Rob it sounds like you voted for Harper and are now regretting that decision. Can you run down a brief list of your disappointments? I'm genuinely curious.. no need to write a novel, just short point form would do. I'm not well versed enough in politics, and my memory is absolutely terrible, so I don't immediately associate broken platform and election promises to actual acts.
Yes, I voted for him once, but not on the subsequent occasions.
Think back to that first election, when while campaigning he was pointing to the things that the Liberals had done wrong and swore that his government would never do such things. He also said that they would be an "open and honest" government. So let's examine that.
- Floor Crossing - Decried how the Liberals had enticed a Conservative (Belinda Stronach) to cross the floor. This was a very big deal to them and they tried to have a law passed requiring a by-election, if someone did cross. Once elected he almost immediately brought David Emerson across the floor. As with Stronach, the price of admission was a cabinet seat.
- Open and Honest Government - Harper has held a tighter rein on his Cabinet Ministers than any Prime Minister in recent memory. You can't be "open and honest" if you never open your mouth. Then there was his ducking of the Ethics Commissioner over the Grewal affair. He even tried to have the Ethics Commissioner replaced. Seems to me that Rob Ford tried to do something similar.
- Contempt of Parliament - Failing to provide a full accounting of the costs of the crime bill was the trigger, but there was also the failure to disclose the full costs of the F35 fighter jet programme. At the time the Conservatives were in a minority government situation, and yet wanted the majority of representatives to sign off on these bills? I don't know about you, but I don't go around handing out many blank cheques.
- An Elected Senate - That seems to have gone the way of the dodo, once Harper was in a position to start naming his own people to the Senate. We all know how that has been going lately and it has resulted in more than a few little scandals.
Those are just a few, off the top of my head. I could write a 5,000 word essay on it, given a couple of days to pull the information. The short strokes are that his government is nothing like it promised to be and shows every bit as much of a self serving nature, as the previous Liberal government that it replaced. I'm no fan of people who do wrong. People who are hypocrites
AND do wrong earn a special place in hell.