Well-known member
I suspect you chose it because you believe you are the keeper of knowledge and anyone with a opinion different from yours is simply ignorant.I selected that quote especially for the Ford Nation folk.
If not being an outright liar, mysogenist, homophobe, and racist qualifies me as being morally superior, I can accept that.
Fortunately we live in a country where everyone's vote carries the same weight. From the soldiers who have fought for our rights to the bricklayers and labourers who have built our cities to the farmers who feed us, all the way down to the academics who, well, I'm sure they've done something other than congratulate themselves and criticize the upbringing of those who don't agree with them.
The trouble with the self-appointed moral guardians of the world is that they tend to be overly selective about which ones they choose to bleat about.
Ford makes off-colour remark about women? Pillory him!
Layton caught in a rub'n'tug that is known for forcing underage girls into prostitution? Canonize him.
Ford caught lying about how much he's saved the city? Run him out of town!
Chow caught lying about Kinsella's role in her campaign? Deflect, diminish and point at Ford and say he's worse.
You have, of course, the right to your opinion and the right to espouse it, as often and as loudly as you want. That right was guaranteed you by people you would probably find to be your intellectual inferiors, by the way.
What you DON'T have the right to do is call into question my intelligence or the parenting skills of my mother and father because I have the temerity to have a different view, however repugnant it may be to you.
You DON'T have the right to hijack democracy because the outcomes don't suit you.
You DON'T have the right to accuse those who disagree with you of being racists or woman haters or afraid of homosexuals.
For a group of people so convinced of their own lofty IQs, it never fails to amaze me that such simple concepts largely escape them.
One final thought: truly brilliant and/or moral people (and I've met a few) never seem to have the need to tell others about it.