
Rob got back into council however.....too sick to be mayor but fine for his ward.....

As expected I was crushed in ward 13
Rob got back into council however.....too sick to be mayor but fine for his ward.....

As expected I was crushed in ward 13

Good for you for giving it a shot.
Voted Tory but to be honest Ford's policies/philosophy appeals to me a lot more. I just couldn't in good conscience vote for Ford nation after all the crap that that nut job did. Felt like it would be stupid to not at least give the Fords a slap on the wrist. On the other hand, I didn't want Chow to win so pretty much voted for the least bad choice.
Voted Tory but to be honest Ford's policies/philosophy appeals to me a lot more. I just couldn't in good conscience vote for Ford nation after all the crap that that nut job did. Felt like it would be stupid to not at least give the Fords a slap on the wrist. On the other hand, I didn't want Chow to win so pretty much voted for the least bad choice.

The problem with Fords policies is that most don't work in the real world. 4 years we have seen them not work. The clown voted against his own budget and raised taxes for a 3 stop stubway (while telling lies that TO has lowest taxes in North America & World). Its insane. That doesn't mean I support spend on anything but a happy middle ground is both functional and productive.
Well Toronto, you got what you deserve. We will talk in a few years! Peace

Tells you where we are at that over 150k people voted for Olivia C, my goodness

No wonder I don't get along with most people in this City/Country/Planet

P.S. Driving by a really rich neighborhood this morning on my way to work, 2 million dollar homes and up and 90% of them had Tory's sign on their yard, the rich are now well represented, good for them, they certainly look after their interests
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Watching all the debates i noticed 3 things:

Olivia Chow seemed retarded. Wasn't even able to put together one coherent sentence, what i did gather from her random words was that she really didn't like Tory.
Some of her platform ideas that made me go wtf:

- Let neighbourhoods lower speed limits by 10kmh, across a whole area.
- Make curbs safer. Today’s curbs are curved, so cars can turn faster. By making them squared, or right-angled, the car must turn more slowly, and the driver has few more seconds to see if anyone is walking.
- Being a strong voice for better gun control. Across North America, major cities know that violence flows where guns flow.
Our mayor should be a voice for better gun control so the federal government is always reminded that Canada's face is an urban one. Olivia supports stronger gun control, including a handgun ban, and more federal action to stem the flow of illegal guns across the border—and into our neighbourhoods.
- Expand mixed-income neighbourhoods by introducing a target of 20% affordable units in new residential towers.

Doug Ford seemed like a bully or a 12 year old trying to run a city. Way in over his head and just riding on his brother's followers.

John Tory, now im not really a fan of politicians but this guy actually seems reasonable. I listened to his radio show for quite some time, and although i might not agree with all his ideas he actually uses his brain to think. He is well spoken and will be a nice change imo.
Well Toronto, you got what you deserve. We will talk in a few years! Peace

Tells you where we are at that over 150k people voted for Olivia C, my goodness

No wonder I don't get along with most people in this City/Country/Planet

P.S. Driving by a really rich neighborhood this morning on my way to work, 2 million dollar homes and up and 90% of them had Tory's sign on their yard, the rich are now well represented, good for them, they certainly look after their interests


I was in a rich hood today and saw the same. All Tory

On paper the other candidates couldnt compete with Ford.

Just Off the top

-TTC essential service
-Toronto dropped single company steel contract (was buying steel from one company for everything)
-no 400 million budget increase per anymore

So they went after them the only other way they could.. Attacking and destroying them personally...

So now you are back to a crooked mayor that will increase budget.. Put up more bike lanes and NOT build subways. Over a guy that was LESS CROOKED but partied more but still did a better job..

Imagine you all lossed your jobs because of the joints you smoked of the lines you did.

Congrats T.O.... The 4th biggest city in NA with one airport, a public transit system good enough for Buffalo and highway system worse then Buffalo.

Still running street cars....

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
In Mississauga voting news, I can't believe my neighbours in Ward 5 voted in Carolyn Parrish... a woman who a few years back was seen stomping on a picture of Hazel like a bratty school girl, and was kicked out of the Liberal caucus by Paul Martin.

She did have the most lawn signs though... that must have won her the election. Idiots.
Disappointed that ford didn't win... happy that olivia didn't win. Tory is a good compromise.

Some thought that Miller was a good compromise ;)

He he certainly compromised us all right.
Mikey "Ford" got elected as school trustee. What a bunch of lemmings Ford Nation is.
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I wanted Ford to win mainly because the message of both Tory and especially Olivia are so out of touch with what people need today. We want a smaller more efficient municipality with small expenses and more accountability for what they do. I would prefer if they had a short leash on spending and watched like a hawk who they give contracts to. I'm tired of municipal workers doing 1/10 of the work that a private sector employee would do and give 10x the benefits. The union at city hall needs to die.

Lastly, I want road construction and maintenance to be contracted out to firms where they must do everything by a set schedule, no delays and on budget. Construction should continue over night. I'm tired of seeing 5 guys sitting on construction site scratching their ***. Municipal employees should only watch and confirm that the contractors are doing everything properly and not cutting corners.
I wanted Ford to win mainly because the message of both Tory and especially Olivia are so out of touch with what people need today. We want a smaller more efficient municipality with small expenses and more accountability for what they do. I would prefer if they had a short leash on spending and watched like a hawk who they give contracts to. I'm tired of municipal workers doing 1/10 of the work that a private sector employee would do and give 10x the benefits. The union at city hall needs to die.

