Toxic work colleagues

I have a coworker who seems to think that leaving that one half glue covered square of TP on the roll means he doesn't have to put a fresh roll on the skewer. One of these days I'm gonna beat him senseless with the damn thing. Mind you, we're talking about a 6" long piece of recycled cardboard, so it may take 2-3 weeks till he is in fact senseless, but I've never had too much of a problem clearing blocks of time from my schedule.
I have a coworker who seems to think that leaving that one half glue covered square of TP on the roll means he doesn't have to put a fresh roll on the skewer. One of these days I'm gonna beat him senseless with the damn thing. Mind you, we're talking about a 6" long piece of recycled cardboard, so it may take 2-3 weeks till he is in fact senseless, but I've never had too much of a problem clearing blocks of time from my schedule.

I would like to subscribe to this Webinar. Will there be a re-broadcast for future reference?
Yeah, that sounds more along the lines of how my thoughts were going too :).

I disagree somewhat..HR is there to act in the best interests of the corporation I think...not necessarily themselves.
-Get her email
-Go home
-use home computer
-Subsribe to Bondage & Machoism porn using her email

Wait til she spends all morning deleting junk mail
As someone who has been through conflict mediation at work, and has a spouse with 20 years of HR experience I can say that the OP is part of the issue as well. To rudely simplify, the OP comes across as an arrogant, know-it all dick. Both parties need to read up on some Conflict in the Workplace material or take a seminar, it'll help immensely with peer interaction.
As someone who has been through conflict mediation at work, and has a spouse with 20 years of HR experience I can say that the OP is part of the issue as well. To rudely simplify, the OP comes across as an arrogant, know-it all dick. Both parties need to read up on some Conflict in the Workplace material or take a seminar, it'll help immensely with peer interaction.

:p exactly what I've been thinking. This is no kid being bully but a grown up being bully by a 60 something soon to be retired granny. Is she your boss? What sorts of damage can she do to your career? Best way to handle this is to be on the aggression instead of being on the defensive moaning about it on the forum as it's obviously weighing on your mind. Bully her back and see how she takes it. Make it a game and see if you can beat her at her own game.
The OP states in his first post that he is venting. However if we wish to be less cruel in general including to the witch think about what she may be facing. Maybe all she has in life is her job. Once she retires she's just another old lady at the mall. Maybe her hubby is a drunken coutch potato. We don't know her finances and maybe retirement will be tough. Some people don't plan well regardless of income.

When you are racing someone who has an almost empty gas tank all you have to do to win is stay on the track. There is no benefit to anyone to humiliate the guaranteed loser or run them off the track. The officials have apparently seen the antics of the old babe. Just stay on the track.
Good advice, thanks. Problem is she's driving me nuts, I need my bike out of storage so I can go for a nice long ride and empty my head. There's a chance she could be hanging around a little longer too but in a diminished position with less responsibility. Part of my revenge served cold tactic would be to offer to take over that position too. Either way I think she'll become irrelevant. I do keep all the emails just for this reason if I ever need them. I've got my mail client filtering them right now though so I don't even have to see them, they go to a special folder for problem people.

I've managed to not let her get under my skin for years but the last few outbursts from the cacky fingered old witch have just pushed my buttons.

When she leaves her desk, use her computer to send yourself an email with antisemitic, racist and homophobic slurs in it. When you get it, forward it to your boss and HR and the company will take care of the problem for you.
I have a coworker who seems to think that leaving that one half glue covered square of TP on the roll means he doesn't have to put a fresh roll on the skewer. One of these days I'm gonna beat him senseless with the damn thing. Mind you, we're talking about a 6" long piece of recycled cardboard, so it may take 2-3 weeks till he is in fact senseless, but I've never had too much of a problem clearing blocks of time from my schedule.

I thought exactly the same way to be honest. Believed I could handle it internally, the real crossroads approached when she started copying all her accusations to everyone else on e-mail. I could stoop to her level but I don't want to. In a playground you can smack a bully in the nose and they will think twice. In an office or work environment you can't do that without unions, HR, superiors etc all getting involved.

Regardless. My thick skin got thicker.

If she's CC's everyone take her to HR, be done with her, they will deal with her. I had to do that with a supervisor that was making the work place unnecessarily stressful.
Go into work early, and leave a pile of dog feces on her chair at her desk. Or you could leave it behind her computer monitor and she could be wondering what is that smell all day long.
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Take a dump on her desk. Like a Boss.
FWIW I worked for a manager that had a bad attitude towards all employees. If you didn't bleed you weren't trying hard enough. If you complained about a situation you were a wimp. If you left work at quiting time you weren't dedicated.
Eventually HR at head office got so many complaints that he was warned that the situation had to change.
He became so afraid of losing his job that he stopped all disciplinary comments. People started leaving early when they wanted etc and he was afraid to say anything.
He eventually packed his bags and left.
Considering the dwindling time left on this situation I stay with my Ride-it-out plan. However you can reply to her critical emails by acknowledging them by number. IE Your tenth complaint of today is acknowledged. Running total 273.
This is more of a cathartic excercise in venting but any advice is good too.

Where I work there is a woman about to retire. I already have been doing her job a little and doing it much better than her over the past few years. Over the past few years I also did some work outside the dept that was totally legal and above board but she just didn't like it, I won't explain but it made her look bad but I was just doing a job. Over those years she's taken every opportunity to belittle or criticise me and I just shrugged it off. I just received a promotion and am doing pretty well truth be told. I have a good position in the dept etc. This woman's latest e-mails have been to me but also cc'ed to my boss etc and she has accused me of lying, etc. Again, I did have some choice words written down but shrugged them off. I went to see the boss to explain and he advised me to just ignore her. I think he's more or less on my side.

Thing is, it's hard to ignore someone so intent on causing trouble. I explained to her that I've been to see the boss etc but I get the feeling this witch will not back down. I think it's another 4-5 weeks at least until she retires, maybe longer though.

I looked at an article about bullying in the workplace and it seems as though it's more or less written with her in mind.

Should I be the better person and just ignore her completely or is it time to call the union and ask for libel charges to be brought etc? I get the feeling that if there's a fight no one will win. I'm wondering if I just ignore her she might shut the **** up too. She seems like the type of person to thrive on argument. Her latest e-mails have been quite bizarre and very unreasonable.

Anyone been in this situation?

I hope your promotion doesn't require you to make any decisions. You have to come on a motorcycle forum and ask how to deal with a Co worker? You may be getting a demotion soon if that's the case. It's funny how everyone has advice, but have only heard one side of the storey, I'm sure the co workers side is different, but hey you ride a motorcycle, so you have to be telling the entire truth right? WTF

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