
No, I won't give you that. The delineation between Ford Nation and non-Ford Nation is a pretty clear, heavy, solid line. Then there's Rob's baggage (that Doug didn't have.) Same result.

But thumbs up to your last 2 points!

It probably sucks that he cut your social programme
Go read the Rob Ford thread, in there it is well documented why many of us support Ford. I understand that you have personal reasons for not liking him but there is no need to be angry about it.

By the way, the first thing every candidate that wins says is 'I will reach out to the losing candidates and work with them' bla bla bla and we have all seen that it is just BS, the kind of BS I can't stand
No, but even more curious why you are in favour of Ford. I mean its well documented that he is a racist, homophobe, mysoginist, has derogotory things to say about immigrants. So I'm curious, WHY ford? I mean he (and I mean both Ford's, I refer to both brutes interchangeably) out and out lies evertytime he opened his mouth. The Toronto Star did a great job of highlighting every one of his lies whenever the sh*t came out of his mouth.

This morning I woke up, and read that Tory reached out to Sognaki & Chow to see if they can work together, and I thought, wow, FINALLY a leader that is willing to work alongside people to make Toronto better. No more City Hall Circus that had Toronto under seige for the last four years. And it was nice, and for the first time in a long time, I did not feel agitated about our Mayor.

So yeah, it's not because people don't share my views, I don't understand why that POS Ford.
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It probably sucks that he cut your social programme
You are not helping the cause dude lol.

Anyways, you all have a good evening.
We feel the same way when we read your posts. We all want to throw up when you try to imply intelligence through conversation, but then ridicule anyone who has a different view. I think Mr. Ghomeshi has some standards so you shouldn't get your hopes up.

You have your reasons for supporting Mr. Tory or Ms. Chow and others have their reasons for supporting Mr. Ford. Even though the Fords have flawed characters, but when the people believe they are better candidates than other options then there is something with the other options.

Yes, I know I'm full of grammar fail tonight.

Uugggh, reading all this Ford nation support makes me want to throw up as much as the thought of going out on a date with Jian Ghomeshi.

I asked my friends last night, after all the outright LIES coming out of the Ford camp, who are these people voting for him (Ford)...seriously who are you?

Ford didn't save nearly as much as he claims he did. Reappropriating is not saving. He was a racist, a homophobe, a mysoginist, and he claims to represent the people??? What f'n people? And then he criticizes Tory for growing up rich. Really Ford?

Really who are you people voting for Ford?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are not helping the cause dude lol.

Anyways, you all have a good evening.
When I was young they said "the truth shall set you free"
What they didn't teach me is "the truth makes alot of people butthurt"
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We feel the same way when we read your posts. We all want to throw up when you try to imply intelligence through conversation, but then ridicule anyone who has a different view. I think Mr. Ghomeshi has some standards so you shouldn't get your hopes up.

You have your reasons for supporting Mr. Tory or Ms. Chow and others have their reasons for supporting Mr. Ford. Even though the Fords have flawed characters, but when the people believe they are better candidates than other options then there is something with the other options.

Yes, I know I'm full of grammar fail tonight.

The question was: What are your reasons for supporting Ford? Fem explained why she thinks Ford is a ******, now explain why you think he's better than Tory. We'll see if you parrot back the Ford drivel about looking out for taxpayers, gravy train, subways subways subways.

I'm guessing "applying intelligence in our conversation" is tough for Ford Nation.

"Even though the Fords have flawed characters, but when the people believe they are better candidates than other options then there is something with the other options."

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Why do you assume my post is referencing Ford supporters?
In "progressive" circles, gender and ethnicity are treated as accomplishments and qualifications. Unless you're white. And male.

Yes us white, straight males are treated are treated as a second class people now...ever since those progressives gave women the right to vote
Here's a comment from someone posting after a National Post article:

Scottdaryle • 10 hours ago
Despite the pleasing results in Toronto last night, I cannot rid myself of a growing unease. Far too many Torontonians demonstrated just how simple, and irresponsible they are, tossing good judgment and common sense out of the window in their inexplicable rush to choose as their leader a man the equivalent of a human tick.
Fully one third of those who voted last night flipped the bird at their hard won civic duty by voting for a man who makes no secret of his brutish, nasty, disrespectful, untruthful, uncaring, and dimwitted character. (Doug)
Had fortune and karma not gotten in the way, they would also have supported a man who makes no secret of his chemically addicted, racist, homophobic, lecherous, violent, criminal, and dimwitted character. (Rob)
No properly parented child would have voted for Doug or Rob Ford.
Methinks Toronto society has reached the tipping point of a democracy. What can the future hold for the citizenry when it becomes overwhelmed (and infatuated) by hedonistic individuals who have lost their social and moral compass?
We can do so much better if Toronto does indeed wish to be thought of as a world class city. We could begin by teaching our children the seemingly forgotten concept of world class values.

And that right there is how Rob Ford got elected in the first place and why he still has a lot of support. That smarmy, paternalistic, superior, pseudo-intellectual posture favoured by arts majors and hipster baristas and perpetuated by those who have never actually put anything on the line but bless us with their "there-there-we-know-what's-best-for-you" brand of 'democracy'. And of course any opposing view is immediately attacked as being held by someone of lower intellect and without the ability for critical thinking. Therefore, they shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion, much less vote. This is, after all, a democracy, and far too important to be entrusted to just anyone.
Rob Ford is fat, rough, crude and doesn't hide behind some fake veneer of being oh-so-PC.
If anyone thinks for one second that any veteran politician OF ANY STRIPE is morally superior, they should give their heads a shake.
That comment quoted above is a classic example of the kind of milquetoast, dainty-wristed choadwanks which have infected Toronto in recent years. From the arch tone to the sad attempt at sounding learned to the dire warning that democracy is at risk if left in the hands of the people, it's indicative of the kind of thought police who will forever ensure that Toronto remains a provincial backwater.
Its a good thing this is democracy because these angry Anti Fords would've lynched me a long time ago.

