Re: Walking Dead
Nooooo, not Maggie. She's too HOT!!
Farmer's daughter. She's gotta be toast.
Nooooo, not Maggie. She's too HOT!!
Farmer's daughter. She's gotta be toast.
I thought shane got infected when we went to get the antibiotics for the kid? When he came back he was looking at a cut on the top of his head.
Nooooo, not Maggie. She's too HOT!!
I thought shane got infected when we went to get the antibiotics for the kid? When he came back he was looking at a cut on the top of his head.
Which is exactly why I think they'll do it. How much would the viewers care if the suicidal daughter bought it? How much did viewers care when Otis bought it, as a convenient plot device? Think how the ratings of ST-TNG jumped, when Denise Crosby's character bought the farm.
Ratings might plummet without a hottie.
Just saying...
Nope, Glen's girl. He needs to build up his "tortured hero" shtick.
I'm still convinced that everyone is infected, but they only 'turn' when they die. Since most die by zombie attack, they think that it's zombie bites that infect them. Two people turned in the last episode, without being bitten, so I think that's right out the window.
So what about the unborn baby? Will it be infected when it is born?
I'm still convinced that everyone is infected, but they only 'turn' when they die. Since most die by zombie attack, they think that it's zombie bites that infect them. Two people turned in the last episode, without being bitten, so I think that's right out the window.
Yup. Everyone's infected, and if you die without suffering some major head trauma, you come back from the dead (as several posters in this thread alluded to the title of the series does not refer to the zombies, but the survivors who are for all intents and purpose, walking dead or zombies in waiting, if you will).
Obviously you've never watched the show
yea, that's what i think. And she might take Maggie or the other blonde woman down with her after she turnsI think the suicidal farmers daughter will kill herself and turn into a zombie
Obviously you've never watched the show
I kept telling my coworker that she would not survive the zombie apocalypse. She just stared at me like an idiot. I can't wait for the zombie apocalypse.
The Walking Dead refers to the Survivors Not the Zombies
You havent seen the show.... they call the zombies 'walkers'.
(as several posters in this thread alluded to the title of the series does not refer to the zombies, but the survivors who are for all intents and purpose, walking dead or zombies in waiting, if you will).
Sorry cupcake, not only have I watched the show religiously since it aired (Oct 31, 2010), but picked up the comics to compare plot lines and how Frank Darabonte/Glen Mazzara kept to the script (hell, I've even morbidly watched the program "Talking Dead" just to see the mindsets of some of the actors).
Thanks for playing but next time back up your "claims" with some modicum of fact.