Serious question: is there a way to unsubscribe from a thread you've posted in? I only see a subscribe button (in Tapatalk, anyway).
Serious question: is there a way to unsubscribe from a thread you've posted in? I only see a subscribe button (in Tapatalk, anyway).
So I have to ask ... as you seem to be avoiding the police in this matter - have you reported issues to the police in the past that haven't been resolved to your satisfaction? Have you been asked not to call the 453 number or 911 anymore? Or, have you lost their email address and so can't communicate effectively with them?
BTW - what has HR done to resolve this matter for you?
Serious question: is there a way to unsubscribe from a thread you've posted in? I only see a subscribe button (in Tapatalk, anyway).
I do not want to answer yes to the question have you been in accident in the last 10 years. This was not an accident and I don't need this messing with my insurance quotes.
Still feeding the troll people ? C mon really ...
What?! I read all that for nothing?!![]()
Still feeding the troll people ? C mon really ...
I am a troll/pussy because I haven't made a report with the police? This is a true story. I never talked to this guy before incident #1. Clearly something not right with this guy. You must be a friend of this guy or a kindred spirit perhaps?
Your s troll because you start a thread asking for advice then argue with everyone give replies with advice.
He's a passive/aggressive troll, everything about this dudes story is a crock of ******, I'm waiting for Maury to come on so i can write down the 1800 number and get this dude a lie detector and a paternity test, I gotta make sure I aint his daddy or sumthin![]()
You must be tossing off to this.The thread of champions.
Your s troll because you start a thread asking for advice then argue with everyone give replies with advice.
You must be tossing off to this.
I haven't argued with anyone. The only thing I haven't done is call the police. It's a moot point unless this guy does something else. If he does then the police will set about to verify what I have stated. If this was that big of a deal the fire chief I emailed and the company HR could have forwarded my email and my hr statement to the police. In turn the police could have called the company to get my contact information and tracked me down.
How do you work anywhere with an HR? I wouldnt hire you to breathe air! Your probably the only person KFC would require to posses a PhD to monitor the macaroni salad! A person assaults you, you don't call the police and you expect your HR to do it, after the fact? You expect a fire chief to call the cops to open up an investigation on one of his own guys, a volunteer of all people, based on an email from some joker who didn't see fit to call the cops at the time of the incident? Your first phone call should have been to the cops, you can use all the stupid circular argument tactics you want, you can't change the fact that YOU made the mistake, and continue to make yourself look like a fool by defending your foolish actions. You do a disservice to yourself every time you respond to this thread or any other thread you write. You sir, are taking up valuable space at a job that can go to someone who really needs it. You wanna be safe? Go home and lock yourself in your house and tape foil over all your windows. When the world is safe for you, one of the mods will send someone by your crib to knock and let you know to come out. No weapons for you, no learning motorcycle karate or bear spray holders for you bike, just sell all your means of transportation and stay home! Do us all a favour, come up with some other ridiculous thread where we can try to help u only to have you not want the help we provide and have you make the completely wrong decision. I bet I know what colongne u wear......masengil!