TMP long weekend Sept 1,2,3 & intro school

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Yep, that's the guy! Great news is, I get to test out my new suspension right away!! lol.

Just to clarify, Donald from Platinum was at TMP and set up my suspension, and said my rear shock wasn't doing anything at all.

I googled for Elka shocks and John's name kept coming up over and over so I sent him an e-mail and he replied to me 30 seconds later from his blackberry :)

So, John is going to get me all fixed up :D

Can't wait!!

And a random pic of the girl that crashed, well, the hole in her frame anyway :(


-Jamie M.

Ok just when I didn't think someone who could have amnesia of what its like to crash. Mr. Jamie ie. toysareforboys.... yes you. I don't know you from a hole in the wall, but judging by the looks of you, you've got some balls.
One: you have seemed to forget what its like to crash. Why might I have said that? Geez, you did not ask me once on my well being. Rather you and your girlfriend, decided to gawk at my bike just like the rest of the 10+ people.
Two: Again... I don't know who you are. Rather then ask me again on my well being, you decided to tell me that your girlfriend has video footage of my crash and if I want to I'll get it from you. Later on somewhere on this forum, you mention that "UNFORTUNATELY" you don't have any footage of my crash because I'm too far away in the distance. Geez, lets analyze this. You have NO FOOTAGE because I passed you guys like 3 turns back, thus you were too far away because lets just say nicely I dusted you guys. Honestly, before you say something like this especially to a person who JUST CRASHED, get your facts straight. Make sure you actually have some footage before making a bold statement like that. You know, I thought I'd point out the obvious.
Three: "Oh lets take some pictures guys"... yes thats what you and I don't know how many other people decided to do. They took out their cameras and took pictures. Again, none of you whom I really know except for those who know who you are. Are doing this. That's disgusting. Then on top of that, here I am just staring at my baby... ya'll are saying **** about my bike. And shortly afterwards I decided to kick ya'll out becuase none of you happened to give me vital information on my bike. So you have recall me saying, "If none of you are going to be my mechanic or help me out in any other way, just get away from my bike." Seems like my comment hasn't stuck in your heads. Why? Because you are talking about it here. And you toyareforboys even post a picture. Like WTF? You seriously want to talk about me, but don't know me. So let me tell you stop talking about me. I'll even give you an oppertunity to talk to my face on Sept 9/12 if you decided to go with Riders Choice track day. Keep talking ****, because thats what you seem to do, even though you don't know me. At least the other people who don't know me may have refered to me as "the girl who unfortunately crashed that day". Yes, its unfortunate, and I know why I crashed. I looked at my tires, they told a story that I pretty much had a hunch on, when I play back the incident over in my head. My mishap isn't for entertainment, so seriously go stuff it. I'm upset because I can't ride, and this just puts more salt into the wound. I'm sore all over and this is just unecessary. So grow some balls if you have any and say it to my face instead. You clearly are not making a good impression on me. And you too, Xtina, the gf who's acting like an insurance company rep... thanks for you suggestions of your excellent assessment skills in judging that my bike is a write off, even in the eyes of the insurance company. Seriously, bite your lip and stop before you proceede to go any further. If you decide to reply, just remember I'm not on this site that often, so don't accept my lack of response as defeat. I'm sure you'll have plently of oppertunities to share you opinions about me once you see me. Am I ******, you bet, you don't talk like this about someone whom you don't know. So thank you very much.
As previously mentioned in that southwood gongshow media fest thread, really ppl shouldnt post pictures about others mis-fortunes without permission first.

Riders etiquette a thing of the past.

Angel girl hope ya feeling better.

P.S i like your cut of your jib.
Wow ok. Welcome to GTAM where everything and anyone is game. You are taking this way too seriously. First off I asked if you were ok but you said nothing. Jamie never took the picture and yes he posted it but he does that ****. I wouldn't go on saying you "nicely dusted you guys" since you dumped it a couple corners later and from what it was told you nearly lost it a few times. I'm no expert but I at least ride within my abilities. That and you stuffed me in the corner at least a couple of times regardless of the fact I was wearing the yellow "X". Also maybe you shouldn't ***** at the organizers of the event and then ask them for help.
Your bike just needs a new frame and potentially a rad, which I mentioned to you but again you ignored. I just said it was totaled because some one posted earlier it was just a bend in the frame. I was clarifying it to them. You had an air of arrogance from the first time I talked to you. And I see I was right. I also know what it's like to crash and mine was splashed all over here too, come to think of it I think it was one of the longest threads ever. And also you seem to forget that we were not the only two gathered around.
Sucks you lost your street bike but that's the gamble you take at the track.

How much are you parting out the Yosh system for?
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Wow ok. Welcome to GTAM where everything and anyone is game. You are taking this way too seriously. First off I asked if you were ok but you said nothing. Jamie never took the picture and yes he posted it but he does that ****. I wouldn't go on saying you "nicely dusted you guys" since you dumped it a couple corners later and from what it was told you nearly lost it a few times. I'm no expert but I at least ride within my abilities. That and you stuffed me in the corner at least a couple of times regardless of the fact I was wearing the yellow "X". Also maybe you shouldn't ***** at the organizers of the event and then ask them for help.
Your bike just needs a new frame and potentially a rad, which I mentioned to you but again you ignored. I just said it was totaled because some one posted earlier it was just a bend in the frame. I was clarifying it to them. You had an air of arrogance from the first time I talked to you. And I see I was right. I also know what it's like to crash and mine was splashed all over here too, come to think of it I think it was one of the longest threads ever. And also you seem to forget that we were not the only two gathered around.
Sucks you lost your street bike but that's the gamble you take at the track.

