Topic: marijuana

Alcohol makes you think you're a great dancer, even if you're not.
So, Toronto ex police chief wants to run for the federal liberals, the only political party that says it will legalize marijuana.
So, Toronto ex police chief wants to run for the federal liberals, the only political party that says it will legalize marijuana.
Don't all parties want to legalize except the PC's. I think the libs have been most open about it.

On the topic of weed. Bought a new vaporizer today : the airizer solo
Take care of the glass. They can be had easy from any head shop.
I know I wish they came with a protective case or something. Apparently they're a decent type of glass though. I'm gonna see if they have a flexible, braided mouthpiece though because I don't like having to carry that glass around.
That's the reason I switched to the Zeus Smite.
The Solo's great, just sayin'...
You were right.

Absolute quality.

Me and my bud vaped before we took our bicycles to the trails, and it was a great experience. I don't nor have ever smoked cigarettes so my lungs + smoke = not gonna work, so I often found myself killing Jays half 3 quarters of the way through because I just couldn't stand the smoke.

This vape on the other hand, I sat through the whole session no problem, quality of vape was astounding, tasted amazing and wasn't harsh at all. My buddy recently bought a vape as well, his kind of looked like a zippo, and my quality compared to his quality was so much better. His vape had a burnt, harsh taste whereas mine had a good, clean taste. I've gotta experiment with different settings. What have you found works good? I tried 5

And the high was great as well. No headaches from the coughing that jays give. No sore throat.

Great experience. And you know, it's not that bad in regards to being portable. If I have a bag it's easy to carry around no problem. If I've got sport shorts it doesn't look that conspicuous either. I think it would only really be obvious you've got something in your pocket if you have jeans on.
Glad you like it! I usually start with 3 then jack it up to 5 the second time around.
Take care of the glass. They can be had easy from any head shop.

yea...when it gets hot it gets loose as **** and falls out easily. I think I spent about $100 in replacement pipes before I just bought a ****ing wooden one.

3 is soft as ****, I start at 5 and work my way up to 7, by 6 I'm usually blowing clouds and will cough after a nice drag...I'm no noob either. They just came out with the Arizer Air, its like half the size, only thing I dislike about the Solo is the size when on the go and how easily the pipes break.

I love marijuana, alcohol is good but causes you to do so much stupid **** and **** can go wrong real quick. With bud the worst that happens to me is I forget stupid ****, wanna eat like a pig and get sleepy as hell. It also makes me not want to do my schoolwork, I already hate that **** as it is so its really doing is enhancing the feeling.

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So medical marijuana is ok, but not if you don't smoke it? What is the Health Minister on? Glad to hear the courts decided not to limit it in such a way. Ambrose is ****** that judges let users use it as they see fit instead of doctors making the call. Ummm...hello? It's medical marijuana and it's already lawful to use. How does letting the user choose how to intake it matter? Hell, any way other than smoking it is healthier!!!!
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So medical marijuana is ok, but not if you don't smoke it? What is the Health Minister on? Glad to hear the courts decided not to limit it in such a way. Ambrose is ****** that judges let users use it as they see fit instead of doctors making the call. Ummm...hello? It's medical marijuana and it's already lawful to use. How does letting the user choose how to intake it matter? Hell, any way other than smoking it is healthier!!!!

I don't think the actual pissing contest is weed, that's just the proverbial straw. Its that Health Canada has jurisdiction over all prescription medication in Canada and the courts just got their fingers in the pie. It sets a very awkward precident going forward, meaning someone could possibly go to the courts to get a prescribed med that is not on Health Canada's list. Courts playing in someone elses sandbox.
That's the thing. The judges didn't allow a new drug. They just delimited how it could be administered. It like the government saying aspirins come as a pill and you have to take it as such only. I have a kid that doesn't like pills, I'm gonna crush it up and put it in juice or something for him. So now I'd be breaking the law.
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