Trying something new

Best time to learn how to back it in is with slicks in the rain in a parking lot. 3rd gear downshift to 2nd so your not going to fast, start to turn in and the back will come around a little. Keep doing that until you are comfortable and then try it a little faster. After an afternoon of that you will be sliding in the dry. Thats how i learned.
Best time to learn how to back it in is with slicks in the rain in a parking lot. 3rd gear downshift to 2nd so your not going to fast, start to turn in and the back will come around a little. Keep doing that until you are comfortable and then try it a little faster. After an afternoon of that you will be sliding in the dry. Thats how i learned.

No rain required, just come in hot drop 2 gears and it steps out. Getting it sliding in is easy, Im working on the transition of sliding in to powering out...
Where is the lot? Is it usually that open and empty?

No its full of riders, people that have been riding there together for a few years now. Not the kind of place where I can just hand out location and invites sorry...Its already too popular as it is with spectators....5+ riders and 50 posers posted up
Welp, it took me literally 5 mins of snooping on google maps satellite images to find the exact location... All from "btown lot" (which I assumed referred to brampton) in the youtube video description.

No worries though, I'm not going to be bringing anyone with me or telling everyone about where it is.
Welp, it took me literally 5 mins of snooping on google maps satellite images to find the exact location... All from "btown lot" (which I assumed referred to brampton) in the youtube video description.

No worries though, I'm not going to be bringing anyone with me or telling everyone about where it is.
Don't think he wants you at the lot with or with out anyone
If he owns the lot then I guess that would be a reasonable request.

Sounds like there are already enough people there. The lot owner probably gave permission to a select few and if too many people show up, or if someone that isn't supposed to be there has some form of an accident and makes some form of claim or complaint, then the whole thing gets shut down. And for the original people that have permission, the loss of this space to use would be a big loss, and you sure wouldn't be a welcome part of their "crew". Chances are, someone in the core group of riders either owns the property or knows the owner really well and it's his personal reputation and credibility on the line.

I've been that guy that had a sick spot to ride, then one new guy brings a couple buddies with him. Then more people show up over time, it becomes too crowded and the neighbors complain or some candy gets hurt and makes a stink about it. Then NOBODY has a place to ride.

I don't know JohnnyP, but I know where he's coming from.
Sounds like there are already enough people there. The lot owner probably gave permission to a select few and if too many people show up, or if someone that isn't supposed to be there has some form of an accident and makes some form of claim or complaint, then the whole thing gets shut down. And for the original people that have permission, the loss of this space to use would be a big loss, and you sure wouldn't be a welcome part of their "crew". Chances are, someone in the core group of riders either owns the property or knows the owner really well and it's his personal reputation and credibility on the line.

I've been that guy that had a sick spot to ride, then one new guy brings a couple buddies with him. Then more people show up over time, it becomes too crowded and the neighbors complain or some candy gets hurt and makes a stink about it. Then NOBODY has a place to ride.

I totally agree, but the thing is it's not like I'm going to be there every hour of every weekend and similarly they won't be there 24/7.

Plus this isn't the USA, I'm not going to go there, crash my bike, and then sue the owners for something I did myself.

It seems like a nice open spot to check out and attempt some things I wouldn't want to do on the street once and awhile. I'm not a "stunter", I don't intend to be part of their "crew", and if I ever end up going on a day that they are all riding I'll stay out of their way and probably just end up watching.
^ Why not just find 'your own' lot?

Because that requires effort of scouting places out and contacting the property owners to get permission.

I do this somewhat often when looking for properties to hunt on. I'll scope out a property from the roads then actually go ask the land owner for permission. If you approach people right, and let them know they are getting something out of the deal (I usually give them a venison roast and some pepperettes) and you're more likely to get permission. It has a lot to do with how you introduce and present yourself.

Once you start becoming a part of a riding community, if you network yourself well, you can get invited to some really cool things. I've been lucky to meet some awesome people in the MX world and now regularly get invited to "insider" events or extra privileges, just by being a decent person that people want to have around. It doesn't happen over night, but you don't want to step off on the wrong foot, especially since I have a feeling that Johnny's group is one of the more prominent stunt riding groups in the GTA.
our 1st and 2nd "semi private" motocross practice areas had 3 guys then 6 guys, then the new guys started hanging around late and leaving empties laying around = closed
I have a lead on a private mx track up here. After more than 5 years in the area, I finally have found someone that is a racer and owns a private track.

He owns a local bicycle store, so I plan on going in (I need a few things anyways) and having a talk with him, explain I'm a serious racer, looking for some track time once a week and willing to throw a few bones his way each week. It's better than just the casual guys who don't give a damn if they have a place to ride or not. It sucks driving an hour each way, mid week, just to ride for 90 minutes before I run out of light and have to come back home.

I heard he plans to open it up to the public, but that's almost always a bad idea, as I've had semi-private tracks go "public" and then get shut down.
Well I got it today, looks nice, little pricey ($70 after conversion and shipping) but worth it IMO...

Looks like Im going to have to shorten my stock chain guide a little to make it fit better, but other then that drill and tap 2 holes and its on

Curious, did you end up using this and modifying the stock chain slider?

I still haven't got to installing mine almost a year later ha
Curious, did you end up using this and modifying the stock chain slider?

I still haven't got to installing mine almost a year later ha

I installed it basically right where it is in that pic, the one bolt was close to the edge but still managed to get it in on the flat surface...It works great, I added little spacers to my front and rear sprocket to move them out about 2mm, that plus this guide and I get a little tire rub on the very edge of the brand new tire then it stopped rubbing...
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