

Didn't they speak to you on the phone?
Interviews are (almost?) a given for restricted and very rare for non-restricted.
makes sense.

For that interview, you are into romantic comedies and legal dramas, you're a pacifist, if they shot your dog, burned your momma alive and were gangbanging your wife, you'd find the first possible opportunity to escape and call the police so they can investigate the crime. I hope that sets the right tone for the interview and make sure your references get the spiel, too :cool:
For that interview, you are into romantic comedies and legal dramas, you're a pacifist, if they shot your dog, burned your momma alive and were gangbanging your wife, you'd find the first possible opportunity to escape and call the police so they can investigate the crime. I hope that sets the right tone for the interview and make sure your references get the spiel, too :cool:

I had one reference who was my uncle and was bat schit crazy about guns. I didn't even tell him what to say.
The other reference, I made it clear that it was "target shooting". Don't say anything else or u'll have my license revoked, lol
I had one reference who was my uncle and was bat schit crazy about guns. I didn't even tell him what to say.
The other reference, I made it clear that it was "target shooting". Don't say anything else or u'll have my license revoked, lol

Yeah, you definitely have to rehearse your references. I've even seen one "tacticool" freeman of the land get his restricted - must have been drilling them to say certain things without bursting out in laughter for weeks :cool:
Nobody called or checked my refs. Guess it depends on your particular situation... maybe some of you are bums or have shady history.
Nobody called or checked my refs. Guess it depends on your particular situation... maybe some of you are bums or have shady history.

For restricted or non-restricted? And when? Over the last couple of years I haven't heard of one person not being interviewed. In the interest of saving time, I got the officer's extension and my case number and then I had my references call in "they have busy schedules, I'm not sure when they get breaks from work". That shaved 2 weeks off my wait time ;)
Nobody called or checked my refs. Guess it depends on your particular situation... maybe some of you are bums or have shady history.

What year tho... recently its pretty much all ref checked and your phone interview.
I'm going to assume you did it back when it was FAC as did I for my Non.

I went through it in 09 for my R. All ref checked.

I'd passed three security screenings and qualified RSO prior to taking my R.

Didn't matter.
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