Topic: marijuana

Marijuana should be legalized and regulated like booze and cigarettes.

Those ads that the Conservative Party are putting out making marijuana sound like a scourge are ridiculous.
I'd legalize it but I don't think the shiny poney will do it. More credible Liberals before him have promised the very same thing and backed out on it.
I believe an adult should have the right to choose what they want to do, as long as their actions do not harm, or affect anyone (unwillingly) else. However, if you partake in known dangerous/risky activities you waive your rights to all forms of social assistance.

Whether it's marijuana, or base jumping from buildings, or doing a wheelie on an empty road, or hire a prostitute - it's your life. But when your parachute gets tangled on a balcony or in a tree, you are paying for your own rescue!
I believe an adult should have the right to choose what they want to do, as long as their actions do not harm, or affect anyone (unwillingly) else. However, if you partake in known dangerous/risky activities you waive your rights to all forms of social assistance.

Whether it's marijuana, or base jumping from buildings, or doing a wheelie on an empty road, or hire a prostitute - it's your life. But when your parachute gets tangled on a balcony or in a tree, you are paying for your own rescue!

My concern is the texting pot smoker. Do the LEO's have potalysers?
Alcohol was in the same boat in the 20s no? Legalize it, tax it, whatever. Is it any worse for you, health wise, than tobacco? Any worse inebriater than alcohol?
My concern is the texting pot smoker. Do the LEO's have potalysers?

If by making it legal, that would lead to more impaired drivers - well then that is definitely bad. It's a tough topic, I'm ultimately glad I don't need to make decisions like this!

As others have mentioned, I think the smart thing to do would be legalize and regulate/tax it. At least the proceeds will not go to organized crime... :)
Hard to believe but I have never smoked it once, yet I think it should be legalized. I think its less dangerous then alcohol, and from a domestic stand point, mush better then alcohol. So legalize.... get those tax dollars and be done with it. Also, people should not be going to jail for it, if thats the case throw the smokers in jail as that is more harmful.
legalize it! and let all of those poor bastards out of prison for growing, smoking or selling the green plant.. feel bad for anyone behind bars because of this stupid law, here and worldwide
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?

Hey the country will be swallowed up by the Chinese anyway, lets make the process faster: Potheads unite!!
The LCBO would have a lot to lose if they legalized marijuana. Then again if they made a CCBO (Cannibis Control Board of Ontario), they might make a mint.

Why? Are people all of the sudden going to stop drinking and move on to weed cause its "legal"?

The people who smoke will continue to smoke, the people who drink will continue to drink. Only difference is our jails will be less crowded, court systems will be less backed up and tax revenue will go up from all the legal weed.
If by making it legal, that would lead to more impaired drivers - well then that is definitely bad. It's a tough topic, I'm ultimately glad I don't need to make decisions like this!

As others have mentioned, I think the smart thing to do would be legalize and regulate/tax it. At least the proceeds will not go to organized crime... :)

Laws don't stop people from driving impaired, just take a look at drinking and driving.

When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?

Hey the country will be swallowed up by the Chinese anyway, lets make the process faster: Potheads unite!!

You have a strange view of the world...

Alcohol is legal, are drunks taking over the world, throwing bottles at your children and puking on them?
Alcohol was in the same boat in the 20s no? Legalize it, tax it, whatever. Is it any worse for you, health wise, than tobacco? Any worse inebriater than alcohol?

Tobacco is by far the WORST legal drug in the world. I do not understand why the **** it is legal in the first place. If you look at scholarly articles involving tobacco side effects versus weed, you'd be shocked. Tobacco's addiction rating is up there with hard drugs where people will lose limbs just to continue smoking (look up Buerger's Disease, it's a disease that only affects smokers..make sure you have a strong stomach).
You have a strange view of the world...

Alcohol is legal, are drunks taking over the world, throwing bottles at your children and puking on them?

Couldn't agree more. It's been 20+ years since I smoked dope (aging myself here) and I have no issues with legalizing it. If it was legal would I smoke again? No - no interest.
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?

Hey the country will be swallowed up by the Chinese anyway, lets make the process faster: Potheads unite!!

Can I complain about the smokers reeking and polluting the air as I walk into my work or stinking up the elevator? Smokers always gather at the entrance since you can't smoke inside.

Correction: The Chinese are going to take over the world!!!! muhahahahah
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