Trying something new

There's no way I could bounce that off a tree without crying.

I know what you mean, I used to be the kind of guy that cleans my bike before every ride, if there was even a scratch it would bother me and I would fix or replace the part...Now I realize that its only a matter of time before you **** something up, but the first time is always the worst feeling...The good thing is after I damage something that is mint, it opens me up and I then ride it even harder after I get over the initial disappointment .
Ahhh, you'll be dead tired and leaning up against a tree to get it started in no time, lol
Ahhh, you'll be dead tired and leaning up against a tree to get it started in no time, lol

It is actually much easier to start then I though, well actually only after figuring out it still has a choke even thou its FI...LOL I almost broke my foot the first night after kicking for 10 min, then realized it has a choke and 1 kick and it fired right up...haha
I think it's just something like a "high idle" and not a typical choke. Someone mentioned it at the track that was on an FI bike on the weekend...
I'm still on a carb so I haven't really read too much about em.

Supposedly the FI bikes are easier to start when hot than the carb bikes... That's when it matters, dump it over in a race and gotta pick it up and get going again.
I think it's just something like a "high idle" and not a typical choke. Someone mentioned it at the track that was on an FI bike on the weekend...
I'm still on a carb so I haven't really read too much about em.

Supposedly the FI bikes are easier to start when hot than the carb bikes... That's when it matters, dump it over in a race and gotta pick it up and get going again.

Yes Kawi calls it fast idle, the 03/04 636 still had it even thou it was also FI...I still call it a choke for some reason....On the KX its just like a choke a little knob that you pull out on the side of the throttle body...

The bike starts pretty easy when cold as long as you use the fast idle, but I guess thats cause its brand new
You learn every day ... FI bike with a manual lever to operate idle. interesting.
Finally Kimpex decided to ship out my billet throttle tube 2 weeks later!

I also tapped the handle bar ends, and added threaded inserts for the hand guards

Thats it for now, just waiting on the rest of the stuff to come in, then I can finally try some sliding around... Rims should be here within the next week or 2. Brembo radial HP caliper + mount, and billet 16x16 master are supposed to arrive this week sometime. Braking SK2 320mm front rotor and matching rear rotor next week. Ordered a Yoyodyne slipper clutch on Sunday, and Cycra probend hand guards with low profile shields were also ordered. Pulled 20 hours of overtime last weekend so I can order the Akrapovic EVO on Friday when I get payed....

Anyone have any suggestions for better price on Akrapovic EVO? best price so far is $975 + tax shipped locally... Ebay is $935 shipped, but who knows what I might or might not get hit up for at the door in import fees...Rather know for sure, and get it faster....
Checked stock on the Akrapovic yesterday and there was only one left in Canada, so I ordered it. And it came in today, love it!

Also decided I didnt like the blue sprocket, so I had the anodize stripped off it and the stock sprocket. Polished them up and will be having them anodized black...

Wheels didn't come in yet?

They said 6 weeks its been about 4 and a half, so they should be here in a week or so..Then again who knows those Itals are probably chilling out drinking espressos...

Next week should be good thou, Im expecting my slipper clutch, Brembo brakes, and Braking rotors to arrive...
what gearing did you go with? I'm at -1/+3 on my 250 and it might be a bit much lol

I have the stock gearing, and I have +1 front and -3 rear that I want to try to see how much more top speed I can get out of it....If anything I can loose a little bottom end and gain top speed, it doesnt need to go the other way. It has has enough torque and am still on the green power plug, havent even tried the black
I have the stock gearing, and I have +1 front and -3 rear that I want to try to see how much more top speed I can get out of it....If anything I can loose a little bottom end and gain top speed, it doesnt need to go the other way. It has has enough torque and am still on the green power plug, havent even tried the black

How much top speed are you hoping for? With my bike running 14/43 (+1/-5), my lap timer showed about 165 km/h on the Cayuga front straight. With 14/40 on the same track, I only got 3 km/h faster and I couldn't even hit the limiter in 5th this time.
How much top speed are you hoping for? With my bike running 14/43 (+1/-5), my lap timer showed about 165 km/h on the Cayuga front straight. With 14/40 on the same track, I only got 3 km/h faster and I couldn't even hit the limiter in 5th this time.

I have no expectations, just going to play with it and see what I get....
Where did you get the anodizing stripped off?
I have a set of ASV levers on the fz6 that I want to change the colour of...

On a side note, seeing this makes me realize I'm not ready to switch my mx bike to a sm but that's some awesome work!
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