TMP long weekend Sept 1,2,3 & intro school

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I thought that was a killer blow tbh. Like having the Undertaker bodyslam you and then cream you with one of those fake plastic chairs.

-Jamie M.
. That fact you don't remember stuffing me just goes to show you have no idea you even did it.
- That's your interpretation.

It was on no video so I unfortunately cannot show you.


The fact that you had to go back to tech 3 times cuz you couldn't prepare your bike properly then ask them to hold your bike when you want to go to the washroom.

- Get your facts straight, and actually talk to the tech guy and instructor before saying anything else. You clearly want to be in on the "details of my life" moments. Something so small and frivolous, but yet means a lot to you. Why? Because deep down inside you want, or at one point wanted to be my friend. Yes great impression you've made on me. That is all.
- Get your facts straight, and actually talk to the tech guy and instructor before saying anything else. You clearly want to be in on the "details of my life" moments. Something so small and frivolous, but yet means a lot to you. Why? Because deep down inside you want, or at one point wanted to be my friend. Yes great impression you've made on me. That is all.
How do you know I didn't talk to one of the guys, he brought it up not me. I pitted right beside tech inspect so forgive me for overhearing your conversation.
And just because I didn't get it on video doesn't mean it didn't happen and due to your response you could care less about putting others in danger. I clearly remember taking corner two and having to take a wider line due to the fact that a girl in a black and lime green Dainese suit cut in right at the last minute. It's not interpretation it's fact.
I honestly hope to never see you at one of my track days again, not because I'm not afraid to confront you but because you seem to have a disregard for the rules and seem more intent on "winning the track day".
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Wow. Angel girl - grow a thicker skin, or life is going to be very hard for you. TAFB and XTina are not perfect people... and neither are you.

Oh, and don't bother lecturing me, I've written off a street bike and thrown motocross bikes into a dumpster after a big crash. I know at least as well as you do what it's like to crash and the consequences. Nobody put a gun to your head and made you ride the way you rode on that track, on that day. Soak it up, because the water's warm.

Edit: I had to add one thing... so you dusted (your word) a new/ish trackday rider and a guy that was on his first track day ever, then you immediately crashed. Genius. I'd definitely go on the internet and make sure everyone knew you dusted some newbies before you crashed - everyone will definitely know how cool you were, before you... you know... crashed.
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And regardless who comes out on top of this argument, i'm betting both sides had more friends at the beginning then they do now.

Angel we were all sorry to see you go down, really sucks about the bike but thats the nature of the hobby. I've fallen down every friggin weekend i've been out this year and have received a few jabs for it, it stings, but then sooner or later the person throwing the jab falls down and you get to giggle right back at them.
Posting without permission but I don't think anyone will mind... Image is AngelGirl around corner 6

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Ok, now i see whats going on. I dont want to get caught up in this but i did take puctures aftrr your crash, but i just thought (for sone reason in my own petite mind lol) that you would like to see them. If someone caught me going down (no pun intended) and had a ton of pics i would love to see them :). So i was just tryibg to be kind. My apologies if it came off the wrong way. I also came up to you and your bike bet left shortly after. I asked Kyle or one of your friends if you were ok as well ... So i hope there is no hard feelings as i was not meaning to offend.

P.S. Why ride in green when your skill is greater? You looked great out there fron what i remember :)
after reading this thread all i can say is most of you should stay on the street, cause you don't belong on the track. Complaning about being stuffed in corners. Cry me a river . It's the track this is what happen's, try Racing and you will have 20 guys trying to use you for traction.
"toyareforboys" you should have no opion or edvise to give anybody. like what 2 months ago you were walking around boritoboys telling everybody you could flash there ecu and tune there bikes like you were scott miller or something.
Trust me to those of us who know you are a joke and clueless.Let me guess you and you're girls (very cute btw) have been in the sport for what like 2 seconds.

just my 2 cents

Who's Angel Girl? I want to party with that chick!

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after reading this thread all i can say is most of you should stay on the street, cause you don't belong on the track. Complaning about being stuffed in corners. Cry me a river . It's the track this is what happen's, try Racing and you will have 20 guys trying to use you for traction.
"toyareforboys" you should have no opion or edvise to give anybody. like what 2 months ago you were walking around boritoboys telling everybody you could flash there ecu and tune there bikes like you were scott miller or something.
Trust me to those of us who know you are a joke and clueless.Let me guess you and you're girls (very cute btw) have been in the sport for what like 2 seconds.

just my 2 cents

Except that it's not a race but a green group TD! I've had idiots do dangerous passes on me in green and it was because the guy infront of me was slow and I was being safe and passing where it was safe, not "stuffing" anyone.
lol, she sounds pretty frisky doesn't she lol.
So we've got friendly foe that's teaching everyone how to hang off their bike,although he crashes every time he goes out, Xtina who wants to make new girlfriends at the track and gets snubbed for it, angel girl who I'm guessing is a bit more of a devil than an angel, Yamaha gurl on a kawi who is just stirring the pot, and few other wankers tripping over each other here and on-track. If there's any more going down or stuffing or anything of the sort -- I NEED pics/video!
Forget jersey shore , this shitte is real live!
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