Topic: marijuana

When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?

a mean drunk makes for an awesome neighbour

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Marijuana should be legalized and regulated like booze and cigarettes.

Those ads that the Conservative Party are putting out making marijuana sound like a scourge are ridiculous.

Terrible marketing for the Conservative party, majority of the country ( has moved to the position that pot should be legalized. It's obvious our society is going in that direction, foolish to try and stand up against it

Was just in California, sure you smell weed in the places that you would expect to (Venice Beach...) and not much everywhere else. State seems to be doing just fine.
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When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes

Tobacco smoke smells sooooooo much better! Chronic smokers smell way worse than chronic puffers. Pot smells but layered on old tobacco is 100% worse.

Alcohol does liver damage, smoking lung. Both alter behavior. I don't see the difference.

Do as the Dutch, tolerate that adults are going to be adults and regulate it to reap the taxes
Do as the Dutch, tolerate that adults are going to be adults and regulate it to reap the taxes

And as a peoples the Dutch are tall which putz paid to the theory smoking stunts growth but the country in land mass is very tiny with an inordinate number of dykes not that there's anything wrong with that. Try the meatloaf.
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?

Hey the country will be swallowed up by the Chinese anyway, lets make the process faster: Potheads unite!!

A good number of your neighbors are potheads... Look at the stats. I'd rather have potheads for neighbors over drunks any day.
Potheads are nicer than drunks. I used to be a pothead and never seen or heard of pothead violence.
Productivity may decrease though
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?

Hey the country will be swallowed up by the Chinese anyway, lets make the process faster: Potheads unite!!

Are you for real?? You must be a smoker or something..because how can you say that, knowing the amount of smokers out there and how nasty and chemically laced even the smoke is??I have never used the mary J but like I said said, legalize it! If my kids decided to ever be stupid and smoke a cigarette I would literally punch them in the face... if they happened to be smoking pot then I would still show my displeasure, but of the two I would take the weed all day!
Potheads lol
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?

Go home your drunk, watering from the fumes? Its not like a chemical spill!! For your eyes to water you would have to sit in a smokey room, the "fumes" arnt going to harm anyone.

Whether its legal or not it will always stimulate the economy. I'd like to see it legalized just to see how it would change police forces across the country.
I don't think making it legal will help much in the long run. Over the years I've helped a few government and non-government grow ops with their water filtration equipment needs. They've talked to me about the idea of being able to purchase "legal" weed from a store. And, I doubt you'll be interested in what they have to say for costs. Your usual "dime bag" will be closer to double with tax on top of that. So I'm sure there will still be illegal sales made as the cost will be much higher. Not everyone will be able to spend that extra few bucks to get a little green.

Doubt they will make it legal for sale. We all know how much the government wants to take our money but not with drugs. Also, would you vote someone who was for the legalizing weed? Don't think there would be enough to swing the vote in that persons favour.

Keep living the dream to buy your weed at the local store.
I don't think making it legal will help much in the long run. Over the years I've helped a few government and non-government grow ops with their water filtration equipment needs. They've talked to me about the idea of being able to purchase "legal" weed from a store. And, I doubt you'll be interested in what they have to say for costs. Your usual "dime bag" will be closer to double with tax on top of that. So I'm sure there will still be illegal sales made as the cost will be much higher. Not everyone will be able to spend that extra few bucks to get a little green.

Doubt they will make it legal for sale. We all know how much the government wants to take our money but not with drugs. Also, would you vote someone who was for the legalizing weed? Don't think there would be enough to swing the vote in that persons favour.

Keep living the dream to buy your weed at the local store.

i am sure it would be double the cost, but I am sure people would be that and not risk the cost of going to jail or paying some ridiculous legal fees to fight there weed charge.
You can make beer and wine at home too or go buy from store and pay the price.

Pot should be in the same category.

Depending on the more important topics on a politician's platform the pot stance would be a non issue for me. Way too many other government stupidities to go after.
I bet a lot of people you don't think smoke, do. It's a lot safer than alcohol, smoking it is obviously bad for your lungs and throat...and you may get cancer from the carcinogens produced by the burning, but the actual drug itself is quite safe, and there have been many studies to prove it. I work a full time job, I've owned my own business for 6 years and I do quite well in my life, yet because of conservative tight ***** I can't smoke a joint on the street, I have to hide in my house for fear of being arrested or ticketed for a choice I make that does not affect anyone else. I doubt it will be legalized in Canada unless the States goes for it too, unanimously.
i am sure it would be double the cost, but I am sure people would be that and not risk the cost of going to jail or paying some ridiculous legal fees to fight there weed charge.

How could you prove to an officer that your weed on your person is currently purchased from a local store? Sure you go buy from a local store and keep the receipt and bag(s) then go and keep buying form your regular dealer at half cost. Would be hard to argue that unless they put a certain chemical into the legal weed which would show the difference. Government always wants their cut and to protect their investment.
This topic reminds me that I should get a vaporizer to get away with burning

Used my buddies vaporizer in the spring of last year and that little bastid knocked me on my ***. I don't smoke so it was a heck of a punch.
If legalizing pot is the primary issue for our next fed election then we are even more screwed than I feared....

I think that the primary issue for our next Federal election should be the American style politicking that a certain party is partaking of which includes mischaracterizations, that seem to imply that the voters are idiots. And that kids being able to drink alcohol and smoke is OK, but those same kids can't use pot.

a mean drunk makes for an awesome neighbour

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Actually, despite my source of information not being "Reefer Madness", I can sympathize with Jinster81. I have a neighbour whose teenage son gathers his friends up in the back yard and smokes a little rope in the early morning hours, during the spring and summer. If my windows are open, I can smell it quite clearly.
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