Topic: marijuana

It's too difficult to regulate and tax. It's a lot easier to make than say booze and a lot of people aren't going to have the general knowledge of when they've sobered up or contact high. Its fine as it is now. Let the people stay paranoid and stick to being given small fines if you do happen to be caught.

Small fines for people caught with small quantities. People that grow it (even for themselves) will face more than a small fine. Someone has to grow it for you to smoke it unless you do it yourself. On top of that, regular smokers will probably have more than "a bit" at home.
A little over a month ago, I became extremely ill. Spent a couple weeks in the hospital, at times not knowing if I was going to live or die.
After taking numerous medications (morphine then Tylenol 3's at home) / antibioitics / I felt like I wanted to die. Nothing they prescribed was doing anything for my 'well being', quite the opposite actually. By the time I got home, I had lost 45 - 50 lbs.
A particular friend (who smokes weed) came by one night when I was at a very low point, both mentally, and physically.
He went outside to spark one up. I went out and took a couple hits. I didn't necessarily get a buzz on, but I felt better than I did in the last two months - so much better, I can't put it into words.
This was my 1st experience using weed for medicinal purposes.
I'm now 100% certain that the plant in question needs to, and should be available to anyone who needs, or want it.

Glad to see you back on your feet Gary, hope you're doing all right, long time no see.
I don't know you Gary, but I hope you get well/sorted!

It seems to be getting easier to get a medical marijuana license. I know a few people with it. Anyone diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADD, or a condition that is painful like arthritis, may be eligible. It used to be that the right to grow your own plants was included in that license, but no more. One has to buy from one of the large federally regulated grow ops.
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There is a clinic in Barrie and another in Mississauga.
It seems to be getting easier to get a medical marijuana license. I know a few people with it. Anyone diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADD, or a condition that is painful like arthritis, may be eligible. It used to be that the right to grow your own plants was included in that license, but no more. One has to buy from one of the large federally regulated grow ops.

The being able to grow your own part is currently before the courts. With all the over the top shenanigans going on with the wannabee and licensed LP's it is looking good for the patients that want to grow their own JS.
I don't know you Gary, but I hope you get well/sorted!

It seems to be getting easier to get a medical marijuana license. I know a few people with it. Anyone diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADD, or a condition that is painful like arthritis, may be eligible. It used to be that the right to grow your own plants was included in that license, but no more. One has to buy from one of the large federally regulated grow ops.

Thanks Schneller.
That post was a year ago. I'm still trying to find a way (without having my intestines / colon hacked out) to feel better.
Since I completely cut 99.9% of sugar from my intake, things have been a bit better.

I have a phone number if anyone is interested in the license. (pm me)
First you must go to a brief interview (Mississauga). Then over to see the Dr.
There is a fee.
I've yet to get one, but friends have. No trouble. In & out.
Those I know have been sent here for purchase of medicine. Comes via Can Post, next day.
All are legal to carry up to 150gm. And as mentioned, no more 'grow your own', legally.
Thanks Schneller.
That post was a year ago. I'm still trying to find a way (without having my intestines / colon hacked out) to feel better.
Since I completely cut 99.9% of sugar from my intake, things have been a bit better.

I have a phone number if anyone is interested in the license. (pm me)
First you must go to a brief interview (Mississauga). Then over to see the Dr.
There is a fee.
I've yet to get one, but friends have. No trouble. In & out.
Those I know have been sent here for purchase of medicine. Comes via Can Post, next day.
All are legal to carry up to 150gm. And as mentioned, no more 'grow your own', legally.

Gary are you spamming for a kickback or just fun?
Gary are you spamming for a kickback or just fun?

Just fyi, I guess? (which part is spam? the link?)
I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it.
If you had told me 40yrs ago that this service would be available 'soon'...................
Just fyi, I guess? (which part is spam? the link?)
I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it.
If you had told me 40yrs ago that this service would be available 'soon'...................

Maybe I was a little harsh but have you ever heard of any good in a person steering patients to a particular clinic or doctor?
Here is a link that you might find interesting,check out their blog in regards to the injunction.
The guy in the video was fired from his job for suggesting that some drugs (i.e mdma) should be decriminalized and open to scientists for studying.

6yrs later in 2015, not in UK, but in U.S:
They really need to get with the times and give these things to scientists (with easy access). They could do so much from studying the potential benefits of illegal drugs.

