Walking Dead (Spoliers)

Wicked season finale, but would they kill Lori or her son already? Somebody shouldve notified children's aid about her ass weeks ago. Why does Rick let his kid run the show? As a caribbean person I have to tell you people that kid would've been spanked up and down the friggin highway. Felt bad watching everyone take off on blondie, I bet she was wishing that dale would've let her kill herself. What's with the samurai dog walker with the zombies on leashes? Oh and one more thing, how the hell could rick not hear hundreds of zombies comin at him and his son until they were like 50 yards away? Effin hilarious :)
Re: Walking Dead

Last night's show was like watching Degrassi. I think the writers are starting lose their credibility. There are so much stupidity and inconsistency, I don't even know where to start.

First off, when the zombies were coming, instead of them jumping in their vehicles and high tailing it outta there, they keep driving around shooting zombies. And WTF is wrong with Herschel, playing hero or something? When what's up w/ the idiot who parked his RV in the middle of zombie-fest and not hitting the gas? Plus when Cutie was swarmed with zombies around the Tucson, instead of hitting the gas, she just stopped the SUV there.

And another... I thought Lori wanted Shane dead? Weren;t she plotting his demise a few episodes ago? persuading Rick to kill him?

And another... When they met a pile of cars on the highway, they couldn't have take a car with gas? Rick say they were running on red for a while, lol. I'm really starting to facepalm


...after Rick claims absolute authority over the group i.e. "My way or the highway", the camera shot pans out to review just past the trees where they're encamped, a huge, gated (prison) complex.

Those ppl are really idiots, if they wanted something differently when can't they do it themselves or leave the group?

I couldn't even see the prison, they shot was so dark. Is there something wrong with my TV?

Although, after Lori's little tantrum last night ("Oh noes, you killed Shane who yes was trying to kill you but did you really need to kill him so now I'm gonna go emo on your buttocks"), I've reconsidered and now welcome the thought of a 2-for-1 buffet offered to the zombies...someone needs to shut her up.

She just mad cuz she wanna get boned by 2 men. Now she only got 1
Re: Walking Dead

Last night's show was like watching Degrassi. I think the writers are starting lose their credibility. There are so much stupidity and inconsistency, I don't even know where to start.

First off, when the zombies were coming, instead of them jumping in their vehicles and high tailing it outta there, they keep driving around shooting zombies. And WTF is wrong with Herschel, playing hero or something? When what's up w/ the idiot who parked his RV in the middle of zombie-fest and not hitting the gas? Plus when Cutie was swarmed with zombies around the Tucson, instead of hitting the gas, she just stopped the SUV there.

Maybe it's tough to unlearn 20 years of driving, when it was a bad thing to hit pedestrians?

And another... I thought Lori wanted Shane dead? Weren;t she plotting his demise a few episodes ago? persuading Rick to kill him?

No, she wanted to 'admit her mistake' and be 'forgiven for it.' Emotional drek.

And another... When they met a pile of cars on the highway, they couldn't have take a car with gas? Rick say they were running on red for a while, lol. I'm really starting to facepalm

That was either a really stupid mistake, or the pile of cars were there because they were also out of gas.

Those ppl are really idiots, if they wanted something differently when can't they do it themselves or leave the group?

One word: Fear.

I couldn't even see the prison, they shot was so dark. Is there something wrong with my TV?

Contrast/brightness are rarely set properly, on anyone's TV.

She just mad cuz she wanna get boned by 2 men. Now she only got 1

I think it's more because she's a damned cow who is going to be contrary, and a dead weight, throughout her hopefully short lifetime.

I'm revising my dead pool, to take into account the two now vacant spaces.
Re: Walking Dead

Last night's show was like watching Degrassi. I think the writers are starting lose their credibility. There are so much stupidity and inconsistency, I don't even know where to start.

I don't think you're the only one here who thinks like that - although I can't recall specific examples, I do remember during certain episodes thinking to myself "Awww, that's cute, they're developing bi-polar disorders". Some real odd handling of group dynamics at times.

