
I selected that quote especially for the Ford Nation folk. :)

If not being an outright liar, mysogenist, homophobe, and racist qualifies me as being morally superior, I can accept that.
I suspect you chose it because you believe you are the keeper of knowledge and anyone with a opinion different from yours is simply ignorant.
Fortunately we live in a country where everyone's vote carries the same weight. From the soldiers who have fought for our rights to the bricklayers and labourers who have built our cities to the farmers who feed us, all the way down to the academics who, well, I'm sure they've done something other than congratulate themselves and criticize the upbringing of those who don't agree with them.
The trouble with the self-appointed moral guardians of the world is that they tend to be overly selective about which ones they choose to bleat about.
Ford makes off-colour remark about women? Pillory him!
Layton caught in a rub'n'tug that is known for forcing underage girls into prostitution? Canonize him.
Ford caught lying about how much he's saved the city? Run him out of town!
Chow caught lying about Kinsella's role in her campaign? Deflect, diminish and point at Ford and say he's worse.
You have, of course, the right to your opinion and the right to espouse it, as often and as loudly as you want. That right was guaranteed you by people you would probably find to be your intellectual inferiors, by the way.
What you DON'T have the right to do is call into question my intelligence or the parenting skills of my mother and father because I have the temerity to have a different view, however repugnant it may be to you.
You DON'T have the right to hijack democracy because the outcomes don't suit you.
You DON'T have the right to accuse those who disagree with you of being racists or woman haters or afraid of homosexuals.
For a group of people so convinced of their own lofty IQs, it never fails to amaze me that such simple concepts largely escape them.
One final thought: truly brilliant and/or moral people (and I've met a few) never seem to have the need to tell others about it.
Thing I love about observational humour is that it seems the conclusions are unassailable until one takes even a mild interest. That's always funny.
I'd vote for CanadianBiker. You know, I never gave Toronto politics too much thought until the 2010 election. It's not that I'm completely aligned with Fordnation, it's that the lefties were so vile and venomous towards anyone who disagreed with them.
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Doug Ford ... apparently the knight to save the PC party in Ontario ... can't wait for that.
I'd vote for CanadianBiker. You know, I never gave Toronto politics too much thought until the 2010 election. It's not that I'm completely aligned with Fordnation, it's that the lefties were so vile and venomous towards anyone who disagreed with them.
Read that article from the star that Schneller posted. Even if I didn't like Ford, it would force me to like him after reading that.

They're sending me a free subscription in November. I should tell them I don't want it
Read that article from the star that Schneller posted. Even if I didn't like Ford, it would force me to like him after reading that.

They're sending me a free subscription in November. I should tell them I don't want it
Even better, tell the Star's major advertisers.
Read that article from the star that Schneller posted. Even if I didn't like Ford, it would force me to like him after reading that.

They're sending me a free subscription in November. I should tell them I don't want it

......and what's the deal with airline food?
What you DON'T have the right to do is call into question my intelligence or the parenting skills of my mother and father because I have the temerity to have a different view, however repugnant it may be to you.
That wasn't me, it was someone I quoted from a National Post comment.

You DON'T have the right to hijack democracy because the outcomes don't suit you.
I'm fine with the democratic process and the election outcome.

You DON'T have the right to accuse those who disagree with you of being racists or woman haters or afraid of homosexuals. him
It's not my accusations, it is Ford's words and actions that label him those things.

For a group of people so convinced of their own lofty IQs, it never fails to amaze me that such simple concepts largely escape them.
See above.

One final thought: truly brilliant and/or moral people (and I've met a few) never seem to have the need to tell others about it.
I'm not claiming to be brilliant but I am claiming higher moral ground than the Fords.

As for the threat of my needing a slap in the head, try using your words instead.
Okay folks, I'm going to step away from this. Don't want to ruffle too many feathers. Rubbing salt into a fresh election loss wound wasn't the nicest thing to do.

Just realize that I'm not the only one thinking this way, that was demonstrated by the election outcome.

When anyone calls the Fords to task for their words or behaviour, that criticism is shouted down as coming from downtown elitist snobs, or a leftist media conspiracy.

Now that the election is over, a signature change is coming up too.
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Okay folks, I'm going to step away from this. Don't want to ruffle too many feathers. Rubbing salt into a fresh election loss wound wasn't the nicest thing to do.

Just realize that I'm not the only one thinking this way, that was demonstrated by the election outcome.

When anyone calls the Fords to task for their words or behaviour, that criticism is shouted down as coming from downtown elitist snobs, or a leftist media conspiracy.

Now that the election is over, a signature change is coming up too.

The election results if anything showed that there is still very much a divide between the old City of Toronto and the amalgamated Megacity of Toronto.

I still hold on to the theory that Rob Ford wasn't elected because he's Rob Ford, but because he's NOT a David Miller, Olivia Chow, etc etc.

At the end of the day, a lot more people are interested in our city's politics then last I can remember, so overall I think that's a good thing. We'll see if people stay involved and continue to follow what's happening now that the circus is over.
I still hold on to the theory that Rob Ford wasn't elected because he's Rob Ford, but because he's NOT a David Miller, Olivia Chow, etc etc.