So angry...
By the way, something was said in here that is bothering me
Had fortune and karma not gotten in the way
Cancer is not a result or Karma, because if it was, it would mean that the millions of people affected by it every year deserved it. My dad died from it and I know many really good people including children that suffer or have died from it.

Ford non supporters seem to think they are so morally superior but yet they say this kind of stuff.

Time for me to exit this thread.
By the way, something was said in here that is bothering me Cancer is not a result or Karma, because if it was, it would mean that the millions of people affected by it every year deserved it. My dad died from it and I know many really good people including children that suffer or have died from it.
Ford non supporters seem to think they are so morally superior but yet they say this kind of stuff.
Time for me to exit this thread.

I don't agree with Fords politics mostly and i also find him personally unpleasant. But I have seen allot of people say this kinda of stuff and yea I don't like either(my mom died only a few month ago of ovarian) its terrible to wish this or suggest he deserved it. I hope he makes a full recovery along with anyone suffering with cancer at this time.
Yes us white, straight males are treated are treated as a second class people now...ever since those progressives gave women the right to vote
Not what I'm saying and I'm sure you know that.
Reducing over half the world's population to a single characteristic is patronizing and demeaning.
100 years ago (give or take) women were regarded as not having the acumen to be involved in "men's affairs". It supposed that by virtue of their reproductive organs, women simply weren't smart enough for politics or business.
100 years later, we have the exact opposite sentiment but exactly the same logic. "We need more women in politics and business!". No, we need smart, dedicated, thoughtful people, regardless of gender. Or ethnicity or anything else that doesn't have the slightest effect on their abilities.
When Chow started trailing badly in the polls, it was immediately attributed to racist misogyny. Nobody wanted to admit that maybe it was Chow's policies, personality, and history that turned people off.
I have been around a lot of very smart, accomplished women in my life and not one of them has ever blamed their failures on their gender, nor have they ever promoted it as somehow making them more qualified for a position.

On a personal note, my condolences on the loss of your Mom. No matter how old we are, losing one's mom is rough.
And that right there is how Rob Ford got elected in the first place and why he still has a lot of support. That smarmy, paternalistic, superior, pseudo-intellectual posture favoured by arts majors and hipster baristas and perpetuated by those who have never actually put anything on the line but bless us with their "there-there-we-know-what's-best-for-you" brand of 'democracy'. And of course any opposing view is immediately attacked as being held by someone of lower intellect and without the ability for critical thinking. Therefore, they shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion, much less vote. This is, after all, a democracy, and far too important to be entrusted to just anyone.
Rob Ford is fat, rough, crude and doesn't hide behind some fake veneer of being oh-so-PC.
If anyone thinks for one second that any veteran politician OF ANY STRIPE is morally superior, they should give their heads a shake.
That comment quoted above is a classic example of the kind of milquetoast, dainty-wristed choadwanks which have infected Toronto in recent years. From the arch tone to the sad attempt at sounding learned to the dire warning that democracy is at risk if left in the hands of the people, it's indicative of the kind of thought police who will forever ensure that Toronto remains a provincial backwater.
That my friend is good writing!

*golf clap*
And that right there is how Rob Ford got elected in the first place and why he still has a lot of support. That smarmy, paternalistic, superior, pseudo-intellectual posture favoured by arts majors and hipster baristas and perpetuated by those who have never actually put anything on the line but bless us with their "there-there-we-know-what's-best-for-you" brand of 'democracy'. And of course any opposing view is immediately attacked as being held by someone of lower intellect and without the ability for critical thinking. Therefore, they shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion, much less vote. This is, after all, a democracy, and far too important to be entrusted to just anyone.
Rob Ford is fat, rough, crude and doesn't hide behind some fake veneer of being oh-so-PC.
If anyone thinks for one second that any veteran politician OF ANY STRIPE is morally superior, they should give their heads a shake.
That comment quoted above is a classic example of the kind of milquetoast, dainty-wristed choadwanks which have infected Toronto in recent years. From the arch tone to the sad attempt at sounding learned to the dire warning that democracy is at risk if left in the hands of the people, it's indicative of the kind of thought police who will forever ensure that Toronto remains a provincial backwater.

Yes, I was going to say something along these same lines, but you said it much better than I was going to. The biggest irritant I get from his posts is his signature -- which implies that he is on the level of Asimov and is one of the intellectuals: "A cult of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
I selected that quote especially for the Ford Nation folk. :)

If not being an outright liar, mysogenist, homophobe, and racist qualifies non-Ford Nation as being morally superior, I can accept that.
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I selected that quote especially for the Ford Nation folk. :)

If not being an outright liar, mysogenist, homophobe, and racist qualifies non-Ford Nation as being morally superior, I can accept that.

However, I am not a Ford nation folk -- in fact I am not even in Toronto. Your posts along with that signature don't make you sound morally superior, they make you sound like an arrogant SOB that deserves a smack in the head.
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