This ranks up there with the typical politician's apology; "I'm sorry if anyone was offended but I take no responsibility for my actions which caused the offense in the first place."
You posted that quote from the NP comment because it reflected your own beliefs. Don't back-pedal now just because it wasn't received with the applause and accolades you expected. Stick to your "higher moral ground" and stand behind it.
You're clearly not fine with the democratic process because you have an issue with people voting differently from you. To the point where you felt it was appropriate to post a quote attacking voters' intelligence, their parents, and hinting that they shouldn't be allowed to vote. Is that what YOUR parents taught you?
No, labels are applied by people. In this case, by people who look for fault at every turn and shriek in abject horror when the person they dislike acts in a way that the PC crowd has deemed inappropriate. It's funny that it's largely straight white liberals that attack Ford for racism, yet he appears to be very popular within minority communities. Ford has certainly acted abysmally on many occasions and as mayor should have been held to a higher standard but his critics act like such Pollyannas, as though they themselves have always behaved with the utmost purity of thought and deed.
I fail to see anything "moral" in promoting the belittling of people who hold a dissenting opinion, even if they can't articulate their reasons to your satisfaction. I have yet to hear a compelling argument for supporting Trudeau the Lesser beyond he has great hair but to each his own. For whatever reasons, Ford appeals to a fair number of people in Toronto and even though he's no longer mayor, those people are still citizens and have every right to their views.
For all the self-proclaimed inclusion and morality and rainbow-hued unicorns the left blathers on about, they are just as absolute and totalitarian in their views as any other fascist.