To be masked or not to be masked

Not everyone over 60 has a peanut allergy…so the analogy falls pretty flat.
It does indeed...
But yet look at public schools.
If one child has a severe peanut allergy that may lead to death, all peanut based food items are removed from the school, and parents are banned from sending their children to school with PB&J sandwiches etc. I would say 99% of the parents are "OK, we'll do this so 'Little Billy Suzy Boy/Girl' doesn't die."

I fail to see the difference with people masking up and getting shots etc.
But, that could very well be my own failing there...
No, but more than 96.8% of COVID deaths were people aged 60+ in the chart I presented & referenced.
Being Canadian we look to the government to protect us like it or not.
There doesn't appear to be much time, money or effort being spent to protect these people that are most vulnerable.
I think that's because too many freedumbers were scared to roll up their sleeve and do the right thing.
I wonder why the packaging says “may not be nut free, etc”

Small minority…should be able to research this stuff themselves. Why do I have to pay more for packaging that doesn’t apply to me.
How is the govt mandating compulsory food labeling the same as banning peanuts all together?
Mixed emotions on the school peanut ban.

1) Peanut butter is a cheap half decent food source, vegan etc. Keeps well in summer unlike tuna salad.

2) Allergies are on the increase and I don't know if anyone really knows why

3) Does nanny stating a kid make them assumptive when they are out of school and there are no restrictions on the surroundings?

4) What gets a product on the list and how many have to sign a petition

5) A mother / grandmother can't even send homemade cookies in a kids lunch. They have to be factory sealed and from a nut free facility.

I wouldn't want anyone to die because my peanut butter smeared on something they might touch. However there is a limit to the things I must stop using because of someone else's problem.
@nobbie48 it's even worse policing it as a teacher...I have a child with nut allergies in my class, and he has to have his EpiPen with him wherever we go...I also carry a spare just in case, God forbid, he has an allergic reaction...I can't tell you the number of times I've had to send a snack back home because the packaging actually said "may contain peanuts/nuts", even after sending an email to parents advising them of the no peanut/nut policy...
Lol and one wonders why the younger generation is so soft, wowzer.

i remember the look on a young female colleagues face when i told her growing up my mom told me to "get out of the house and don't come back home until the street lights turn on". She was like "but it's so dangerous".

This may not end well…I know quite a few people off work now because their kids passed COVID on to them.
Kids who were required to wear masks at school, I'll bet.
I wear a cloth mask so that I don't have to argue with stupid people.

If I was going into what I would consider a high-risk area, I'd be wearing an N95.
That's always been the problem ...with so many unvaxxed kids as a pool for a very infectious virus it's almost impossible to avoid.
Masks were lifted this week in this area in Cairns and I wore mine in the grocery store... staff were unmasked and a mix of masks and not for shoppers.
Still disinfecting the cart handles ... really want to avoid it.

Very good read on the varied outcomes of covid and other infectious diseases..

Why Do Some People Never Get Covid?
March 8, 2022

Apparently some kids are so allergic to peanuts , touching a doorknob that another kids that had it on his hands can leave a large enough sample to give kid B a reaction.
We have an acquaintance with nut allergies and were there when he reacted to sesame seeds , nobody knew certain seeds are a problem.
My kids both survived the peanut ban, you can work around it if you want to.

My dislike is the militant approach of the anti moms and the sweeping bans, but I may feel differently if it was my kid.

I’m guessing since this ban has been in place for 20yrs now, yes crazy, and we still have teachers marshalling lunch and sending home snacks , we would have a lot more classroom problems without the ban

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Peanut allergy here, too.

As far as the declaration by the politicians that the pandemic is over ... keep an eye on wastewater signals.
My attitude with this starts off a bit like Ford's. "I'm done with this".

However I'm referring to the B.S. from the small percent of the population that are medical welfare bums drinking the internet Koolaid. "I'm done with you."

You want the medical services but don't want to participate in any positive input like wearing a mask or getting vaccinated. IMO that's the same as a person that doesn't want to work but wants a house, food and entertainment. "I'm done with you."

If you chose a business that didn't cater to the immediate necessities of life and your gym, restaurant or party palace is closed, too F****** bad. It was your choice. You pushed for earlier openings, the most minimal of standards. "I'm done with you."

We're looking at endemic now but I haven't heard the economic forecast. If you buy a new car you know that in four or five years you'll need a brake job. A grand or two for a Chevy but add a zero if you buy a Ferrari or Rolls. What will our OHIP tab look like in four or five years if we have to keep ICUs open for things other than Covid?

Things like heart attacks, motorcycle crashes, cancer, hip and knee surgery.

Maybe we should build specialized hospitals for respiratory conditions. The clientele will be largely anti vaxxers and smokers. Other ailments will be treated in general hospitals.

Maybe it's about time OHIP was more open with their costs. At an annual check-up I asked my doctor what the total bill to OHIP would be and he didn't know.

Maybe our pay stubs should have a breakdown on taxes.

Gross pay $XXXX

General OHIP tax $YYY

Covid OHIP tax $ZZZ

Education tax $RRR

Maybe then the general population would wake up to the fact that we DON'T have free medical care and the preventable stuff is costing us a disproportional amount.

"I'm done with this."
That's not the metric that really matters, the hospitalized/death metric is the one to watch.

that's a late lagging indicator. by the time we see rise in those, it's too late.
wastewater data will let us know a bit before we start to see rise in hospitalizations and deaths.

but will anything preventative be done? i doubt it.
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