I remember reading "DMT: The spirit Molecule." and it was such a god damn shame that the scientist had to go through such a rigorous process to get the drug (which is ironically created in our own body during birth, death and psychedelic experiences "

Nonetheless his field work was beyond interesting and I wish they would open it up and take out the taboo so that more benefits could be discovered. Especially with pot, mushrooms and LSD, because I feel as if those definitely have something beneficial in them that we have yet to discover because govts limit access to them.

Pot for example is a schedule 1 drug in the states, meaning it has no medicinal value and therefore is harder to get access to as a scientist.

TLDR; The war on drugs will be remembered as the biggest waste of time, money, resources and court/jail space in maybe 60 years or less. A complete stain on human history. What kind of pathetic policy is it for a government to tell YOU what you can or cannot do to your own body, whilst the legal alternatives (alcohol, tobacco ) do the same if not worse damage.
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No real proof that pot smoke is less harmful than tobacco smoke.

Smokers work, so do most alcoholics. Most potheads are either students or unemployed.

Even if it's regulated, the underground world will still make bank. We all know the regulated s*** won't be good as
the underground s***.

Marijuana needs to remain banned. Those who want it will get it anyway, like others said. If we legalize it. Soon enough the entire country will be trampled by potheads. If we don't want other Canadian companies becoming like BB (which is a sickening disgrace) and the government become like Mexico's, we have to wage brutal war against Pot.
Canada needs a serious right wing movement.

Wow. Most ignorant post award goes to this guy. There is lots of proof that mj is far less dangerous than tobacco. No one has ever died from smoking weed. Tobacco is deadly. Heavy Mj use is harmful to a developing brain. I'm sure heavy alchohol or tobacco use would be detrimental to a developing brain as well.
Also I smoke mj quite often and I resent your unemployed comment. You're damn ignorant son. Get out from under that rock of yours.
Wow. Most ignorant post award goes to this guy. There is lots of proof that mj is far less dangerous than tobacco. No one has ever died from smoking weed. Tobacco is deadly. Heavy Mj use is harmful to a developing brain. I'm sure heavy alchohol or tobacco use would be detrimental to a developing brain as well.
Also I smoke mj quite often and I resent your unemployed comment. You're damn ignorant son. Get out from under that rock of yours.

Unfortunately most of what you'll read about weed comes either from proponents, or opponents. Straight scholarly studies exist but not many, and generally not long term. You say "tobacco kills." It does. It took decades to make that determination and to both quantify, and qualify the results of studies, and yet there's still debate about things like second-hand smoke. The same doesn't exist for marijuana, largely because it has been illegal, but even as a 5 year old I knew that inhaling the products of burning vegetation can't be good for your lungs. You're breathing in smoke and ash whether it's from tobacco, or weed.

The simple fact is that marijuana use is widespread. Just the smells on my daily commute are enough to tell me that. Legalize it, tax it, use it to fund health care, and prosecute for both the illegal sale of it, and abuse of it. I have yet to see someone get pulled over for smoking weed while driving, though I see/smell it on an almost daily basis.
This isn't directed towards you Rob.

I have never understood the arguments towards smoke. There are so many more alternative ways to injest pot and smoke is the least effective way. Which is why many pot users are going to edibles and vapour. Vapour is unknown about its health implications, but edibles are definitely not going to have much if any health implications. Extract the THC using oil, put the oil on your pasta, and there you go you have a normal dinner item rather than smoke.

What jester doesn't understand is that the laymen isn't going to go out and do this all the time. Another reason they have to make it legal is because they can have companies making the edibles so the laymen doesn't have to. Thus reducing smokers because many people would certainly go to them. They're convenient, quick (some as quick as a lollipop infused dosage of thc) , tasty and they are less harmful than smoke.

So I will never get the smoke argument because most of my experience with others is people wanting to have alternatives to smoke but not having the means to get or make them.
Wow. Most ignorant post award goes to this guy. There is lots of proof that mj is far less dangerous than tobacco. No one has ever died from smoking weed. Tobacco is deadly. Heavy Mj use is harmful to a developing brain. I'm sure heavy alchohol or tobacco use would be detrimental to a developing brain as well.
Also I smoke mj quite often and I resent your unemployed comment. You're damn ignorant son. Get out from under that rock of yours.
As ignorant as that post may be, there may be some truth. Students tend to smoke for the social aspect of it. In doing so it may adversly affect their grades and career aspirations. Ive seen it.

With that said, using responsibly or productively is the challenge. And making sure you keep your priorities straight. This is harder for some people and easier for others.
As ignorant as that post may be, there may be some truth. Students tend to smoke for the social aspect of it. In doing so it may adversly affect their grades and career aspirations. Ive seen it.