Lastly, I want road construction and maintenance to be contracted out to firms where they must do everything by a set schedule, no delays and on budget. Construction should continue over night. I'm tired of seeing 5 guys sitting on construction site scratching their ***. Municipal employees should only watch and confirm that the contractors are doing everything properly and not cutting corners.

Ford has nothing to do with the issues you suggested. He has done very little in 4 years. His agenda is nice on a bumper sticker but it didn't work in practice. John Tory's message was bang on to many Toronto residents. SMART fiscal responsibility not slash and burn cutting services that end up costing residents more money. There is no gravy at city hall just services. Which services do residents not want? Contracting out garbage has not made it better just cheaper. Once the city looses the ability to provide its own garbage services how much do you think the cost will go up? Private business are there to make money off of you not provide a service at a fair rate. Can you imagine the tax increase needed to fund Ford's vision of Subways for everyone? A 3 stop stubway raised taxes 1.5%. How much taxes to fund 10x that expansion?
To be honest I would be fine with raising taxes a bit and funding some major infrastructure changes. Such as yes, More subways, and yes, I don't mind paying for them, and just tear the crap out of the gardiner and replace it with something else. Yes, this will result in gridlock disaster for the next two years but I'll put up with it if it means major improvements in year 3 onwards. I'm not planning to move out of Toronto any time soon and I'd like to see some major improvements and for someone to take the long view. On the other hand I don't want my taxes raised so that the city plants a bunch of trees I don't give a crap about or subsidize daycare, which again, I don't give a crap about since I don't have any kids, or waste money on a bunch of other crap that's not going to make the city any better. In other words, I rather pay more for something I want then less for a bunch of crap I don't want. To make those kinds of changes though you need a politician with conviction and balls, which Ford does have but unfortunately (1) he's a bit one sided with the spending policies and (2) he's not very good at getting people to agree so that crap is actually done. The city's been flip flopping on transit for what seems like a hundred years, so if electing Tory, who lacks the balls, means that people are finally going to agree long enough that some construction actually starts up, even if it's not exactly what I want, then so be it.
I don't want my taxes raised so that the city plants a bunch of trees I don't give a crap about or subsidize daycare, which again, I don't give a crap about since I don't have any kids, or waste money on a bunch of other crap that's not going to make the city any better. In other words, I rather pay more for something I want then less for a bunch of crap I don't want.

This is the exact problem with current city politics. Every one wants what they want and don't want a cent to pay for something they don't use so nothing gets done. Lots don't want to pay for subways. Lots don't want to pay for road repairs as they don't drive. Lots don't want money spend on arts or business incentives or parks or make up loss of user fees or higher taxes.

Its time we all come together to invest in what will make the city a better more livable place for everyone. That means some people have to give up their personal wants for the better good not short sighted personal gain.

It seems everyone is so caught up in me, mine, I deserve this that they have zero sympathy for other people in different situations from themselves.

Childcare effects you and effects the entire T.O. economy you just might not see it or care.
Mikey "Ford" got elected as school trustee. What a bunch of lemmings Ford Nation is.


Mike Ford was the right man for the school trustee job. Having no college degree to distract him from important matters and having the most recent experience in the principal's and vice-principal's, office, he was a natural to win. His platform "I haz youz rid end rite good - **** yeah - Ford-nation!" resonated with Ward 1's electorate :cool:
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His mother is on trial for theft (and was smoking Rock with uncle Robbie) and his dad is in jail (is he still?). Good ol Mikey just changed his name to Ford a few months ago and the lemmings vote for him. Sad sad state of affairs.
Uugggh, reading all this Ford nation support makes me want to throw up as much as the thought of going out on a date with Jian Ghomeshi.

I asked my friends last night, after all the outright LIES coming out of the Ford camp, who are these people voting for him (Ford)...seriously who are you?

Ford didn't save nearly as much as he claims he did. Reappropriating is not saving. He was a racist, a homophobe, a mysoginist, and he claims to represent the people??? What f'n people? And then he criticizes Tory for growing up rich. Really Ford?

Really who are you people voting for Ford?

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I am not sure i understand your question.

Who are we? You want our individual names? you want to know what we are all about? you want to know why after all the scandals we are still supporting Ford? You are not a very eloquent person are you?

Why are you so upset because people don't share your views?

Why don't you stop and think that Rob Ford even after all the stuff that went on was still able to win his ward back by 60%. Can this mean that he did a good job? That his policies actually helped the ward? but nooo of course, that is impossible in your narrow point of view.

You are talking about lies? are you kidding me, what politician hasn't lied?

You want to know who are we? 33.7 percent of the people of Toronto, that is who we are. Or to put it in other way, every time you go to a bike meet, we are 1 out of every 3 people you meet.

Uugggh, reading all this Ford nation support makes me want to throw up as much as the thought of going out on a date with Jian Ghomeshi.

I asked my friends last night, after all the outright LIES coming out of the Ford camp, who are these people voting for him (Ford)...seriously who are you?

Ford didn't save nearly as much as he claims he did. Reappropriating is not saving. He was a racist, a homophobe, a mysoginist, and he claims to represent the people??? What f'n people? And then he criticizes Tory for growing up rich. Really Ford?

Really who are you people voting for Ford?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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