It's true.. I would have voted for the rude, fat, lying sack of crack-smoking.... just to keep the Chows and Millers out of the city hall. Fortunately, Tory gave me a viable alternative :cool:
It's true.. I would have voted for the rude, fat, lying sack of crack-smoking.... just to keep the Chows and Millers out of the city hall. Fortunately, Tory gave me a viable alternative :cool:

Let's hope Tory lives up to the hype.
Like I said, I couldn't do grammar properly that day so it takes a while to understand. I was tired.

It's been well documented in the Ford thread why a lot of us support it. I really don't want to go through it all again. Feel free to read the arguments in the thread. The main things I liked were: that he actually made change with in terms to privatization of garbage which no previous mayor would have done. They all would have been scared of the unions. He scared them ******** and now they are coming begging not to privatize. He talks about things that matter to me as a business owner and individual (who pays taxes). I don't want more tax dollars to go into studies and discussions to tell us that we need subways when all know we need subways!

He has his flaws like every other politician: BS'n about things, making promises that are impossible to keep etc..., but he actually managed to accomplish some things that benefited the city. People said he's the worst mayor ever, but in my opinion he is better than Lastman and Miller.

FYI, I do support Tory. I think he will make a good mayor if not better than Ford. As long as he keeps on track and plows through the political BS. So many people in city hall have their own agendas to full their pockets or their buddies' pockets.

If you want to know why we support Ford it's because what he says speaks to us and the way we feel about the city.

I do respect your view and why you support your candidate and DO NOT think you are mentally inept for thinking the way you do. I will not yell at you or call you out for making your choice. I will argue with you on facts, but will not at any time say you dumb unless if you do not reciprocate.

The question was: What are your reasons for supporting Ford? Fem explained why she thinks Ford is a ******, now explain why you think he's better than Tory. We'll see if you parrot back the Ford drivel about looking out for taxpayers, gravy train, subways subways subways.

I'm guessing "applying intelligence in our conversation" is tough for Ford Nation.

"Even though the Fords have flawed characters, but when the people believe they are better candidates than other options then there is something with the other options."

What has Tory brought to the table? I don't even know what his plans are. I listened to the debates but seems to go in one ear & out the other.

Sure, he promises alot of stuff but it is not backed by action. With Ford, I already know what he has done. Until I see Tory doing some good work then I'll be convinced that he is the right man for the job
He's better than Olivia.

Also, he's already working on privatizing the rest of the garbage. He realizes we need subways and hopefully works towards it. He wants to encourage business and build infrastructure.

What has Tory brought to the table? I don't even know what his plans are. I listened to the debates but seems to go in one ear & out the other.

Sure, he promises alot of stuff but it is not backed by action. With Ford, I already know what he has done. Until I see Tory doing some good work then I'll be convinced that he is the right man for the job
He's better than Olivia.

Also, he's already working on privatizing the rest of the garbage. He realizes we need subways and hopefully works towards it. He wants to encourage business and build infrastructure.

Also isn't looking at introducing sneaky new fees or opening more useless bicycle lanes to appease the few hipsters while increasing the already terrible gridlock. The key test for him will be to get the council to work together on making our city run. That was Fords' biggest colossal failure. One positive right off the bat was choosing councilman-emeritus Case to run the transition committee.
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What you DON'T have the right to do is call into question my intelligence or the parenting skills of my mother and father because I have the temerity to have a different view, however repugnant it may be to you.
That wasn't me, it was someone I quoted from a National Post comment.

You DON'T have the right to hijack democracy because the outcomes don't suit you.
I'm fine with the democratic process and the election outcome.

You DON'T have the right to accuse those who disagree with you of being racists or woman haters or afraid of homosexuals. him
It's not my accusations, it is Ford's words and actions that label him those things.

For a group of people so convinced of their own lofty IQs, it never fails to amaze me that such simple concepts largely escape them.
See above.

One final thought: truly brilliant and/or moral people (and I've met a few) never seem to have the need to tell others about it.
I'm not claiming to be brilliant but I am claiming higher moral ground than the Fords.
This ranks up there with the typical politician's apology; "I'm sorry if anyone was offended but I take no responsibility for my actions which caused the offense in the first place."
You posted that quote from the NP comment because it reflected your own beliefs. Don't back-pedal now just because it wasn't received with the applause and accolades you expected. Stick to your "higher moral ground" and stand behind it.
You're clearly not fine with the democratic process because you have an issue with people voting differently from you. To the point where you felt it was appropriate to post a quote attacking voters' intelligence, their parents, and hinting that they shouldn't be allowed to vote. Is that what YOUR parents taught you?
No, labels are applied by people. In this case, by people who look for fault at every turn and shriek in abject horror when the person they dislike acts in a way that the PC crowd has deemed inappropriate. It's funny that it's largely straight white liberals that attack Ford for racism, yet he appears to be very popular within minority communities. Ford has certainly acted abysmally on many occasions and as mayor should have been held to a higher standard but his critics act like such Pollyannas, as though they themselves have always behaved with the utmost purity of thought and deed.
I fail to see anything "moral" in promoting the belittling of people who hold a dissenting opinion, even if they can't articulate their reasons to your satisfaction. I have yet to hear a compelling argument for supporting Trudeau the Lesser beyond he has great hair but to each his own. For whatever reasons, Ford appeals to a fair number of people in Toronto and even though he's no longer mayor, those people are still citizens and have every right to their views.
For all the self-proclaimed inclusion and morality and rainbow-hued unicorns the left blathers on about, they are just as absolute and totalitarian in their views as any other fascist.
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