Topic: marijuana

Thanks for this. I wonder what the CW*54 and 46 mean.

It's kind of surprising. I would have thought that smoking a joint every day would be less harmful than dropping acid every day.

So what's the big deal about Ford doing crack again?
Alcohol is so much worse
So what's the big deal about Ford doing crack again?
Alcohol is so much worse

He drinks like a fish too. Drives drunk, drunk in public, disparages other public figures while drunk. Is that enough?


The problem with crack is that it is a true hard drug/narcotic (not like pot) and is illegal.
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So what's the big deal about Ford doing crack again?
Alcohol is so much worse

It's the fact that it exposed the Chief Magistrate of the city to possible blackmail, that it seems was actually attempted.

And he's also go ta problem with alcohol, that he doesn't seem to want to accept. If your alcohol use follows some sort of pattern, then you're likely an alcoholic. If your alcohol use generally results in inebriation, then you're likely an alcoholic. If your alcohol use involves frequently meeting a buddy in a school yard and getting drunk in the bushes, driving while intoxicated, and appearing at public events while off your nut, then you're definitely an alcoholic.
And to add to what Rob said, if the police are applying for judicial warrants to have Apple turn over Sandro's recordings of you doing your business, then you probably have a problem that goes beyond ordering a pizza and watching a movie.
Colorado's making $10M in tax revenue per month from pot sales. Colorado's population is approximately 5.2M. Canada would probably tax it at 2-3 x's what Colorado does, so that's $70-210M per month plus all the jobs it would create in Canada. I say go for it.

Colorado expects to take in about $184 million in tax revenue from marijuana in the first 18 months after legislation -- and much of that money will be funneled into teaching kids to stay away from pot.
The state's Joint Budget Committee released the report. Marijuana became legal for recreational use in Colorado on New Year's Day.

The committee projects revenue of about $610 million from retail and medical marijuana from Jan. 1 of this year to June 30, 2015, the end of the next fiscal year.
The state has an aggressive taxation policy, taxing marijuana three times during the process -- when it is produced, sold and bought.
As it turns out, the legalization of marijuana is even more popular among consumers than state officials had originally expected. The lines were so long at dispensaries on New Year's Day that some of them ran out of product, while others rationed their supply.
Related video: Pot stores in Denver open for business
The committee released a request to allocate $103.5 million towards the following causes: $45.5 million for the prevention of youth marijuana use; $40.4 million for treatment of substance use; $12.4 million for public health; $1.8 million for regulatory oversight; $3.2 million for law enforcement and public safety; and $200,000 for something called "statewide coordination."
The committee said this allocation of funds "represents a strong yet cautious first step toward ensuring a safe and responsible regulatory environment."
Last week, the federal government gave banks a green light to provide financial services to legal marijuana businesses. Before that, it was an all-cash business. Despite that, marijuana remains illegal in the eyes of the federal government.
Related: Marijuana manufacturing 2.0
Marijuana is legal in Colorado for adults 21 or older. Colorado residents who possess state-issued identification can buy up to one ounce. Out-of-state visitors can buy up to a quarter ounce.
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I really could care less either way. If they do legalize it, it would mean a nice chunk of money from the sales. That would be nice.
I have 1 issue with smokers and I did see it mentioned, the fact the asshats all smoke right at the entrances everywhere. I wonder how long until that would happen with this too.

Right now it is illegal and if you carry the stuff on you or grow it and get shut up and don't whine about it. Same as if i get a speeding ticket, i broke the law and got caught. Some laws don't make sense and not may not like them but that doesn't change the fact that its still the law.
Bugs me when i hear complaining going on when they get caught doing what ever. You took a risk and a chance and you got caught.
You can always fight in court.
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^ "A proof is a proof. What kind of proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof and when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." J.C.
This ad kinda pisses me off.... Used as an attack with the support of all the brainwashing of "If you do drugs or alcohol, you will die" in school. They don't tell us why its bad, they tell us alcohol and cigarettes are safer than marijuana... An answer to this ad - I can imagine marijuana being regulated being sold like cigarettes and alcohol. Age restrictions to buy, tax money going in to our system to better the communities rather than SPENDING money to house all the inmates in jail getting bagged for using/selling/buying/growing marijuana.