With that said, using responsibly or productively is the challenge. And making sure you keep your priorities straight. This is harder for some people and easier for others.

Responsibility is key as youve said. If all you think about is when you're going to get ripped you've got your priorities backwards. If you resemble the characteristics of an alcoholic except your fix is pot, then maybe you should take a step back. Then again though, at that point is it really pot's fault? I tend to think that it's just the person's character which is to blame. (You're not saying it's pot fault, but i know there are many people who think this way)

Pot could be replaced with anything really; cheeseburgers, video games, sex, television etc., all it takes is for it to get in the hands of someone who has no self control and moderation and it's a recipe for failure. But I think maybe we'd agree on that point because as you've indirectly said it pretty much depends on the person.

That said, I remember before I started smoking I was doing **** all in school. After I smoked I had a whole new perspective on life, I've had different ways of thinking, creative ways of looking at things and I truly think that's helped with a lot in school -- especially in an education system which relies on someone thinking out the box. Before I smoked I was getting C+'s in school, after I started smoking I made the honor roll twice in high school. Now in university I get straight A's with my lowest mark being a B.

Some will say correlation doesn't equal causation. Some will say it's a coincidence. Some will say it was just me getting my act together. But I firmly believe that all this was because a simple plant made me change the way I think about things and it's definitely 'helped' me in life. Especially in my minor in university (Philosophy) which requires abstract thinking. I like to call pot a performance enhancer when it comes to school.

Hell it might be even a performance enhancer when it comes to sports. You should see some of the passes I make when I'm stoned on the ice. They're unreal.

I say all the above because you said "Students tend to smoke for the social aspect of it. In doing so it may adversly affect their grades and career aspirations."

and I just wanted to show you the flip side of that argument just so we don't forget about it. There are some who it affects them negatively, some no affect at all, and some where it's positive (me).
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Responsibility is key as youve said. If all you think about is when you're going to get ripped you've got your priorities backwards. If you resemble the characteristics of an alcoholic except your fix is pot, then maybe you should take a step back. Then again though, at that point is it really pot's fault? I tend to think that it's just the person's character which is to blame. (You're not saying it's pot fault, but i know there are many people who think this way)

Pot could be replaced with anything really; cheeseburgers, video games, sex, television etc., all it takes is for it to get in the hands of someone who has no self control and moderation and it's a recipe for failure. But I think maybe we'd agree on that point because as you've indirectly said it pretty much depends on the person.

That said, I remember before I started smoking I was doing **** all in school. After I smoked I had a whole new perspective on life, I've had different ways of thinking, creative ways of looking at things and I truly think that's helped with a lot in school -- especially in an education system which relies on someone thinking out the box. Before I smoked I was getting C+'s in school, after I started smoking I made the honor roll twice in high school. Now in university I get straight A's with my lowest mark being a B.

Some will say correlation doesn't equal causation. Some will say it's a coincidence. Some will say it was just me getting my act together. But I firmly believe that all this was because a simple plant made me change the way I think about things and it's definitely 'helped' me in life. Especially in my minor in university (Philosophy) which requires abstract thinking. I like to call pot a performance enhancer when it comes to school.

Hell it might be even a performance enhancer when it comes to sports. You should see some of the passes I make when I'm stoned on the ice. They're unreal.

I say all the above because you said "Students tend to smoke for the social aspect of it. In doing so it may adversly affect their grades and career aspirations."

and I just wanted to show you the flip side of that argument just so we don't forget about it. There are some who it affects them negatively, some no affect at all, and some where it's positive (me).
Youre very correct. Weed increases creativity which is great for arts. My rasta friend is also in philosophy and hes been preaching the same. Unfortunately,it hinders math skills ie. Using numbers. I heard there was a study done but ive never actually seen it.

With regards to sport..ive been burning prior to my workouts and have been going hammmmmmmmm. Deffs helps
Youre very correct. Weed increases creativity which is great for arts. My rasta friend is also in philosophy and hes been preaching the same. Unfortunately,it hinders math skills ie. Using numbers. I heard there was a study done but ive never actually seen it.

With regards to sport..ive been burning prior to my workouts and have been going hammmmmmmmm. Deffs helps

I was never good at math anyways. Except for trigonometry.

And yeah it's weird dude. I can play shinny for hours and not feel tired + play better. Have yet to try soccer but I assume it would be similar.

Edit: speaking of the arts. Check this out
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