Wow, it doesn't take long for you to reply. Arrogance, don't even begin there. Because you complimenting me on my bike's headers and me not registering to what you are referring to, makes me arrogant? Thats the only conversation that I had with you, so you actually are the one who's quick to judge, not I. If you actually had some brains, and you looked at the video of myself, I did look behind me and did not hesistate to allow the person on gopro (Mike) to pass without hesitation. That I believe, is all I have to mention about my riding etiquette.

Riding within my abilities is what I've been doing all along. I know why I crashed, it wasn't because I was pushing myself. I did no such thing as stuff you, instead you passed you safely. Heck if I scared you, why didn't you mention that to me, and I would take better consideration of my passes of you in the future. That's how I roll. But instead you know what kind of person you really are on here.

What is this you are mentioning about me talking about the organizers? I'm confused.

OH now you are diagnosing my bike even more? Tell me, are you a certified mechanic? Because mine happens to be a very well respected one, so please show me your credentials and I'll be happy to hire you. Not only that, my bike hasn't been to a shop yet, so I don't fully know exactly whats wrong with everything yet. But thanks again... for the rad suggestion, I'll keep that in mind.
Geez, you did not ask me once on my well being.
You seemed to be there with someone you knew. The staff at the track checked you out. I don't know you at all, and have absolutely zero medical training. I'm sure you had been asked it 20 times by the time I got there "how are you doing?", so I didn't feel the need to be repetitive or annoy you.

Her gopro has no LCD screen, this was 5 mins after your crash, how was I supposed to review the video by then? My GF said she was behind you when you crashed, and had her gopro going. I told you my GF was behind you with her gopro, and would make the crash video available to you if you wanted it. After getting home from the track day and reviewing the video it was obvious after you stuffing her three corners earlier, that you were too far ahead for her camera to capture your crash with any detail.

My bike needs a new rear shock before I visit TMP again, and I hope to be there on Sept 20th. I hope you and your bike are all healed up by then. I'll have no yellow X on my back then, so feel free to stuff me in the corners.

-Jamie M.
As previously mentioned in that southwood gongshow media fest thread, really ppl shouldnt post pictures about others mis-fortunes without permission first.

Riders etiquette a thing of the past.

Angel girl hope ya feeling better.

P.S i like your cut of your jib.

Thank you, it seems I made a big stink because its my **** on here for entertainment for a few shall I say un-nice people. I have no problems dealing with them face to face. But you know what its like, people love to hide behind a computer more instead of dealing with it face to face. Xtina... when you asked if I was ok, if that even happened. Me not replying did not mean I was arrogant... rather in shock. Opps Sorry I forgot, you took that to offence, when here I am standing in front of my bike.... pain shooting up and down my body and adrenaline going through my veins. I do not need to explain myself any further
Wow, it doesn't take long for you to reply. Arrogance, don't even begin there. Because you complimenting me on my bike's headers and me not registering to what you are referring to, makes me arrogant? Thats the only conversation that I had with you, so you actually are the one who's quick to judge, not I. If you actually had some brains, and you looked at the video of myself, I did look behind me and did not hesistate to allow the person on gopro (Mike) to pass without hesitation. That I believe, is all I have to mention about my riding etiquette.

Riding within my abilities is what I've been doing all along. I know why I crashed, it wasn't because I was pushing myself. I did no such thing as stuff you, instead you passed you safely. Heck if I scared you, why didn't you mention that to me, and I would take better consideration of my passes of you in the future. That's how I roll. But instead you know what kind of person you really are on here.

What is this you are mentioning about me talking about the organizers? I'm confused.

OH now you are diagnosing my bike even more? Tell me, are you a certified mechanic? Because mine happens to be a very well respected one, so please show me your credentials and I'll be happy to hire you. Not only that, my bike hasn't been to a shop yet, so I don't fully know exactly whats wrong with everything yet. But thanks again... for the rad suggestion, I'll keep that in mind.

I never said that not knowing about your headers made you arrogant or the fact that you didn't respond to me asking if you were ok. I'm talking about the need to show off by saying you "nicely dusted us". Seems like a lot of bragging going on for someone that went down due to her own lack of judgment on the status of her tires. That fact you don't remember stuffing me just goes to show you have no idea you even did it. Maybe had you listened during the riders meeting you would have known no passing on the corners. You did not scare me, more so piss me off that you don't respect the rules. It was on no video so I unfortunately cannot show you. I am a very pleasant person as anyone on here can attest to, you just rub me the wrong way. The fact that you had to go back to tech 3 times cuz you couldn't prepare your bike properly then ask them to hold your bike when you want to go to the washroom.
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As previously mentioned in that southwood gongshow media fest thread, really ppl shouldnt post pictures about others mis-fortunes without permission first.

Riders etiquette a thing of the past.

Angel girl hope ya feeling better.

P.S i like your cut of your jib.

Not very angelic though. Is it?

TAFB has previous for posting crash pics of complete strangers. He also has previous for being, well let's say "less than sensetive about others", probably because he doesn't seem to care about himself or his own. I'd say that Angel Girl happened across a less than likeable person and his girlfriend just at a time when she was feeling a bit fragile. But she's also being a bit over sensitive imo. If she hadn't have chirped up on here then no one would have been any the wiser as to who crashed. Now everyone knows at least her internet personna, if no the real person. And now we'l get another slagging match, which, let's face it, seems to be what TAFB lives for. Any publicity etc etc etc................

I'm off to bed. I don't like popcorn anyway.
lmao. I was thinking the same thing too.
I'm 99.7% sure that was a joke, because she commented to Angel "her headers were ok" after the crash.

-Jamie M.
lmao. I was thinking the same thing too.

I thought that was a killer blow tbh. Like having the Undertaker bodyslam you and then cream you with one of those fake plastic chairs.
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