Heard it on the radio for the first time today and my first reaction was wtf...?

The ad states "JT is sending the message that recreational drug use is okay". Wtf do they think alcohol and cigarettes are? Vitamins?
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^ "A proof is a proof. What kind of proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof and when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." J.C.


Heard it on the radio for the first time today and my first reaction was wtf...?

The ad states "JT is sending the message that recreational drug use is okay". Wtf do they think alcohol and cigarettes are? Vitamins?

We'll for what is worth Mr. Harper, you have just lost my vote. I knew he thought it was the early 1900's, but holy smokes dude.
This ad kinda pisses me off.... Used as an attack with the support of all the brainwashing of "If you do drugs or alcohol, you will die" in school. They don't tell us why its bad, they tell us alcohol and cigarettes are safer than marijuana... An answer to this ad - I can imagine marijuana being regulated being sold like cigarettes and alcohol. Age restrictions to buy, tax money going in to our system to better the communities rather than SPENDING money to house all the inmates in jail getting bagged for using/selling/buying/growing marijuana.


Heard it on the radio for the first time today and my first reaction was wtf...?

The ad states "JT is sending the message that recreational drug use is okay". Wtf do they think alcohol and cigarettes are? Vitamins?

You aren't the first person I've heard that from. Hopefully you won't be the last because if you are, it means that the electorate really doesn't care about truth.

The stupid thing was on the radio, again, while I was typing that.

The Conservative ad implies that tobacco and alcohol are OK. It implies that Trudeau would set up stalls that sell weed to kids. It implies that the controls on alcohol and tobacco don't work, because they are the same ones that would be used for marijuana. The current state of affairs is that weed it tacitly legal because you seem to have to be a complete moron, or a large scale dealer, in order to be arrested for it. How would that change if it was legalized, then sold through government condoned outlets? Does having alcohol sales be overseen by government result in more alcoholics?

Methinks Harper needs to watch "Trainspotting", then consider that the drugs in it are far worse than weed.
You aren't the first person I've heard that from. Hopefully you won't be the last because if you are, it means that the electorate really doesn't care about truth.

The stupid thing was on the radio, again, while I was typing that.

The Conservative ad implies that tobacco and alcohol are OK. It implies that Trudeau would set up stalls that sell weed to kids. It implies that the controls on alcohol and tobacco don't work, because they are the same ones that would be used for marijuana. The current state of affairs is that weed it tacitly legal because you seem to have to be a complete moron, or a large scale dealer, in order to be arrested for it. How would that change if it was legalized, then sold through government condoned outlets? Does having alcohol sales be overseen by government result in more alcoholics?

Methinks Harper needs to watch "Trainspotting", then consider that the drugs in it are far worse than weed.

Considering Shiny Pony hasn't actually said how he'd go about legalizing weed, none of the "implied" issues you've raised are settled.

I wonder when the Pony will actually come out with a platform that anybody can actually sink their teeth into.

Writing off Harper before such a Lib platform comes out from Canada's Obama is just as stupid as getting in a knot about the Con's silly attack ad......
Considering Shiny Pony hasn't actually said how he'd go about legalizing weed, none of the "implied" issues you've raised are settled.

I wonder when the Pony will actually come out with a platform that anybody can actually sink their teeth into.

Writing off Harper before such a Lib platform comes out from Canada's Obama is just as stupid as getting in a knot about the Con's silly attack ad......

And yet Harper el ali feel that they are competent to comment on an undisclosed issue, during a non campaign. Do you not see the idiocy?

I had written Harper off long ago, over other issues. This is just the icing on the cake.
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