Walking Dead (Spoliers)

Re: Walking Dead

Watching this show makes me wish for the zombie apocalypse.

Do you think the zombie apocalypse is possible? Also, if it does start how would it become so wide spread taking over the majority of the population.

I hate to talk sense, but from a biological perspective it is not possible. If the zombies are decomposing and they have no form of defense mechanism for germs, it means that soft tissues such as the eyes, eardrums, sensory receptors in the nostrils would be the first thing to go. Meaning, they wouldn't be able to see, hear or smell. Another issue is, if they are decomposing, it means that their muscle tissues are also decomposing, meaning they shouldn't be stronger than us. Another issue is, their intestines would be bloated and bacteria will eat them from the inside-out, just like any decomposing body. This would make their digestive system in-operable and they would not be able to digest anything they eat.

I must give the George Romero credit for creating the zombie though. The fact that its a virus gives it a bit of credibility because viruses takes control of other cells in the body so that they can reproduce. Kind of like a zombie.

So to answer your question, do I think there would be a zombie apocalyse? My answer, NO
Re: Walking Dead

To add to what Rocker is saying, just think that all of that soft tissue is what powers, and holds together, all the joints in our bodies (e.g. upper portion of your leg to the lower portion). Once that starts to decompose, all you basically have to do is sit around and watch zombies fall apart, literally (you'd be picking up and using their heads as flower vases within a month).

Not to mention what colder climates would do the exposed muscle and tissues (hell, sit on your porch with a cup of cocoa and giggle as they freeze and tip over, then go collect their heads for aforementioned flower vases).
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Re: Walking Dead

Once that starts to decompose, all you basically have to do is sit around and watch zombies fall apart, literally (you'd be picking up and using their heads as flower vases within a month).

My thoughts exactly!

Just wait it out in an isolated area and they should just decompose and go away. The threat is new zombies that are formed when new ppl becomes bitten. But the population is not infinite.

They have no sense of self preservation. Most animals and plants have some form of self preservation to keep themselves from harm or going the Darwin way
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Re: Walking Dead


Re: Walking Dead

I liked him in Boondock Saints, and I'm liking his character on the show (as long as he doesn't end up with that trailer park beyotch...).
Re: Walking Dead

I liked him in Boondock Saints, and I'm liking his character on the show (as long as he doesn't end up with that trailer park beyotch...).

Being beaten into submission by her husband makes her a trailer park *****?
Re: Walking Dead

My thoughts exactly!

Just wait it out in an isolated area and they should just decompose and go away. The threat is new zombies that are formed when new ppl becomes bitten. But the population is not infinite.

They have no sense of self preservation. Most animals and plants have some form of self preservation to keep themselves from harm or going the Darwin way

A pseudo-zombie apocalypse is possible though; some disease that damages higher brain function, while leaving instinct intact. After a while of wandering in the elements, feeding on whatever moves, people like that would start to look at little zombified.
Re: Walking Dead

Being beaten into submission by her husband makes her a trailer park *****?


I have NO idea how you even jumped to that conclusion...none whatsoever...and don't bother to explain it, because I'm almost certain it would make my eyes bleed.
Re: Walking Dead

A pseudo-zombie apocalypse is possible though; some disease that damages higher brain function, while leaving instinct intact. After a while of wandering in the elements, feeding on whatever moves, people like that would start to look at little zombified.

Agreed, theoretically, that could in fact happen...however...

Evolution has seen to it that should anything like the above ever happen said apocalypse would be short-lived, given that humans aren't really built to consume anything but vegetation. Unlike the zombies of movies, we don't have the equipment to tear into flesh/meat (outside of the obvious appendages we could tear off i.e. ears, nose, fingers, etc.). At most, you'd have to protect your obvious soft spots (i.e. eyes), beyond that, feel free to round them up and use them as pets to show off to the neighbours.
The big thing that trips me out is hillbilly's bike got the smallest gas tank outta the group, yet he ain't run outta gas like everybody else, that ***** probably runnin off of solar energy or some ****, lmao
Re: Walking Dead

The big thing that trips me out is hillbilly's bike got the smallest gas tank outta the group, yet he ain't run outta gas like everybody else, that ***** probably runnin off of solar energy or some ****, lmao

You can go pretty far on 3 gallons, when you're running a lawnmower engine with straight pipes.
Re: Walking Dead


I have NO idea how you even jumped to that conclusion...none whatsoever...and don't bother to explain it, because I'm almost certain it would make my eyes bleed.

Read the post I quoted Genius
Re: Walking Dead

It is?? Awww poor baby.
Pretty sure the ignore feature still works
Maybe try using it?

And miss any more gems you may post to this board? Allow you to run amok here arbitrarily posting innuendos unchecked? Certainly not.
Re: Walking Dead

Yup still works


To quote post #276: "Awww poor baby."

Someone feel free to pass that on - now, back to our regularly scheduled discussion!
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