When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?
a mean drunk makes for an awesome neighbour
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When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?
Marijuana should be legalized and regulated like booze and cigarettes.
Those ads that the Conservative Party are putting out making marijuana sound like a scourge are ridiculous.
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes
Do as the Dutch, tolerate that adults are going to be adults and regulate it to reap the taxes
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?
Hey the country will be swallowed up by the Chinese anyway, lets make the process faster: Potheads unite!!
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?
Hey the country will be swallowed up by the Chinese anyway, lets make the process faster: Potheads unite!!
When your home reeks of the smell from the pothead neighbors and your kids eyes are watering because of the fumes, will you guys still be up for legalization?
I don't think making it legal will help much in the long run. Over the years I've helped a few government and non-government grow ops with their water filtration equipment needs. They've talked to me about the idea of being able to purchase "legal" weed from a store. And, I doubt you'll be interested in what they have to say for costs. Your usual "dime bag" will be closer to double with tax on top of that. So I'm sure there will still be illegal sales made as the cost will be much higher. Not everyone will be able to spend that extra few bucks to get a little green.
Doubt they will make it legal for sale. We all know how much the government wants to take our money but not with drugs. Also, would you vote someone who was for the legalizing weed? Don't think there would be enough to swing the vote in that persons favour.
Keep living the dream to buy your weed at the local store.
i am sure it would be double the cost, but I am sure people would be that and not risk the cost of going to jail or paying some ridiculous legal fees to fight there weed charge.
This topic reminds me that I should get a vaporizer to get away with burning
If legalizing pot is the primary issue for our next fed election then we are even more screwed than I feared....
a mean drunk makes for an awesome neighbour
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