And another... I thought Lori wanted Shane dead? Weren;t she plotting his demise a few episodes ago? persuading Rick to kill him?

Seriously, at the end there were Rick has to justify his actions, she looks like it's Shane talking to her about killing Rick...(one of those "Awww, look, bi-polar" moments for me).

And another... When they met a pile of cars on the highway, they couldn't have take a car with gas? Rick say they were running on red for a while, lol. I'm really starting to facepalm

This one I think can be explained away based on the fact that they had already been in that area once before i.e. when they first lost Sophia, it was their rendezvous point.

Those ppl are really idiots, if they wanted something differently when can't they do it themselves or leave the group?

I'm starting to like Darryl more and more, but that shaved-hair broad needs to get eaten along with Lori (and not in the "Hi you doin" sorta eaten, if you catch my drift here...).

I couldn't even see the prison, they shot was so dark. Is there something wrong with my TV?

Nah, I think artistic licence took over there and they partially obscured it on the horizon.
Re: Walking Dead

Maybe it's tough to unlearn 20 years of driving, when it was a bad thing to hit pedestrians?

really? Even tho the pedestrians are threatening to rip you apart?

That was either a really stupid mistake, or the pile of cars were there because they were also out of gas.
A group of cars ran out of gas at the exact same time??

I think you're giving the show more credit than is bargained for, Rob
Re: Walking Dead

really? Even tho the pedestrians are threatening to rip you apart?

Some people are wimps.

A group of cars ran out of gas at the exact same time??

I think you're giving the show more credit than is bargained for, Rob

No, I'm just giving an alternate possibility ;)
Re: Walking Dead

Pretty sure they pillaged all the fuel from those cars earlier in this season...i.e. before they lost Sophia.
Re: Walking Dead

That wasn't a great season ending. Maybe because of spoilers or what not. But it wasn't very thrilling

Between all the people spoiling the show (not just here) I could pretty much sum up the show. Not gonna watch any further.
Re: Walking Dead

IMO, its still a great show.. Yeah, there are annoying bits and things I don't like and particularly with season 2, there were a lot of meaningless episodes but overall its still one of the coolest shows on TV. Lori and Carl are incredibly irritating though as many of you already pointed out...

I think season 3 is going to be much better than 2. Michonne is an awesome character. The writers of the show seem very much willnig to listen to viewer criticism so I think they will address some of the common complaints. I read a lot of complaints about how dumb the group is and they should of done this or done that... But, really, if they did everything right all the time, there wouldn't be much drama or suspense to make a TV show out of .. Besides, a big part of the story is watching the characters change, particularly Rick. He goes from being a hesitant Mr. Right to being a cold-blooded badass...

I think thats become part of whats fun about the show.. Everybody thinking of their own Zombie apocalypse contingency plans.
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Re: Walking Dead

That wasn't a great season ending. Maybe because of spoilers or what not. But it wasn't very thrilling

You consider the introduction of a new character a "Spoiler"

As far as Season end cliff hangers this one was one of the Best

You got to see the Farm taken over by the Herd

We got to SEE the Helicopter (Rick only saw the reflection and heard it)
We got to see how the herd was formed
We got to see what in fact Rick was told at the CDC
We got to see Herschel's realization this "plague" can't be fixed
We got to see Rick go from meek survivor to Bad *** leader
We got to see Lori realize she's no longer in control of Rick AND Carl

and on and on and on
Plus we got to finally see the Prison

I can't wait to see all the whiners complain during the 16 episode season 3

Incase anyone was wondering Michonne's face wasn't shown because Danai Gurira wasn't cast during the filming of Beside the Dying Fire.
Re: Walking Dead

Watching this show makes me wish for the zombie apocalypse.

Do you think the zombie apocalypse is possible? Also, if it does start how would it become so wide spread taking over the majority of the population.
Re: Walking Dead

I would strongly recommend the book World War Z By the same author of Zombie Survival Guide. Wicked book about world ending zombie apo.
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