Topic: marijuana

Marijuana should be legalized and regulated like booze and cigarettes

Those ads that the Conservative Party are putting out making marijuana sound like a scourge are ridiculous.
Smoking in general should be banned. Rather see roaches than cigarette butts all over the sidewalk.
No real proof that pot smoke is less harmful than tobacco smoke.

Smokers work, so do most alcoholics. Most potheads are either students or unemployed.

Even if it's regulated, the underground world will still make bank. We all know the regulated s*** won't be good as
the underground s***.

Marijuana needs to remain banned. Those who want it will get it anyway, like others said. If we legalize it. Soon enough the entire country will be trampled by potheads. If we don't want other Canadian companies becoming like BB (which is a sickening disgrace) and the government become like Mexico's, we have to wage brutal war against Pot.
Canada needs a serious right wing movement.

You can't really be this ignorant about it...!?
No real proof that pot smoke is less harmful than tobacco smoke.

Smokers work, so do most alcoholics. Most potheads are either students or unemployed.

Even if it's regulated, the underground world will still make bank. We all know the regulated s*** won't be good as
the underground s***.

Marijuana needs to remain banned. Those who want it will get it anyway, like others said. If we legalize it. Soon enough the entire country will be trampled by potheads. If we don't want other Canadian companies becoming like BB (which is a sickening disgrace) and the government become like Mexico's, we have to wage brutal war against Pot.
Canada needs a serious right wing movement.

Personally I would prefer living in a world where people didn't need mind altering substances but I would want that achieved through education not legislation. (I would also prefer a world where people didn't need Prozac, cops were only needed to direct traffic and find lost children, we didn't have to lock doors etc)

I wouldn't classify a person who has the occasional puff of MJ a pothead so the allegations are weak. I have 4-5 alcoholic beverages a week because the taste goes well with what I'm eating. Does that make me an alcoholic social burden?

Recovering alcoholics are usually hard working but not so for the ones on skid row. Hey buddy, can you spare some change?

Smokers work but spend more time away from their desks and book more sick days. Throw them in jail?

It's hard to become educated on a subject when you only read the books that reinforce a chosen path.
You are inhaling dead plant matter, so i think it isn't any better for your lungs. But I might smoke one joint a night, and my friend will have a cigarette every 2 hours.

Also I'm 29 years old and neither a student or unemployed. I think i do alright for my self with a annual salary of over a hundred thousand.

You would be very surprised on who use the 'drug' frequently. It is taboo, like talking to people about sexual fetishes. People that smoke pot are usually paranoid and avoid talking to strangers about there illegal activity. :D

When you smoke weed you're typically inhaling burning plant matter, which obviously isn't very good for your lung tissue. When you smoke a cigarette you're inhaling burning plant matter, plus hundreds of possible additives that are far worse for you than simple smoke.
When you smoke weed you're typically inhaling burning plant matter, which obviously isn't very good for your lung tissue. When you smoke a cigarette you're inhaling burning plant matter, plus hundreds of possible additives that are far worse for you than simple smoke.

If legalization brings lower pricing or if small-scale growing is allowed, enough of the active compound can be extracted to put it into food or drinks. It's still done but when I used it, I found it cost-prohibitive. I was the guy who'd use like 6 grams over a period of 3-6 months. For me it didn't make sense to extract anything. The occasional burn gave me precise enough metering to keep me buzzing over the Friday night movie, and it was rare enough not to worry about the health consequences as I used to be a pack and a half a day cigarette smoker.
I'm leery about inhaling smoke from an sort of burning material because of what it might potentially do to my lungs and also if the smoke contains any compounds that can't be flushed out of my system in a fortnight. I'd hate to subject myself to the accumulating effects of said compound. Of course at the weeny roast I've been known to get dangerously close. Friends say they can hardly tell.
Hint: You can't grow alcohol in your back garden.

I know what you're referring to, but as a sidebar actually you can. Apple orchards that were planted all over North America in the early years were not because they were just another agricultural crop that made a nice snack.

It's because the Apple is a fruit with a high sugar content that stores well and produces large quantities.

The cider juice that you can squeeze out of Apples can easily be fermented with little effort into an alcoholic drink called Applejack.

If you want the concentration stronger, then take your bucket of Applejack outside on a -20 C night and in the morning throw away the ice that formed on top. That's the water portion. Very primitive method of distillation but it works.
have to wage brutal war against Pot.
Canada needs a serious right wing movement.

Would we get to wear fetch uniforms and parade about singing songs?

I know what you're referring to, but as a sidebar actually you can. Apple orchards that were planted all over North America in the early years were not because they were just another agricultural crop that made a nice snack.

It's because the Apple is a fruit with a high sugar content that stores well and produces large quantities.

The cider juice that you can squeeze out of Apples can easily be fermented with little effort into an alcoholic drink called Applejack.

If you want the concentration stronger, then take your bucket of Applejack outside on a -20 C night and in the morning throw away the ice that formed on top. That's the water portion. Very primitive method of distillation but it works.

Which is far less of a possibility in a world where more and more people are in urban centres. Those people just go out and buy a bottle of cheap hooch, that will get you drunk off your nut rather quickly. In contrast to that you can just plant a few seeds and smoke the resulting dried plant.
Would we get to wear fetch uniforms and parade about singing songs?

I'd love to see harper's face photoshopped into this pic.

On the medical use marijuana front, I think it's a shame that the government is removing the opportunity for card carrying legal users from growing their own. Imagine, you're sick, in pain, whatever and the government "permits" you to consume thc, but tells you you can't simply grow a plant to help yourself.

From a recreational use perspective, large government licensed and controlled grow operations, is a step in the direction of possible future legalization. The government wouldn't legalize pot without benefitting from taxes they can apply. Recreational pot use will be controlled and taxed like distilled spirits, not like beer and wine which can legally be made at home.
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The government wouldn't legalize pot without benefitting from taxes they can apply. Recreational pot use will be controlled and taxed like distilled spirits

That assertion will be proven 100% correct which is kind of sad because it clearly illustrates how easily the Gov expects us to roll over. It's not even open for debate. Of course some would suggest we, the people, control the system thru voting. Or some such.
I'm leery about inhaling smoke from an sort of burning material because of what it might potentially do to my lungs and also if the smoke contains any compounds that can't be flushed out of my system in a fortnight. I'd hate to subject myself to the accumulating effects of said compound. Of course at the weeny roast I've been known to get dangerously close. Friends say they can hardly tell.

Good job you don't ride a motorbike....
I don't smoke the MJ, currently 2 months as an ex tobacco smoker ;) So i really couldn't care if its legal or not.

My only question is how can someone i.e the popo charge an individual who is clearly baked/stoned from smoking Mary Jane? Is a blood test the only way to confirm if someone is impaired and what is the level to determine that?
CW=cumulative weight
Figure 2: Drugs ordered by their overall harm scores, showing the separate contributions to the overall scores of harms to users and harm to others The weights after normalisation (0–100) are shown in the key (cumulative in the sense of the sum of all the normalised weights for all the criteria to users, 46; and for
all the criteria to others, 54). CW=cumulative weight. GHB=γ hydroxybutyric acid. LSD=lysergic acid diethylamide.
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